The Mothers' Union Prayer
Loving Lord.
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers' Union as we seek
to share your love through the encouragement,
strengthening support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in
prayer and worship, and in love and service reach
out as your hands across the world.
In Jesus' name.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who gave marriage
to be a source of blessing, we thank you for family life,
with all its joys and sorrows.
May we know your presence and peace in our homes,
fill them with your love and use them to your glory.
Bless all who are married and every parent and child.
Pour out upon us your Holy Spirit, that we may truly love
and serve you.
Bless the members of the Mothers' Union throughout
the world, unite us in prayer and worship, in love and
service, that, strengthened by your grace, we may seek
to do your will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord.>