Time to Pressure the Council

Thank you to everyone who signed the petition to try and stop the Council from planning to build 35 properties on Peel Moat Open Space and the playground area. The petition is just short of 500 signatures as of today.

Starting this year there is a Council Planning Review which is the only time the changes we have asked for can be made by the Council and for the site to be designated a Local Green Space.

Below is a link to a template which can be used to send a letter or email to Stockport Council, our local MP and/or the newly elected Mayor of Greater Manchester setting out the reasons why we want the site to no longer be designated developable and to be designated a Local Green Space. 

If you feel strongly about stopping the site being developed FoPMOS would appreciate it if you could get in touch with the council and others to ensure the voice of the local community is heard. 

Template Letter to the Council