Friends of Landport Bottom is an open, independent forum, formed in 2014, for anyone who values Landport Bottom - an area of Council owned chalk downland and woods near Lewes in Sussex which includes part of the site of the Battle of Lewes (1264).

 Our mission is: 

  • To share and communicate information concerning the area.
  • To be given prior notice of any planned work or changes so as to be able to furnish a response to them.
  • To provide a conduit to the Council by having a voice, and playing a collaborative role decision-making about the way Landport Bottom is managed.
  • To work with and support local Council rangers to help ensure that Landport Bottom continues to provide a resource for local people as well as a haven for wildlife.
  • To celebrate and protect the area
  • To utilise the skills, resources, and knowledge of members to further good fellowship amongst the community of people who enjoy Landport Bottom, and the well-being of the natural environment.
  • To preserve and enhance public access to Landport Bottom.

We don't at present have any formal structure, but we hold regular meetings every second Monday of every fourth month, to which everyone is welcome. If you would like to join our email list, please click here. And we also have a Facebook page.