Please Sign Our Petition!

An online petition on the Stockport Council website has now been set up at the following link:


View your ePetition


The aim of the petition is show sufficient support for Stockport Council to commence their plan for the site, incorporating the Friends of Peel Moat Open Space proposal which is  focused on planting and rewilding the site in line with the SMBC Plan 2023-2024, One Stockport 2023, Rewilding Stockport project, Stockport CAN, SE Sustainability Policy, and providing a broad based and inclusive outdoor exercise and recreation space available free to access to the community 24/7.

It is proposed the existing tarmac path is retained and developed as a jogging/running track and outdoor exercise machines and basketball hoops are situated on the widest part of the track. In cooperation with St Thomas Primary the site would also include an outdoor education area, incorporating a community orchard, and be available to local schools.

Anyone can sign this petition, so please pass on to anyone who you think will be interested in this issue.