30th MARCH 2011 PRESS RELEASE: Kingston's first ever plastic-bag-free zone "a great success"

Traders in Kingston's first ever plastic-bag-free zone, Old London Road, were pleased with the response of shoppers to their Paint the Town Green initiative. Businesses gave away over 1500 long-life bags in March and saved the money they usually have to spend on plastic carrier bags – and shoppers loved the stylish, lightweight Greener Upon Thames bags they were given.

Traders along Old London Road noticed that shoppers were using the long-life bags and hope that they will continue to do so – as not only does that reduce their costs, but it also helps the environment, decreasing local litter and the wider effects of plastic pollution on rivers, oceans and wildlife.

Chair of Old London Road Traders Association Mark Field says: "We were very happy to support this green initiative in March – and a big thank you to all the Old London Road businesses that joined in to make this possible." 

Marilyn Mason, co-ordinator of Greener Kingston, says: "It's good news that so many long-life bags have now gone into circulation, thanks to the efforts of Old London Road businesses. Let's hope that shoppers will remember to use them, that some of these shops will go on encouraging shoppers to bring their own bags - and that many others will follow their excellent example."


Feb/March 2011 press release

Kingston's first ever plastic-bag-free zone will be launched on March 1st as Old London Road businesses give up wasteful polluting plastic bags for this year's Paint the Town Green month.

Traders along Old London Road hope that shoppers will help them to help the environment by bringing their own shopping bags, and they will also have Greener Upon Thames bags-for-life to give away to shoppers who forget. The entrance to Old London Road will be decorated with green ribbons, provided by Old London Road shop Fabricland, to symbolise the street's month-long commitment to environmental activities, and an empty shop window along the road will display information about the plastic-bag-free month.




 Traders and shoppers show off their long-life bags

Chair of Old London Road Traders Association Mark Field (left at the back in the photo) says: "We're very happy to support this plastic-bag-free initiative in March – and a big thank you to all the Old London Road businesses that have joined in to make this possible."

Marilyn Mason, co-ordinator of Greener Kingston (on the right of the photo), expressed delight at a group of businesses taking on this green challenge: "Even one street of shops avoiding plastic bags for one month makes a worthwhile reduction to litter and plastic pollution – I hope that some of these shops will continue after March and that others will follow their excellent example."


Photo opportunity, Wednesday 2nd March at 2.00pm under the Old London Road arch by the falling phone boxes. Local press and photographers welcome to come along, take photos, and meet some traders and Greener Upon Thames campaigners.

Mark Field, Chair of Old London Road Traders Association can be contacted at londonroadvta@virginmedia.com or 07788 44 74 28.

Marilyn Mason of Greener Kingston / Greener Upon Thames can be contacted at info@greenerkingston.org.uk or 020 8546 4086.

More news and information about plastic bag problems and solutions on this website.