Serving on the Parochial Church Council

Parochial Church Council

Serving on the PCC carries many responsibilities. As a PCC member you are in the position of a charity trustee.  Your responsibilities do not simply relate to the building and the activities of the parish, but also involve a commitment to ensuring compliance with the legal obligations of St Michael’s in areas such as health & safety and the safeguarding of young people and vulnerable adults.  To this end it is essential that members are prepared to undertake relevant training for the role. 

In the area of safeguarding, all members of the PCC must have a ‘DBS’ (Disclosure and Barring Service) check, plus they also must undertake a basic level of safeguarding training.  This is available on line. It may seem unnecessary to those who have been part of the parish for a long time, but it ought to be seen in the context of our legal and moral duty to maintain an environment which is safe for all who worship here and share in the life of the church.

Members are elected to the PCC at the APCM. The usual term of office is three years.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

 There are actually two meetings:

Firstly we have the Meeting of Parishioners, which exists solely for the purpose of electing churchwardens.

Straight after we move into the APCM, at which members are elected to serve on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and Deanery Synod. The meeting also receives a report of the proceedings of the PCC and the annual accounts. Questions may also be asked about matters affecting the life of the parish, but to take part in these meetings you must be on the electoral roll.

Many thanks, Andy