A range of religious and non-religious philosophies and perspectives on environmental issues:

World Religions in Education XXXI,  2008/09, Religion and the environment
Perspectives from Bahá’í, Buddhist, Catholic, Orthodox Christian, Humanist, Islamic, Jain, Jewish, Pagans, Sikh, Zoroastrian... writers. Produced by the Shap group for the educational sector.                  

Quakers on climate & economic justice
“Quakers advocate for just economics systems that sustain people and the planet. We face interconnected challenges: extreme inequality and environmental destruction. Both are caused by an economic system founded on exploitation of people and of the earth. Quakers in Britain are working to challenge this system and advocate for economic values rooted in equality, justice and sustainability. 

Laudato Si' encyclical from Pope Francis
“Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si' remains a profound invitation to everyone on the planet to care for our common home.”

Why Humanist Climate Action? by Richard Norman, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy
Humanist Climate Action
A Humanist Perspective on Environmental issues 

Church of England Environment Programme
“We believe that responding to the climate crisis is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God's creation and achieve a just world. Climate change hits hardest the poorest countries and poorest people of the world. Meantime, the widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation.”

Islamic Declaration on Climate Change
“Islam’s teachings, which emphasize the duty of humans as stewards of the Earth and the teacher’s role as an appointed guide to correct behavior, provide guidance to take the right action on climate change.”               

Everyday Philosophy
Philosopher Nigel Warburton’s column in New European, with occasional eco-topics

Rupert Read, philosopher and environmental activist
“My website contains a collection of my thoughts in these areas. My writings and media appearances address an eclectic mix of issues around the climate and ecological emergencies, and how we ought to respond to them.”