Marione + Stu + Emmanuella + Mattan + Danny + Lynzy + Luis + Christopher + Harry + Joe + Ireland + stop ECT +


















Harry + Joe


Our rights are under threat

What it's like to experience destitution


Most wanted



World health organisation + UN commit to zero psychiatric coercion


🇮🇪 How Ireland transformed democracy


In diversity there is beauty and strength

Maya Angelou


poverty + health


The scale of the problem - Yarmouth


Medical gaslighting: when conditions turn out not to be ‘all in the mind’


Social Movements and NGOs: Can They Get Along?

The garden as refuge: The restorative power of green spaces and nature


There’s this misconception that anarchism means chaos

But the term means ‘without rulers.’

We don’t expect people to organize for us

We organize for ourselves.”

Jen Angel


Lake Alice Psychiatric hospital

Can anyone defend this ?

Yet Electro Convulsive Treatment is still done worldwide + in the UK

Why do people turn a “blind” eye + say they can do nothing ?

Does that makes them complicit in the crime?



Lucy Letby: Police urged to investigate hospital bosses for corporate manslaughter




We have made a petition – it has five supporters

The wording was not approved – so we have agreed amended wording – the UK petition is now published


Electro convulsive treatment appears to be banned in some parts of Australia


There is an international petition which has got over 133 000 signatures

Our petition –
original wording

Ban Electro convulsive treatment which is a sexist practice + causes great harm


Electro convulsive treatment is a human rights abuse + must stop now


Campaign Against ECT Gains Traction in UK

MPs call for ban on electric shocks as mental health treatment

In the Courts, a Partial Win for Informed Consent and ECT Justice

Sue Cunliffe


Am I invisible ?

Why are we stuck in hospital ?

Nobody listened to me


Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: latest data

'Barbaric': Hundreds with learning disabilities kept locked up for years

Problem linked to local councils + housing? - Wendy


Dispatches : hospital undercover Are they safe?



We have published the latest data set showing human rights abuse within the Mental Health system – please see below + the website for further details


Revealed: Housing associations urged ministers to let them increase rents

community land trust – housing affordable

Healthy foundations: integrating housing as part of the mental health pathway


community powered NHS – animation

Insane trade


The real Tragedy of the Commons

We can reset the paradigm

We can move away from hyper-individualised accounts of people 'out for themselves' and work on creating the societal conditions for a community led approach

including Tolworth


The story of broke

First they came for…

Thank you EHRC

A community-powered NHS: making prevention a reality


time for Community power act

LBRUT should follow Hartlepool’s lead?


Camden Health + care citizen’s assembly

LBRUT should follow Camden’s lead?


Achieving food security through land reform


A future for all of us …

People power – love not hate

Human rights


Learning from other countries – energy


NHS paying £2bn a year to private hospitals for mental health patients

We could do so much with that money – Wendy


open dialogue


Inquiry investigates deaths of 1,500 NHS mental health patients in Essex

Not just Essex? - Wendy




Where we are born into privilege, we are charged with dismantling any myth of supremacy.

Where we are born into struggle, we are charged with reclaiming our dignity, joy and liberation.”

Adrienne Maree Brown


Why solidarity matters

Solidarity does not assume that our struggles are the same struggles, or that our pain is the same pain, or that our hope is for the same future.

Solidarity requires commitment, and work, as well as the recognition that even if we do not have the same feelings, or the same lives, or the same bodies, we do live on common ground”

Sara Ahmed


5 steps to a Green New Deal

Can randomly selected citizens govern better than elected officials

The law in 60 seconds – legal aid for inquests video

Hillsborough law – duty of candour - would this help with our Freedom of information requests


Cannabis, ketamine and speed to be decriminalised in London by Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan’s call to introduce rent freezes in London is growing after the mayor called for the bold policy proposal once more to help Londoners


A shorter working week for Europe


Children imprisoned on remand – the stark reality of racial bias


Combatting Structural Racism and Classism in Psychiatry: An Interview with Helena Hansen

Suman Fernando’s book Institutional racism in psychiatry + clinical psychology

Mental Health Act reform: race and ethnic inequalities

How Western Psychology Can Rip Indigenous Families Apart: An Interview with Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn


People deprived of liberty due to misapplication of Mental Health + Capacity Acts


As a result of the Bournewood case the Mental capacity act came into being

The mental capacity act

Assume capacity

Best interest

Least restrictive

People can make what others would consider unwise decisions

Supported decision making

Capacity can easily be assessed

Can someone make a decision

Can they communicate the decision (not necessarily verbally)

Can they remember the decision



Restraint, segregation and seclusion review: progress report

Out of sight- who cares

Half of people with a learning disability and autistic people reluctant to provide feedback on care


The authority gap: why women still aren’t taken seriously

Women disproportionately affected by soaring Mental Health Act detentions

Pathologized Since Eve: Jessica Taylor on Women, Trauma, and “Sexy but Psycho”


Report Finds Monitoring of Electroshock Treatment Unsafe

New Study Finds ECT Ineffective for Reducing Suicide Risk

We can STOP ECT with lasting power of attorney


A straight-talking introduction to Psychiatric drugs – the truth about how they work + how to come off them – Joanna Moncrieff

Provide Tapering Strips for People Who Want to Withdraw Safely from Psychotropic Drugs

Tapering strips

NICE Guideline Update Acknowledges Severe Antidepressant Withdrawal

Withdraw antidepressants gradually, says NICE draft guidance


NHS statistics show continuing rise in antidepressant prescribing

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions

How universal basic income can tackle anxiety + depression

Long-term antipsychotic use linked to breast cancer

Government review finds 10% of drugs dispensed in England are pointless

Sedated, How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis - James Davies +

CRACKED – why psychiatry is doing more harm than good

Coronavirus and depression in adults, Great Britain: January to March 2021


Almost 4 in 10 adults earning less than £10,000 a year experienced depressive symptom compared with around 1 in 10 earning £50,000 or more”

The data shows what we know to be true: struggling with your mental health doesn’t happen in a vacuum.


Why not Diagnose Social Conditions Instead of Individual Symptoms

Council of Europe Releases Report to Promote Voluntary Mental Health Treatment

The WHO Calls for Radical Change in Global Mental Health


Strength based approach

Emotional CPR: Heart-Centered Peer Support

Website – Emotional CPR


How do we pay for a basic income


Welsh basic income pilot has been published

In a statement from Jane Hutt, Minister for Social Justice

The pilot will be targeted at care leavers

All young people leaving care that turn 18 over a 12-month period starting this summer will be invited to participate

That is expected to be about 500 people

Participants will receive the payments for 24 months starting from the month after their 18th birthday

A £1,600 a month basic income will be paid each month


Extending Welsh Universal basic income pilot to heavy industrial workers




A friend – walking for health

Thrive gardening charity

Castelnau Community Centre

Oliver Sacks

Suicide + co

Twickenham repair cafe – 3rd Saturday of each month 10:30 to 13:30

Together as one

Battersea Befriending Network

Ways to save money on bills

A life more wild

Ricky Reel

Disability student allowance

Pat Deegan

BBC radio 4 Is psychiatry working?

well-being courses at Kingston Adult Education

Lost souls poetry

A disorder 4 everyone

bipolar UK – Twickenham group

The power of now


£1 Concession Tickets for Kew Gardens

As part of their new 10-year strategy, Kew Gardens is committed to ensuring that cost is not a barrier to accessing their gardens in both Kew and Wakehurst.

They have introduced a new admission price of £1 for anyone on Universal Credit, Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).

Visitors just need to present proof of their benefit on arrival to be eligible for the new concessionary ticket

Marble Hill House – FREE



SPEAR – St.Mungo – CDARS – We are with you – MIND – CAB - DWP

every Thursday 11am-1pm

Richmond library annex

quadrant road





Wild Mind Project

FREE wellbeing support for the young LGBTQ community (age 11 to 25) in nature 🏳️‍🌈

FREE wellbeing support for the young LGBTQ community and young people with mild to moderate learning disabilities

Good Climate News from Good Energy

Your gardening update from the RHS

How you can help birds and other wildlife now

Latest news from CAT 🍂


Transforming ordinary objects into gardening magic

Go behind the scenes at Conwy Suspension Bridge

Your gardening update from the RHS

Choose your Picture for December!

How to attract more birds to your garden

Your Grow Your Own news for November

Introducing our next major exhibition

November Foraging - Autumn Recipes

Your gardening update from the RHS

Your November update

Must-sees to make your November brighter

South Downs News - November 2023 🍂

Waxwings, waders and woodland wonders

Take a peek inside Frans Hals


Community based organisations + community recommended organisations


Listen to act


Recovery in the bin


The Well


Heeley trust



Dawn Dziuba – PETITION



Create, Debate and Imagine a different local democracy

CITIZENS: Why the key to fixing everything is all of us

Bring your ideas to Notwestminster 2023


F.E.E.L. - Friends of East End Loonies


Mad Pride campaign for psychiatric abolition




Surviving Antidepressants


A Caring Mind | A blog for carers of mental health


ADOODLE- community mapping


A disorder for everyone


Poverty eradication organisations + self-expression


Tell Government Benefit sanctions do not work


Project 16:15


Right here

Community power act

Join our campaign team

The Community Power Act in full

Why Mayors aren't enough




Frame works UK


Joseph Rowntree foundation (JRF)


UK Poverty 2023: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK

New analysis exposes impact of planned Universal Credit cut

Rashford targets a win on Universal Credit

what's causing structural racism in housing

A just transition to net zero is necessary, and key for maintaining public support

Paving the way for good jobs through participatory co-design

Including Navigating power dynamics within participatory projects + Where next for social security after recent Universal Credit announcements

Winning hearts and minds for decent, affordable housing

Families furthest below the minimum income standard excluded from social security gains

Inflation is pushing people deeper into poverty

Including housing ideas


Elections Bill could disenfranchise millions of voters


600,000 people pulled into poverty by Spring Statement


Benefits uprating analysis

JRF welcomes Chancellor's cost of living measures


Anxiety nation Economic insecurity and mental distress in 2020s Britain

Join JRF to support and grow economic and social futures that work for everyone

A framing toolkit: How to talk about homes


Guarantee our Essentials



Reboot: building a housing market that works for all

JRF's Budget response, the importance of ill health to the UK's labour market and more

talking about homes:the foundation for a decent life


designing out the most severe forms of hardship in local areas


Deepening poverty in Scotland, Essentials campaign and more in this months edition of the JRF Newsletter

including events – Wendy


Unpaid care and poverty: unpaid carers’ priorities for change through participatory co-design


Get insights into the cost of living in the UK with JRF's June newsletter

including participatory co-design


On the ‘frontline’ of poverty: how public services reinforce stigma

Democratic, community-led wealth building: the Boston Ujima Project and Seed Commons

the caring penalty

Long-standing inequalities mean that households with a disabled person are falling behind

What key swing voters really think about deep poverty and hardship

Why benefits must rise to stop low-income households falling even further behind

Is work working? Read this year’s State of the Nation Poverty in Scotland report

New report reveals shocking levels of destitution in the UK

Holding ourselves to account


Journey to justice project


addressing poverty with lived experience (APLE)


Allow all people to work flexibly if they want to – PETITION


Sign the petition: We need an emergency budget that boosts Universal Credit now


Trussell trust


Kevin + Matt + Amanda +


Dignity - Compassion - Community


People are calling for change


Why the design of Universal Credit is driving the need for food banks


What drove Steve to use a food bank

We are receiving an increasing number of referrals from people who are struggling after the unexpected happens, for example if someone’s car breaks down.

Living in a rural area such a Rutland means having a car is not a luxury, it's a necessity; so, you must pay out for the car to be fixed otherwise you can’t take the kids to school, or drive yourself to work, however this can mean there is just no money left for the food.

People are having to make very, very difficult decisions day in, day out – just to survive.

When people who are working full-time jobs still can't feed their families, it really highlights that income levels are not matching the rising cost of living.

It's not just price rises on fuel, or electricity and food but every which way you turn prices are going up, but if wages or benefits don’t increase accordingly how can people possibly be expected to cope”

Dee Burton – volunteer Rutland Foodbank

everyone should be able to afford the essentials – EMAIL MP

a letter to the Prime Minister

Food banks see busiest ever April to September

Autumn Statement: Benefits will increase, but April is too long to wait

Government debt drives people to food banks


Universal Credit doesn't add up



Hunger in the UK

it's time to Guarantee Our Essentials



1.5 million food parcels given out in 6 months – November 2023

Could you manage a cut to your income?


"Most days now I eat once a day. If there is not enough, I will have cereal or a slice of toast as my growing children are a priority. Last month they needed new coats that had to come first."

Faye – Trussell Trust


Paying your energy bills: help is at hand


Money Saving Expert - update


A Marshall Plan for People and Planet Starts with Africa’s Green Recovery

Communities in Africa trek for weeks to survive drought


National Survivors User Network (NSUN)


NSUN is a great organisation with a great newsletter …


You can sign up to it here.


NSUN's strategic direction: redistributing power and resource in mental health


NSUN is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation

peer support charter


This week’s newsletter


NSUN also has a directory page here


Extracts from the newsletters ..


Music industry mentoring in Manchester



13 November

15 November

16 November

22 November

29 November


Listening space at Burton library 3rd + 5th Wednesday of the month


Add your support: statement against transphobic healthcare policy announcements

Ask your MP to oppose changes to the Work Capability Assessment


queer crip of colour critique reading group

The Future of Social Care: Book – FREE BOOK

Inquiry into young people and suicide




Section 136 project


Learning and Loving Together

Podcast episode from Surviving Society's "The Role of Love in Social Justice Work" series


MPs launch inquiry into DWP safeguarding, after decade of deaths
An article by John Pring via Disability News Service


Bereaved by state violence: grief, solidarity and justice

A podcast by Deaths by Welfare via Apple Podcasts


Swimming Against the Tide: Navigating your way through dominant cultures’

A blog by Jessica Pons via Synergi


Tackling the erosion of compassion in acute mental health services
Article by Elisa Liberati, Natalie Richards, Sahanika Ratnayake, John Gibson, and Graham Martin in the BMJ


stop oxevision – PETITION


Surveillance is not safety – an analysis of Essex Partnership’s use of Oxevision and the inconsistency of CQC’s position on the technology

Blog by and via Stop Oxevision


18 May – 16 November


Disabled person’s manifesto


NHS psychiatric wards are video monitoring children and adults 24 hours a day, sparking privacy fears

An article by Patrick Strudwick via iNews


Work Under Capitalism is Making Us Mad

An interview with Micha Frazer-Carroll via Tribune


The festival building a future free from oppression

An article by Micha Frazer-Carroll via huck


Turning the tide

A blog by Fazilet Hadi via Disability Debrief


This new book examines whether capitalism really is driving us all mad

An interview with Micha Frazer-Caroll by by Adele Walton via Dazed

Calling some people a ‘burden’ provides a cover story for welfare state violence

An article by China Mills via Healing Justice Ldn

Not My Words, Not My Story

A blog by Julia Buxton via Asylum Magazine


mental health is not an individual problem

An interview by P.E Moskowitz with Micha Frazer-Carroll and via Mental Hellth


weaponising time in the war on welfare – slow violence + death of disabled people within the UK social security system

An article by China Mills and John Pring via Sage Journals


I do not want a seat at your table – co-production in mental health services

A blog by Amy Wells via the NSUN blog


Japan's Radical Alternative to Psychiatric Diagnosis

An article by Satsuki Ayaya andJunko Kitanaka via aeon


Neoliberalism, Security and the Politics of Mental Health

An event recording by Medact via YouTube


An Epistle of Cruelty: Life in the parallel shadow penal state of the DWP

An article via Recovery in the Bin


Using participatory action research methods to address epistemic injustice within mental health research and the mental health system

An article byRoisin Mooney, Clair Dempsey, Brian J. Brown, Frank Keating, Doreen Joseph and Kamaldeep Bhui via frontiers


Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health

A webinar series via TCI Global


NSUN authors chapter in new report on alternative solutions to serious youth violence

NSUN statement on NHSE's failure to publish joint policy with StopSIM


we call on NHS England to publish the joint StopSIM policy in full immediately


Open letter on self-harm and the Online Safety Bill: A call for caution, nuance, and care


Justice Won't Be Found In The Coroner's Court

An article by Wren Aves via Psychiatry Is Driving Me Mad


Secret DWP reports link more deaths with systemic flaws

An article by John Pring via the Disability News Service

It’s not my sense of self that's unstable, it’s the world’s sense of me: the harms of the construct of ‘personality disorders’ towards transgender communities
An article b
y Hattie Porter PsyArXic Preprints


Inequality and suicide
A report via Samaritans and the Suicide Prevention Consortium


Whose camera is it anyway? The use of body-worn cameras in acute mental health wards

An article by Alison Faulkner via The Mental Elf


being with “ not “doing to” violence + harm + police involvement in mental health services

An article by NSUN via the NSUN blog


Psychiatric Incarceration Isn’t Treatment — It’s Violence, Survivors Say

An article By Leah Harris, Liat Ben-Moshe and Vesper Moore, via truthout

Paternalism and psychiatry

An article by Cathy Wield via Mad in the UK


Red Therapy collective – may day rooms


trans + non-binary peer support group – 2-4 pm third Monday


Single sex spaces: trans and non-binary service users’ experiences of single sex wards in mental health settings in England


peer support group for Punjabi women in Leeds age 55+ - 11 am forth Monday of each month in person



Approaching the question "What was madness before psychiatry?"

An article by Sasha Durakov Warren via Of Unsound Mind

We Are Not Weird “Others”: Lived-Experience Perspectives of Genital and Breast Self-Harm

An article by Wren Aves via Psychiatry is Driving Me Mad

Your Right to Protest As A Disabled Person
An article via Liberty

Healing Imaginations
A new digital library of healing imaginations


Book Review – The Muslim, State and Mind

A book review by Leila via the NSUN blog


health is capitalism’s vulnerability”

An article by Megan Linton via briarpatch Magazine


mental health act

A podcast by Voices Heard, Lives Empowered via Soundcloud


are women really more mentally ill than men? As a psychologist , I’m not so sure

An article by Sanah Ahsan via the Guardian


full-time feminist, part time madwoman ….and striker – when + how ?

An article by Marta Plaza via Pikara Magazine


how I should be cared for in a mental health hospital
Resources by the Restraint Reduction Network


we call on NHS England to publish the joint StopSIM policy in full immediately

Too Much


UKTC & Peer Power




Sounddelivery media

amplify – understand – influence




London Friend

T - on – Tuesday


Reach out

surviving suicide peer to peer support art group


hand in hand peer travel buddy – mind Islington


Empire of Light – Sam Mendes exposes the links between psychiatric abuse and Britain’s colonialist legacy

A review by Colin Hambrook via Disability Arts Online


DWP’s link to suicide ‘should be examined by second inquest’, Court of Appeal is told
An article by John Pring via Disability News Service


advocacy academy


Galop launches the UK’s first ever LGBT+ Rape and Sexual Abuse Helpline



Lothlorien Therapeutic Community



The Muslim, State and Mind


If you would like to review the book for NSUN just let NSUN know


Awareness-Raising Workshops for Communities


Death of a Customer: Deaths by Welfare Podcast

A podcast via Healing Justice Ldn.


Do you know of any groups, networks or individuals who do hospital visits for people on mental health wards?

If you know of anyone, or have any thoughts on this as an idea, please contact Wendy at with details (including whether the people you know of are region-/hospital-specific).

Please also copy in

if you wish.

Many thanks





Hear us – Croydon


Battersea Befriending Network






higher effect


Inclusion north


NHS trusts are still using harmful mental health practices, secret reviews show

report – funding grassroots mental health work

well-being workshops + events


Hold The Huntercombe Group/Active Care Group accountable for the harm of patients - PETITION

Call for a Statutory Public Inquiry into Psychiatric Units Throughout the Whole of the UK - PETITION

Fighting for Justice - Families calling for a Statutory Public Inquiry into MH Services – PETITION


Disabled Peoples' Organisations


MH reform must go further : MPS + Peers are told

Article by John Pring via Disability News Service


support for user-led plan to replace universal credit .. + treat all claimants with respect

Article by John Pring via Disability News Service


Can stigma help to eradicate poverty?
An article by Dr China Mills via the Joseph Rowntree Foundation


My personality is not disordered, and neither is my gender. Response to: Evaluation of personality disorders in patients with Gender Identity Disorder (GID)

An article by Hattie Porter, Jay Watts and Jee Smith via PsyArXiv Preprints


free our people now new campaign + network

Simone Aspis - Free Our People Now Project Manager on

or 07749 892 843


over the Ting initiative

Please contact Chuks Agu for dates/times of meetings - or 07360149283


good mental health is an art


Decolonising Futures series

Video series by Decolonising Economics on racial hierarchies, collective healing, disability justice, and economics of queerness


Report on draft mental health bill by peers and MPs ‘is seriously flawed’

An article by John Pring via Disability News Service


state violence + distress – the false separation between migrant justice + mental health

Blog by Rose Ziaei via NSUN


why health inequalities need to be addressed for the specific community

Blog by Sukhjeen Kaur via Shaping Our Lives


trauma-informed care left me more traumatised than ever

Blog by Wren Aves via Psychiatry is Driving Me Mad


the police failed my cousin – Gaia Pope – 5 years on, others like her are still at risk

Article by Marienna Pope-Weidemann via The Guardian


DWP dismisses 300 pages of evidence linking its actions with countless deaths

Article by John Pring via Disability News Service


help us document evidence of welfare – related death


Barriers to Mental Health Support for People of Colour and Migrants

Article by Micha Frazer-Carroll via NSUN


Mental Health and the Politics of Exhaustion in the UK Asylum Process


Blog post by Tianne Haggar via University of Oxford's Border Criminologies


New podcast – lived experience work: anti-racism & mental health


E158 Rianna Walcott: The Colour of Madness

Podcast by Surviving Society


What it feels like inside the work – politicised somatics and racial justice

An article by Alex Augustin via Healing Justice Ldn


Peer Chat with Vikki Price: Developing Peer Roles

A podcast episode via Making Recovery Real

The politics of LGBT+ suicide and suicide prevention in the UK: risk, responsibility and rhetoric

An article by Hazel Marzetti,Amy Chandler,Ana Jordan and Alexander Oaten via Taylor & Francis Online


Planetary Dysregulation, Capitalism, & Healthcare

An audio series via Urban Health Council


Alternatives to mental health crisis support: are we asking the right questions?

An article by Akiko Hart via the NSUN blog.


Community accountability peer support hub (CASH)

Are you in groups that are trying to move away from punishment as a way of dealing with problems in society

Do you think that it’s important for your group to deal with harms that happen to people within the group
It can feel easier to hope for a neat solution, in the form of a person or people, who can parachute into a situation and 'fix' it for us.

While this might be understandable — this stuff is hard — this treats community accountability like a service that can be provided for us rather than community-led and community-created processes or a set of shared values and practices that we build together.

Join us to talk about the impetus to “outsource” community accountability work, why this should be resisted, and how we all can integrate community accountability into our everyday organising.


MIND should include side effects in their research surveys - PETITION


alternative support resource list – Asylum


rainbow of promise: Poetry book


Call to action – catalyst 4 change


Unpicking the complex dynamics of racism, anti-Blackness and class within mental health services

Article by Mental Health Today via LinkedIn ft. Mary Sadid from NSUN


The Communication and Restraint Reduction Study


Whiteness as a chemical restraint in statutory guidance of the Mental Health units (Use of Force) Act 2018 – a tribute to Seni’s law + Aijibola Lewis

Blog by Colin King via NSUN


Why don’t they ask us The role of communities in levelling up – Institute for Community Studies


Provide Tapering Strips for People Who Want to Withdraw Safely from Psychotropic Drugs

Petition by James Moore


Tapering strips


NICE Guideline Update Acknowledges Severe Antidepressant Withdrawal


Petition to Scrap Care Charges Inclusion London


StopSIM Coalition Petition


Coronavirus and depression in adults, Great Britain: January to March 2021


Almost 4 in 10 adults earning less than £10,000 a year experienced depressive symptom compared with around 1 in 10 earning £50,000 or more”

The data shows what we know to be true: struggling with your mental health doesn’t happen in a vacuum.


New website – For Women


Benefits Calculator – Turn2us


entitled to


The state of disability benefit assessments and the urgent need for reform - #peoplebefore process


Write to your MP


The Public Law Project


The Good Lobby


Social Change Initiative


Guidance on community mental health services: Promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches


World Health Organisation (WHO) – NSUN’s response


Lived Experience Practioners Revolution - New Website


universal credit: what needs to change to make it fit for children and families


Mental Health Act: Call for "unequivocal commitment " to improve access to advocacy

Disability Benefits Research 2021 – Survey


Update on FOI Requests: Who's Ballin' & Who's Stallin


To Solve Britain’s Mental Health Crisis, We Must Fundamentally Change Society

Article by Mark Brown via Novara Media – Listen to the piece here


I am not your critical friend

Blog by Akiko hart via Charity so White


Charity so white




Graceful resolve: Attitudes for navigating a psychological crisis

Article by Amy Pollard via Centre for Mental Health


How can I speak up when you can hold me down Restrictive practice on an acute ward – an inpatient perspective

Blog by MiserySquid via Mad Covid


A Little Raw Around the Edges

Podcast with Rai Waddingham via Mad Tunes Podcast


Disability strategy is unlawful, court confirms… and denies DWP permission to appeal

Article by John Pring via Disability News Service


Sometimes I want to be unreasonable

Blog via Mad Covid


Free advice – for upholding adults' Health and Care Act rights




+ Jobs + Funding + MUCH MUCH MORE


Build Back Fairer in Greater Manchester: Health Equity and Dignified Lives


Survivor Researcher Network (SRN)


Inclusion London

UNCRDP Westminster Government civil society shadow report sign up

URGENT – Email your MP to help avoid catastrophic care costs

Help Disabled people survive the cost of living crisis – write to your MP

Disability Justice Project

Take action to stop energy companies from imposing prepayment meters on disabled people – EMAIL MP


Shaping our lives

why participatory budgeting works

Research made simple?

A quiet revolution, involving young people, and more

Meaningfully involving public contributors in research

My Voice Matters

Rehearsing freedoms and Moving Mountains

including lots of events

Connect with creatives

Connect with creatives – AMENDMENT TO LINK


Violence abuse + Mental Health Network


National Voices

A briefing for Integrated Care System Leaders


Elect her community

Welcome to our world

Don't get angry, get politically active

Apply for funding



including events


Black Thrive


Black minds


Z2K – fighting poverty – EMAIL MP

Z2K has caseworker to help people



We need your help

Nearly half of all people in poverty in the UK are either disabled themselves or live with someone who is disabled

EDM 19 disability benefits assessments – CONTACT MP


Homelessness + renter organisations


Awaab’s law - to prevent any more children dying from damp and mouldy social housing - PETITION


Action on empty homes


Housing first England

New guidance for housing management teams

Housing First England Newsletter – New Survey Alert

Housing First England Newsletter – Minister responds to funding request

Housing First England Newsletter – Join our call for a national Housing First programme

Housing First England Newsletter – Commissioning Housing First through RSI budgets

Michelle – housing first



including setting out core milestones along someone’s Housing First journey


Jade is a writer

Housing First 2022 year-end update: A year of progress


Guidance on transferring Housing First providers

Housing First for Women: valuable lessons

Scotland's Housing First Pathfinder evaluation

Suicide Prevention and Postvention


10 November

including Andy Burnham


HF4 Youth

Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) is a rights-based intervention for young people who are experiencing, or at risk of homelessness, adapted from the Housing First approach


It is already popular in Canada, Wales, Ireland and Scotland – where the Rock Trust is a good example

It has the potential to be extremely effective in England

We have published a
new web page that collates important resources on this unique intervention, to support services or commissioners interested in or providing HF4Y





Pavement magazine





Richmond has more homeless – August 2023

Free online advice

Brave people

End homelessness – PETITION



The council moved Amanda and her children between 11 different temporary accommodations in the space of two months Many weren’t safe

Some didn’t have indoor locks or kitchens


And one was a 7 hour round trip just to get her son to school

Amanda was told if she didn’t move again and again then her and her family would lose their duty of care

It was an impossible situation

Amanda got in touch with Shelter and I saw first-hand how bad her family’s living conditions were

I offered practical advice and supported Amanda in launching a legal challenge against the council


Standing side by side with Amanda, we stood up for her family and won

The council finally offered her a permanent social home


ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Demand better from renting – PETITION


Meet Krystalrose – she's fighting for change


Let’s build a better future: Call on the government to build social housing - PETITION


Homelessness is spiralling

There are over 290,000 households facing homelessness in England

That’s a rise of 6% compared to the year before

Data for June 2023


Are letting agents refusing you for being on benefits

Next step contact the property ombudsman (TPO)


These stats are shocking


London Assembly Unanimously Passes Motion on Affordable Housing for Care and Support Workers

A good Home is a human right


Level Up Housing

On the 2nd Feb 2022, the government released its plans to ‘level upthe country.

It included three very important announcements on housing:

Build more genuinely affordable social homes ✔

Give tenants of social homes more protection ✔

Bring forward a national landlord registry, improve standards in privately rented homes and strengthen the rights of renters ✔


Gove ‘ashamed’ of Social Housing conditions

send a letter to the press :renters stories are powerful


Cold weather advice: How to help someone sleeping rough

It isn’t always easy to know how to help if you meet someone sleeping on the streets. Here are four things you can do:


Say hello and ask if they'd like help

Sleeping rough can be a lonely experience, so a chat or a friendly 'hello' can make a real difference


Tell street link

Ask if they'd like you to contact StreetLink to connect them to local services and emergency support

If they require urgent medical attention, call 999


Ask if they would like expert advice.


to find advice on how they can get help from the council - or show them how to get in touch with our advisers


Ask if they need anything

You could offer warm clothing or some blankets, or to buy food and a hot drink

Just check they're happy to receive the items first


75,000 women and their families are homeless in England

March 2023


There are 271,000 people without a home in England. 123,000 of those are children.

March 2023


the eight biggest housebuilders in this country made over £7.7 billion in profit in 2021 and 2022 -PETITION


Renters reform bill update


131,000 children without a home in England – August 2023


Unfreeze housing benefit – VIDEO

Party leaders: stop ignoring the housing emergency - SIGN

Anti-racism and the general election


I’m being evicted – EMAIL MINISTER


Museum of homelessness

octopi have three hearts and produce their own ink yet humans call octopi violent for throwing seashells underwater

humans also medicate confined creatures for 'zoochosis' - that antipsychotic medication first tested on animals gave us our 2 heart-attacks as 'side-effects'.

bleak humour is proven to aid survival. heartfelt is about reframing narratives & learning to grow. a game of competitive empathy will be played; psychiatry will be reduced to firewood; edible-love-poetry will be offered to all.

have a heart, & come watch this wildly inventive disability-led solo theatre show

The Pingus have landed


Don't leave young people out on the streets – PETITION


Project 17


London Renters Union

#RentFreezeNow campaign

If a rent freeze had been in place...I would have been able to stay in my home


We beat my landlord. Now let’s take on the system.



Be a part of challenging 'Right to Rent' in court



We're campaigning to make sure councils #SideWithRenters

increasing regulation of landlords, expanding landlord licensing and hiring more enforcement officers
reducing attempts to move people out of the borough and reducing use of “intentional homelessness” decisions
campaigning for rent controls
setting stronger targets on social housing and standing up to developers


Is your landlord trying to put your rent up You’re not alone


landlords and estate agents are using the cost of living crisis as an excuse to push up rents

members have been reporting rent rises of 30% or 40%

One member was even asked to pay 70% more rent

Some housing associations are talking about putting up service charges

It is a shameful attempt by people who already make huge profits from the housing crisis to squeeze renters and boost profits

Many of us now face eviction or being left without enough for basic essentials this winter


10 November 2022 – the average rent increase being reported by LRU members is £3300 per year

New data reveals Foxton's rent rises

We're resisting evictions in the streets and in Parliament


Evicted after 47 years – PETITION


Renters reform coalition

Safe, secure and affordable homes for all: A renters’ blueprint for reform


It’s coming up to four years since a Conservative government first announced its plans to reform the private rented sector under Theresa May, and, four Prime Ministers later, renters are still waiting


One in five

households now rent across England and Wales - more than doubling since 2001


Yet, standards and regulation have not kept up, as:


One in four

people privately renting now struggle to pay their rent each month, as rents continue to rise at the

fastest rate

since records began


One in four

private rentals in England fail to meet decent home standards, forcing people to live in homes that pose a risk to their health and/or are in disrepair


One in 12

people privately renting are currently under the threat of eviction, up 80% from last year

Such insecurity directly impacts people’s health and wellbeing, with private renters being

two times more likely

to suffer symptoms of anxiety


These shocking figures highlight why action on affordability, safety and security in the private rented sector is more important than ever

If you are affected by any of these issues, do get in touch and we can point you in the direction of where to access support.


Generation Rent


The White Paper: Generation Rent's Verdict

CAMPAIGN UPDATE: National Register of Landlords

Ask your MP to back the Renters Reform Bill

Tell your MP to join the debate on renters reform


Holiday Lets Petition


Private renters in nine London boroughs face paying half of their income or more on rent, analysis by campaign group Generation Rent has found.

Rent on the typical two-bedroom home costs 45% of a full-time salary in London.

Campaigners say this pushes families into poverty and financial stress, and makes it harder to save or to start a family.

Paying more than a third of your income in rent is considered unaffordable.

Generation Rent is calling on the next Mayor of London to lead a campaign to demand powers from the government to reduce rents.

Measures would include freezing rents within tenancies, to give tenants more certainty, a rent control system that aims to reduce rents overall, and tough penalties for landlords who break the rules, overseen by a city-wide Rent Control Board.

In March 2020, the rent on the median 2-bedroom home in London was £1450 and the median full-time salary was £38,592.

That would mean that a single-earner family with a baby would be spending 45% of their earnings on rent.

The situation is worst in inner London, Newham and Haringey where this figure is above 50% and reaches 76% in Westminster.

The most affordable borough is Bexley, with median rent worth 33% of the median full-time salary.

However, affordability has improved over the last five years, with just five boroughs – Camden, Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge, and Westminster – becoming less affordable since 2015.

Alicia Kennedy, Director of Generation Rent, said: “High rents force people into poverty and make it almost impossible to save towards the future.

No one should have to spend more than 30% of their income on rent, yet this is a reality for most Londoners who are stuck in the private rented sector.

Londoners urgently need bold action to make renting more affordable. Investment in housebuilding is needed to make renting more affordable long-term, but rent controls would offer immediate protection and relief.”

Join our Day of Action - #RentersAreWaiting - PETITION

Since March 2020, 8% of private renters who responded to a Survation survey had received a Section 21 notice from their landlord, which would represent 694,000 private renters across England.

Nearly a third of those surveyed (32%) said they were concerned about the possibility of their landlord asking them to move out this year, which would represent 2.78m private renters across England.

The survey was commissioned by Generation Rent, with results published this week.

We need a COVID Rent debt fund - PETITION

Join us in preventing a homelessness crisis – PETITION

A new report, 'A safe place to call home: Ending unfair evictions for good'.

The report sets out the changes the Government must make to ensure every renter has access to a stable home where they can put down roots and thrive.

You can read all about the report here.

We are calling for:

Open ended tenancies

More time to find a new home

Compensation for a blameless move

No excessive rent increases to force an eviction

No mandatory evictions for people in rent debt

We value your opinion

Close the holiday let tax loophole – PETITION

Renters are being forced out of their homes to make way for more lucrative holidaymakers.

We have been able to get the research done to prove it

In the last two years rental listings in Wales and South West England have halved and rents have gone up by around 25%.

That's one of our findings that have been reported in today's i newspaper

In North Devon there are 2,591 short-term holiday lets but just 21 private rental listings on Rightmove and 30 on Zoopla.

In Gwynnedd, Wales, there are 4,007 holiday lets but just 99 homes for private tenants.

The collapse in the supply of homes to rent are pricing renters out of their local communities – away from their family and friends.

Renter reform coalition – EMAIL MP

Campaign win Government to require landlords to register

tell your MP to get renting done

Are you eligible for the Warmer Homes scheme


"It was like living in a sewer" - watch Kyron's video

know your rights

Foxtons: ripping off renters with illegal fees. Help us stop them – PETITION

Private Renters Survey Summer 2023



Single Homelessness Project


peer mentoring programme


how many people are homeless near you?



Every 10 minutes one Londoner is forced into homelessness – August 2023




Helping rough sleepers – PETITION


Close the eviction loophole – PETITION

You can sign a petition without making a donation


Cardboard citizen

Advice about Evictions


Cardboard Citizens: Survey for Members

Access Free Energy Bill Support



Housing Crisis Affecting LGBTQ+ Communities


Groundswell partnership | Chris speaks to Streetwise Opera | Resistance Theatre audio plays


London ticket bank

24 November

23 January – 2 April 2023

Theatre craft - UK's Largest Free Careers Event for 16 - 30 year old – 20 November

young writer in residence (18-24) Whitechapel gallery – 4 December


Actor call out



community check in every Friday 11am


cheap theatre tickets

WATCH: Eight brand new short films about social housing



supporting rough sleepers in cold weather – what the public can do …

In March 2023, 53% of rough sleepers in our boroughs were sleeping rough for the first time

World Homeless Day




When clients move into their own properties they can’t afford the basics like pots – pans – cutlery

The cost of living crisis is having a huge impact for all our clients

It doesn’t matter if they are working or on benefits the crisis is putting a strain on everyone

The money people are putting on their electric meter is only lasting half the time it used to and it’s not even winter yet

I also have clients who have not had credit on their phones for months as they haven’t had money to top up.”

Sarai Knight - SPEAR Resettlement Team Leader



Just say hello

Severe Weather Emergency – Glass Door update

Ella shares her story

Freddie shares his story

Read Louisa's story


The passage


Renters reform coalition


Creative + nature + advocacy


The Poetry Society


Dragon Café

Dragon cafe have hosted laughing therapy + wire sculpture activities in the past

this week


Garden organic



Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK.

We’re passionate about creating a future where every neighbourhood is vibrant and green, every community is strong and able to shape its own destiny and no-one is held back by their background or circumstances.


Charities unite to urge for a green and resilient response to the gas crisis

Energy price cap announcement is deeply concerning for those already brunt of rising bills and the continuing financial effect of the pandemic

Apply for a One Stop University Scholarship

From The Ground Up – Empowering communities through environmental action

strategy 2023 – 2028

Force of nature


Re: CREATE psychiatry


Living with Suicide


meet me where I am


Story Futures - update


Stop gambling suicides – publish the gambling act white paper – PETITION


No more Gambling Act whitepaper delays. Write to your MPs now


Everton FC: Don’t use our shirt to advertise gambling products


Me and You and a Global Pandemic


Medicating Me: Personal Impressions of Psychiatric Medication


Speakeasy advocacy


Grace advocacy


Cambridge House


Advocacy focus



The Advocacy Project

culturally sensitive advocacy

preventing abuse

Moving personal stories

impactful video

reflections on advocacy during Covid


National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTI)

Advocacy Charter


A review of advocacy for people with a learning disability and autistic people who are inpatients in mental health, learning disability or autism specialist hospitals


Leeds Autism AIM: #PowerOfPartnership

NAC – Guidance regarding emotional enrichment

Staying mentally well this winter

Quality advocacy

Audit of MH services – PLEASE COMPLETE


Protect Our Human Rights

This resource helps mental health services think about how to provide a good service to autistic people and people with learning disabilities


There’s more information about it at Green Light Toolkit – NDTi


Irwin Mitchell


Small Supports – Thinking Differently About How We Support People


Protect Our Human Rights


Join the NHS Sounding Board for Ageing & Older People


Review into advocacy for people with a learning disability and or autistic people who are inpatients in mental health settings



The Training Hub has launched…

Seni’s Law – Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018

New supported internships programme


New case law – highlight for Care Act advocates

Human rights in EASY READ

Valuing Community Led Support

strength based approaches training

strength based workshops

Mental health - a growing public health priority and human rights imperative


May – November 2023

Research on homelessness and neurodiversity

12% of people experiencing homelessness are autistic - compared to 1-2% of the general population


Driving change through human rights

Human rights belong to all of us – when they are not met – it is our responsibility to speak up + ask the law to follow


People organised + information

Connected Kingstonincluding providing information about Legal drop-in clinic + welfare benefits information

Connected Kingston Autumn 2023 Newsletter


Wildflower Alliance


"How Big Pharma & Psychiatry Gaslight Us"

hearing voices family + friends group

The First LGBTQIA+ Peer Respite in the Country

The Hearing Voices Approach - Get Involved



Mad in the Family Monthly Newsletter

Concern as Proportion of Children in England on Antipsychotics Doubles

Seattle Schools Sue Tech Giants Over Social Media Harm


Mad in America




Some people can not afford to “recover” ?

Community land trusts + Universal basic income – NOW ? - Wendy


Teen Arts Exhibition Now Live!

Chris Bullard—The Sound Mind Live Festival


A Revolution Wobbles: Will Norway’s “Medication-Free” Hospital Survive?

Medication-free Ward in Tromsø, Norway May Soon Close


newsletter here


An Interview with Narrative Psychiatrist Bradley Lewis


Changing Narratives: Reflecting on Mad in America’s Mission and Work

Ten Years of Rocking the Boat: Reflecting on Mad in America’s Mission and Work

Mad in America’s 10 Most Popular Articles in 2022


Should Everyone Be in Therapy?

A new study finds that those with mild distress are three times as likely to feel worse after therapy than to receive some benefit Even those with moderate distress are equally as likely to deteriorate as to improve in therapy


JAMA Psychiatry: Lifting Families out of Poverty May Prevent Psychosis

In Nicaragua, Trauma and Faith Shape Understanding of Psychosis

Social Determinants in Global Mental Health: Beyond Pills and Psychotherapy

WHO and UN Advocate for Mental Health Reform, Face Opposition

Rethinking Culture and Colonialism in the History of Global Mental Health

Stigma: But What if I Don’t Want to Be Like Everyone Else?

Johann Hari

Cancer Risk Higher for Those on Clozapine

The Key to the Psych Unit

The Radical Politics of Madness: An Interview with Micha Frazer-Carroll


Branding Diseases—How Drug Companies Market Psychiatric Conditions: An Interview with Ray Moynihan


Luis + Justin


Antidepressants Have Destroyed My Sexual Function and Range of Emotions

Social Mobility Causes Distress and So Does the Neoliberal Imperative to Pursue Wealth and Status

DSM-5 Faces Global Backlash: An International Call for Culturally Affirming and Decolonizing Mental Health Practices

Why Isn’t There a Popular Hashtag for Involuntary Commitment

The Power of Light and Dark

Risks Outweigh Benefits for Antidepressants in Elderly, Study Concludes

Neoliberalism Meets Techno-Solutionism: Investigating the Dynamics of Digital Psychiatry


Martin Harrow: The Galileo of Modern Psychiatry (1933 – 2023)


Martin Harrow

In addition, global outcome for the group of patients with schizophrenia who were on antipsychotics was compared with the off- medication schizophrenia patients with similar prognostic status

Starting with the 4.5-year follow-up and extending to the 15- year follow-up

the off-medication subgroup tended to show better global outcomes at each follow up

I conclude that patients with schizophrenia not on antipsychotic medication for a long
period of time have significantly better global functioning than those on antipsychotics

Breaking Down Power Structures in Global Mental Health: A Call for Mutuality

Nut Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Depression in New Study

Researchers Call on Psychiatry to Abandon Biomedical Framework

Psychiatry’s Control-Freak Medical Model Versus Healing and Healers

Institutional Forces Eroding Compassion in Mental Health Services

The Connection Between ‘Bipolar Disorder’ and Migraine: Unraveling the History of a Family Line


Amy + Lucy




Should “the powers that be “ ignore the ruling in Law – USA – regarding Electro convulsive “treatment”?



Critical Psychology Needed to Combat Capitalism and Climate Change

Without Liberation Psychology, Therapy Reinforces the Status Quo

Can ChatGPT Defend the Long-term Use of Antipsychotics?


Probiotics Show Promise as Depression Treatment


Reframing Psychiatric History with Service-User Activist Accounts


Breaking Blind: Antipsychotic Drug Efficacy May Be Overestimated


Amy Biancolli interviews David Edward Walker on the devastating impact of psychiatry on Indigenous peoples throughout history


Borderline Personality Disorder “No Longer Has a Place in Clinical Practice”

No Difference in Antidepressant Effectiveness After Genetic Testing


Why Does Research Focus on Treating Depression Rather Than Preventing It?

Human Rights Education can Shift Medical Students’ Perspectives on Psychiatry

A Call for Critical Approaches to Cognitive Psychology


Involuntary Commitment for Substance Use Disorder Leads to Poor Outcomes


Tim Wilson: It's Time for Soteria: An Australian Perspective

Systemic Racism Exacerbates Psychosis Risk for People of Color in the US

What Is the Risk of Permanent Sexual Dysfunction from Antidepressants?

Lithium in Drinking Water Linked to Autism

Alzheimer’s Drugs Cause Brain Shrinkage

Lancet Psychiatry: We Are Undervaluing the Placebo Effect

A New White Paper Presents the Case Against Forced Treatment


Mad Studies Needed to Decolonize Global Mental Health


What Psychosis Researchers can Learn from the Compassionate Approach to Psychedelic Experiences


Global Push for Human Rights in Mental Healthcare Gains Momentum

Study Under Fire for Harmful Language Targeting Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals

Unpaid Labor Takes a Toll on Women’s Mental Health, Study Reveals

The Hidden Injuries of Oppression

What Is Informed Consent, and What Should I Know to Help My Child?

Listen to the Victims: Senate Holds Hearing on Guardianship

Will Mather The State Power Triangle and My Spiritual Awakening


The Hidden Risks of School Mental Health Programs

Forced Opioid Tapering Leads to Worse Outcomes for Patients

Institutional Barriers and Tokenism in Participatory Mental Health Research




Challenging Western-Centric Child Psychology: An Interview with Nandita Chaudhary

Beyond Apologies: Research Reveals How Psychological Discourse Perpetuates Racism

Campaign Against ECT Gains Traction in UK

In the Courts, a Partial Win for Informed Consent and ECT Justice


MPs call for ban on electric shocks as mental health treatment


Mental Health Awareness Campaigns May Actually Lead to Increases in Mental Distress

Alarming Overprescription Patterns for Older Adults on Antidepressants

Uncovering Radical Psychiatry and Institutional Psychotherapy in Postwar France: An Interview with Camille Robcis

LGBTQIA+ Peer Respites: The Personal Is Political


Racial Justice and Lived Experience in Mental Health Advocacy: An Interview with Pata Suyemoto

Project LETS: Building Peer-Led Mental Health Alternatives on Campus

Researchers are attempting to understand the prevalence and neurobiology behind post-SSRI sexual dysfunction (PSSD)

Physical Activity Improves Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Mental Health Care More System-Centered Than Person-Centered

New Guidance on Antidepressant Withdrawal for Doctors in the UK

First Do No Harm: Restraining the Restrainer


No Benefit for Adding Antidepressants to CBT in Severe Depression

Supernatural Beliefs Must be Understood to Treat Psychosis in Pakistan

Social Workers Contribute to Psychiatric Oppression Despite the Field’s Complicated Relationship with Mental Healthcare

Is Grief a Disorder? New Research Challenges the Psychiatrization of Mourning

Nature as Partner, Not Resource: A Call for Ethical Treatment of Therapeutic Environments


Threatened for Telling the Truth: Polish Journalist Speaks Out

Beyond Labels and Meds—Closer Look: HoJin Kwak

Black Movement Leaders: Lost & Found

We’re Obsessed with Labelling Suffering, But Our Power to Think about it Matters More

ECT Does Not Seem to Prevent Suicide

Declining Youth Mental Health May Be Driven by Increased Abuse and Bullying

Most Psychopharmacology Textbooks Have Financial Conflicts of Interest

Stigma and Expected Retaliation Drive Suicide Among Military Sexual Trauma Survivors

Psychology’s Reckoning with Racism and Mass Incarceration

Chemicals Have Consequences—Antidepressants and Pregnancy: An Interview With Adam Urato, MD

One Flew Over the Scientific Consensus’ Nest—The Story of Dr. Ophir and ADHD

Overcoming Social Barriers as a Writer with a Disability

A New Paradigm for Testing Psychiatric Drugs Is Needed

Antidepressants Blunt Emotions and Cause Sexual Dysfunction


Fernando de Freitas: A “Dear Friend” Who Was a Warrior for Radical Change

We Must Not Remove Legal Protections for People at Risk of Forced ECT

Researchers Question the Foundational Assumptions of Neuropsychology

Becoming a Peer Support Worker can Improve Insight and Resilience, Study Finds

Governmental Climate Action Ignores Disability—Researchers Don’t Have To

How to do Inclusive Research When ‘Legal Capacity’ for Informed Consent is Questioned

Mental Health Peer Workers Support Recovery After Inpatient Hospitalization


Disability Justice Goes Beyond the Social Model


Leading Psychiatrists Unwittingly Acknowledge Psychiatry Is a Religion, Not a Science

I Can Barely Breathe: Personal Story by Lori Daniels

The Faulty Reasoning That Turned ADHD Into a Disease

UK Suicide Prevention Policies Prioritize Surveillance Over Social Change

Seriously Misleading Network Meta-analysis in Lancet of Acceptability of Depression Pills

Problem-Solving Through Skills-Building: Motivating Kids to Change

Researchers: ECT Study in Children Methodologically Flawed, Ethically Concerning

Consumer Advisory Board Chair: NYC Mayor Adams Did Not Consult With Us on New Mental Health Policy


Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, and Benzos All Increase Suicide Attempts in New Study

Prolonged Negative Impacts of Benzodiazepine Use Revealed in New Study


The Bipolar Rollercoaster: Looking Beyond the Labels

disturbing references to ECT – Wendy


Dubious Science: Downplaying the Risks of Antidepressants in Pregnancy

Psychotherapy: Less Expensive and Better Than Pills, It’s What the Patients Want but Don’t Get

Pathologized Since Eve: Jessica Taylor on Women, Trauma, and “Sexy but Psycho”

Catherine’s Story: A Child Lost to Psychiatry


Psychiatry’s Cycle of Ignorance and Reinvention: An Interview with Owen Whooley

Author of On the Heels of Ignorance

Psychiatry and the Politics of Not Knowing


Call for Teen Art in All Media

Teen Arts Exhibition: Beyond Labels And Meds: What It Feels Like To Be Me


Living Together – With More Resilience and Less Medication

Art and Transformation: Creating Justice in Mental Health

Negatively Charged: ECT and the Truth I Could Never Forget


And Now They Are Coming for the Unhoused: The Long Push to Expand Involuntary Treatment in America

research in Manchester – UK – shows 80% of people on Mental health wards were homeless – Wendy


What Psychiatry Has Done for Me

On the Brink of Psychosis

Jim Flannery – sorry it is not funny

Is Service-User Research Possible in Mental Health An Interview with Diana Rose

David Healy – Polluting Our Internal Environments: The Perils of Polypharmacy

Lithium Use Leads to Chronic Kidney Disease

Mindfulness as Effective as Lexapro for Anxiety

Higher Psychosis Rates in Transgender Population Likely Due to Minority Stress and Clinician Bias

Voice-Hearers Unfairly Perceived as Unreliable Reporters of Their Own Experiences


A Return to Dignity from Psychiatric and Childhood Abuse

Why We Urgently Need New Approaches to Mental Health

The Spravato Controversy: A Row Over the Drug’s Efficacy Compels a Reassessment of its Approval

Breaking Academia’s Silence on Inpatient Psychiatry: An Interview with Researcher Morgan Shields

The Serotonin Zombie: Authors of New Study Try to Breathe New Life into the Dead

Laura L: A Troubled Teen With a Pocket Full of Lithium and Nowhere to Go

Racism and Coercion in First Episode Psychosis Treatment Fuels Loneliness and Mistrust

Iva Paska: Are We Witnessing the Emergence of a New Paradigm

Charlotte Beale: 6 Good Things That Happened When I Stopped Believing in ‘Mental Health’

I Had No Idea That Gabapentin Could Do This…

do not worry – you will be fine

Top 10 Myths About the Critics of Psychiatry

Mad Parenting: On Becoming an Unlikely Family Man

The Mad in the World Network: A Global Voice for Change

A Therapist Tried to Explain CBT When I Was 11 Years Old, Ineffectively

Michael Scott: The Phobic Avoidance of Attending to Real World Mental Health Outcomes

No Better Outcomes After Testing for Antidepressant Drug-Gene Interactions

Reducing Involuntary Psychiatric Admissions in Norway

Study Contradicts Diathesis-Stress Model of Psychosis

Nobody Knows What “Serious Mental Illness” Means

Neoliberal Values Connected to Increased Stigma and Suicidal Ideation

How Diagnostic Interviews Translate Situational Behavior Into Pathology

State Sponsored Biomedical Psychiatry Impedes Movements of People with Psychosocial Disabilities

Trauma Survivors Speak Out Against Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Away From Psychiatrization: Towards Socio-Ecological Wellbeing in the Community

Loss, Grief, and Betrayal: Psychiatric Survivors Reflect on the Impact of New Serotonin Study

Psychiatry, Fraud, and the Case for a Class-Action Lawsuit

The One That Was Away

Inside A Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Where I’ve Come From and Where I’m Going


Exercise Associated with 25% Lower Risk for Depression, Researchers Say

The Powerful Allure of Psychedelics in Today’s Disenchanted World

suicide support survey

Books Under Review: Summer 2022

Psychiatry’s Failure Crisis: Are You Moderately or Radically Enlightened

Response to Criticism of Our Serotonin Paper

No Evidence Low Serotonin Causes Depression

Are People with Psychosocial Disabilities Welcomed in Public Spaces

Addressing Racism-Related Stress and Trauma in Psychotherapy

Treatment Pathways for Psychosis Vary by Race

How Does Spiritual Voice Hearing Compare to Psychosis

The Transformative Potential of Psychosis

a diagnosis + it’s damage – Schizophrenia

For Queer and Gender Diverse Youth, Biomedical Model of Mental Health May Reduce Stigma but Obscure Impact of Cisheterosexism

Laura Van Tosh: The Life of a Psychiatric Survivor Activist

Pollution’s Mental Toll: A Talk with Journalist Kristina Marusic

Psychology’s “Winning Streak” Is a Failure of Science, Not Success

Industry Sponsorship of “Cost Effectiveness Analyses” Produces Biased Results

Pharma’s “Evergreening” Patent Tactics Mean High Costs and Low Benefits for Consumers

Victim focus

Nothing At All: How Antidepressants Failed Me

The UK’s IAPT Service Is an Abject Failure

Less Than a Quarter of Those with Depression Respond to Treatment in Real Life

Inside A Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Rolled Ankles, RATs, and Invisible Abuse—The Final Obstacles Toward Freedom

Doctors Renew Campaign Against Overdiagnosis and Overmedication

Coercive Psychiatric Practice Goes Beyond Seclusion and Restraint

Researchers: Study of Schizophrenia Held Back by “Cult-Like” Belief System

Does Humanistic Psychology Support the Capitalist Status Quo


Point/Counterpoint: What Is the Importance of Nassir Ghaemi’s Conclusion that Psychiatric Drugs Do Not Provide a Long-term Benefit

Psychiatric Drugs Do Not Improve Disease or Reduce Mortality

Pharmaceutical Industry and FDA Use Mob Tactics to Silence Whistleblowers


Antidepressant-Induced Serotonin Syndrome a Danger for the Elderly

Social Interventions for “Serious Mental Illness” Show Promise But Face Resistance

Can Secure Attachment Reduce Death Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsions

Why Some Therapists Consistently See Better Results with LGBTQ Clients


Open Season on Mental Patients

Cargo Cult Psychiatry

Psychedelic Therapy Will Not Save Us

Grief, Intense Feelings, and Pathologization: Can We Conceive a Different Approach

The Answers Are in Our Weak Spots

A Moment to Reflect

Health Risks to Babies When Antidepressants Used During Pregnancy

Long Term Antidepressant Use Associated With Increased Morbidity and Mortality

Jock McLaren – The Biopsychosocial Model is a Mirage, Time for a Biocognitive Model

Psychiatry’s Nightmarish 2022 & Its Hysterical Defense Against Criticism

The power of activism

open season on mental patients

Industry Corruption in Systematic Review for Injectable Antipsychotics

Racism, Poverty, Inequality: Social Ingredients for Psychosis, Depression & More

Inside My Suicidal Mind

Psychiatry’s Medical Model: How It Traumatizes, Retraumatizes & Perverts Healing

Behaviourists Must Confront Psychiatry’s Pseudoscience

Tara Thiagarajan: Mental Well-being Better in Venezuela than in United States: Why


Made “Mad” in America

The Shady World of Shock Treatment


The Emperor’s New Clothes: The Upcoming NICE Depression Guidelines

New Tools to Support New Moms: An Interview with Jennifer Barkin, PhD

ADHD: The money trail

Peer Support Research: Is It Time Yet


Bringing Integrative Community Therapy to Pittsburgh: An Interview with Alice and Kenneth Thompson

Study Highlights Uptake of Voice Hearing Groups in Brazil

Social Media Influencers Now Marketing Drugs to Niche Audiences for Big Pharma

Conflict of Interest Policies in Europe May Hide Pharma Influence

How Concepts Like Trauma and Resilience Reinforce Neoliberalism in the Global South

Inner Fire Is the Only Place I Would Go for Emotional Distress

Thomas Insel makes a case for abolishing psychiatry

Antidepressants Do Not Improve Quality of Life

Did Psychiatry Ever Endorse the Chemical Imbalance Theory of Depression

Capitalism and the Biomedical Model of Mental Health

Mad by design: an ancient paradigm of psychiatric thought

Trans lifeline: naming trans-specific harm in Mental Health


Council of Europe Releases Report to Promote Voluntary Mental Health Treatment

Psychology “Incompatible with Hypothesis-Driven Theoretical Science”

Psychology: Flawed as a Science and as Evidence-Based Medicine

Patient Reports Reveal SSRI Antidepressants Often Lead to Emotional Blunting

Social Security and Asylum: How States Produce Negative Affect to Stigmatize and Deter

From the Victorian workhouse to contemporary welfare reforms,

the provision of ‘welfare’ has long coexisted alongside policies and practices that mobilize negative affect to deter specific groups from claiming state support,

and to craft public affect (such as fear and disgust) about these target populations.”


The WHO Calls for Radical Change in Global Mental Health

Global Psychiatry’s Attempt to Excommunicate the Former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health


The Transformational Qualities of Hearing Voices Groups

BMJ: 20% of Health Research Is Fraudulent

Robert Whitaker: Anatomy of an Industry: Commerce, Payments to Psychiatrists and Betrayal of the Public Good

Pharmaceutical companies are no longer attempting to hide their financial influence

The face of commerce is visible at every stage of the process: the biased design of the trials, the spinning of the results, and the subsequent touting of the drugs to prescribers

Antipsychotics Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk

Coercion and Dehumanization in Mental Healthcare

Combatting Structural Racism and Classism in Psychiatry: An Interview with Helena Hansen

Can Critiques of Psychiatry Help us Imagine a Post-Capitalist Future An Interview with Hans Skott-Myhre


Responsibility Without Blame in Therapeutic Communities: Interview with Philosopher Hanna Pickard

Reason and Madness: How Psychiatry Marginalizes Those Who Contradict Western Norms

Art, Music, Exercise, and More: What Are the Recommended Doses for Improving Mental Health

How Western Psychology Can Rip Indigenous Families Apart: An Interview with Elisa Lacerda-Vandenborn

Research Reveals Mental Health Professionals’ Participation in Rape Culture

Emotional CPR: Heart-Centered Peer Support

Inside A Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Here’s How to Survive

Lithium No Better Than Placebo for Preventing Suicide Attempts

Lithium, Antidepressants, Esketamine—All No Better Than Placebo

Qualitative Evidence Supports the Ban on Conversion Therapy in Canada

What Role can the United Nations Play in Rights-Based Global Mental Health

When It Comes to Mental Health Problems, The Disability Framework Fails

Mental Health Care Must Support Consent and Basic Human Rights

The Psychiatric Hospital Is an Institution of Social Control

Consumer Regret

When Tapering Antidepressants, is Going Slow Always the Best Strategy

Ketamine Withdrawal Has Severe Consequences

The Year Of Potentiality

Can Anything Good Come Out of Therapy

Critical Psychology for a Better Society: An Interview with Sebastienne Grant

De-Psychiatrization and the Promise of Open Dialogue

Redefining Mental Health Care in Portugal with Open Dialogue

SSRI Antidepressants Do Not Improve Depression After a Stroke

Why We Need a Neurodiverse Philosophy of Autistic Happiness

Navigating the meaning of psychosis important for recovery

Guardianship Destroyed My Family

The Other Side of the Cage

Fireside Project: Peer Support for Psychedelic Experiences

Understanding the Youth Mental Health Crisis: An Interview with Elia Abi-Jaoude

No Meaningful Brain Differences in Depression

New NICE Guidelines for ECT Are Dangerously Inadequate, Say 50 Patients and Professionals

Remembrances of Linda Andre, Leader in the Fight Against ECT

Brain Changes from ECT Linked to Worse Outcomes


Jim Gottstein presents a new report on improving mental health outcomes


What the RADAR Trial Tells Us About Antipsychotic Reduction and Discontinuation
by Joanna Moncrieff, MD


How Socioeconomic Class Affects Therapy

Clinicians and Patients Often Disagree on Mental Health Outcomes

Psychiatry and Psychology Fail in Response to Farmer Suicides in India

Online Debates on Psychiatric Diagnosis Often Rely on Rhetoric Instead of Facts

Finding Connection During the Pandemic

Why Is Child Sexual Abuse So Common in Institutions

Why Is Psychiatry So Defensive About Criticism

Did Pharma Companies Hide Failed ADHD Drug Studies From Regulators

Study Discovers Extensive Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in Medical Research

Shifting Away from ECT and Antidepressants for Depression

Put Psyche Back Into Psychiatry and Add Psychological Intimacy

The New DSM Is Coming and That Isn’t Good News

Michael Hengartner – Evidence-biased Antidepressant Prescription

Inside a Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Earning the Right to Sleep on the Floor

The Medicalization of Women’s Suffering: An Interview with Dana Becker

Can the Psychodynamic Manual Move Therapy Beyond the DSM

How Providers Can Support Psychiatric Drug Discontinuation

John Read: Fear and Loathing in the ECT Debate

James Knochel: Malignant Do-Gooderism: The Tragedies of Allopathic Psychiatry

Michael Hengartner: Regulators Are Approving Drugs Without Clear Evidence That They Work

Research News: Ketamine No Better Than Placebo for Reducing Suicidal Ideation in Depression

I Made It Out Alive

Medicating Preschoolers for ADHD: How “Evidence-Based” Psychiatry Has Led to a Tragic End

Addressing Cultural Bias in the Treatment of Personality Disorders

The Censors Are Coming for Mental Health

MIA’s Suicide Hotline Transparency Project

Robert Spitzer on DSM-III: A Recently Recovered Interview

Official Guidelines on Antidepressant Discontinuation Fail Practitioners and Patients

Sexual Assault at Any Age is a Risk Factor for Psychosis

Dying to Stay Alive: A Ketamine Disaster

For the Love and Care of the People: An Interview with Vanessa Green on Call BlackLine Organizing

Pharmaceutical Industry Corruption Goes Beyond Conflicts of Interest

Racism Evident in Patient Health Records

A “Mass Possession” Event in Nicaragua Exposes Inadequacy of Western Mental Health Approaches

Desperate Remedies

UK Finds Success with Peer Supported Open Dialogue Program

Why Do We Lock People Up

Why Do People Self-Harm, and How Can We Stop It

Antipsychotics Worsen Cognitive Functioning in First-Episode Psychosis

Parenting Changed My Perspective on “ADHD”

Nature: Brain Imaging Studies Are Most Likely False

How Evidence Based Medicine Became an Illusion

Antipsychotics Often Prescribed Without Informed Consent

Police Killings and the Pseudoscience of “Excited Delirium”

The Functions of the Mental Health System Under Capitalism

Inside a Forensic Psychiatry Unit: Calling in AIR Strikes

Mental Wellbeing Poorest in English-Speaking Countries of the World


Trusting People as Experts of Themselves: Sera Davidow on the Wildflower Peer Support Line

The impact DSM has had on us all – podcast

Human rights should be central to Global Mental Health approaches

Robert Whitaker Interviewed on The Dhru Purohit Podcast
Does Long-Term Use of Psychiatric Drugs Do More Harm Than Good

Council of Europe Releases Report to Promote Voluntary Mental Health Treatment

Results of the Inpatient Alternative Soteria Model in Israel

Apples and Oranges in Peer Support Research

Beverley Thomson–Antidepressed: Antidepressant Harm and Dependence

Antidepressants No Better Than Placebo for About 85% of People

Marian Kornicki: #RestoreTheirRights: An Update on Guardianship Action

Researchers Find No Brain Differences in Depression

The Psychiatrist’s Dilemma: In Defense of Placebo Psychiatry

Thomas Szasz

How ADHD experts silence criticism

Despite More Treatments for Depression, Prevalence Doesn’t Decrease—Why

Facebook Negatively Impacted College Students’ Mental Health from the Start

Peer Interventions Show Promise for Recent Onset Psychosis

Capitalism is Destroying our Collective Mental Health

The Post-Lockdown Suicide Tsunami That Never Came

Social Belongingness Protects Against Anxiety and Depression for Ethnic Minorities

Gradual Tapering Recommended for Antidepressant Discontinuation

Anti-Discrimination Policies Reduce Binge Drinking for LGBTQ Youth

Talking With Voices” Therapeutic Approach Shows Promise

Ketamine for Depression Poses “Significant Risk to the Public”

Shedding the Limits of “Severe Mental Illness” Labels

Still Looking For Answers

The Mental Health Industry Speaks Volumes About Our Society’s Priorities


Hearing voices network (HVN)


As you may know, we're a small charity that is run by volunteers and have little funding

That means it can take some time to respond, especially at times when we get a high volume of emails

Whilst you're waiting, here's some information that you may find helpful

It includes some answers to common questions we're asked and some sources of crisis/emergency support


If you need help quickly

Unfortunately we're not in a position to offer crisis support

Understanding Voices has a good page on finding support quickly

You can access it here:


It includes calling 999, 111 or accessing supportive helplines (e.g. samaritans).

Our page on getting support also gives information on how you can get help from your GP and your rights:


If you're wanting to find out the location of a Hearing Voices Group

If you're in England, there is a list of the Hearing Voices Groups we know about here:


It is organised by area

We do not run the groups ourselves, so are reliant on people telling us about changes

We always suggest that people contact the facilitators before attending the group - so they can check out that it suits them and to make sure the day/time is correct


If you're from the US, we have a sister organisation called Hearing Voices Network USA

They list all of the groups in their network here:


You can contact them if there isn't a group in your area

They also offer online groups (that can be accessed from anywhere in the world).

If you're from another country, please see Intervoice's National Networks page


Intervoice is a charity set up to support the international Hearing Voices Movement

There are networks in many countries of the world, so it's a good place to connect with.


Useful resources:

If you, or someone you care about, is struggling to cope you may find some of the following resources useful

We will get back to you individually when we can, but until then we hope that these resources give you a starting point

If you need support to get through a crisis - please read the info on getting support (above)

You don't need to go through this alone.


For anyone

Understanding Voices: Living with Voices section:

Includes coping strategy toolkit, managing difficult voices at work/study and plenty of information written by people who hear voices for people who hear voices

The rest of the site has useful information as well


Our Multimedia section - with lots of info on voice-hearing and different ways of understanding and working with voices:


Our free downloads section - with coping strategies etc:


Rufus May’s resources (Rufus was diagnosed with schizophrenia in his youth and is now a psychologist

I really like some of his resources):


A practical guide to coping with voices:


The British Psychological Society’s ‘Understanding Psychosis’ report:


Our Getting help and support page:


Our approach to Hearing Voices:


Engaging with Voices:


A series of videos exploring ways of engaging with voices in a more compassionate way


Living with voices: 50 stories of recovery (book)


Find a Hearing Voices Group:


Hearing Voices Forum (in assoc. with Intervoice)


Samaritans: | 08457 90 90 90 | A 24-hour confidential helpline that is open 365 days a year


Rethink Advice Line: 0300 5000 927: Open Monday – Friday, 10.00am – 1.00pm, offers practical advice and information


For Young People

Voice Collective:

aimed at children and young people under the age of 25, but has a great range of strategies and ideas for all


They also run a support forum for people under 25 and their supporters - see their website for more info

For those able to get to London, they support a small network of peer support groups and can offer some individual support (email, phone and in person)


The Mix: Help, I’m Hearing Voices:


Listen Up! Youth Voice Hearing Exhibition in Durham (includes podcast and artwork from young people)


Breaking the Silence: a fresh approach to hearing voices in childhood and adolescence:


Young People Hearing Voices: What you need to know and what you can do; Dr Sandra Escher and Dr. Marius Romme (book)

Parents - don’t panic if your child is Hearing Voices, it’s actually quite common:


For family and friends

An article on how to talk with someone who is hearing voices:


We hope that these resources are useful to you


With warmth,

Rai Waddingham (Chair) on behalf of the National Hearing Voices Network


London hearing voices network – update


Lisa hears voices






Spiritual crisis Network (SCN)


National SCN Community Forum


London SCN



Social Prescribing Network


including beyond the pill


additional update

Rapid scoping review on older people, poverty


Self- development


Action for Happiness

happier – kinder – together


New Ways November

22 November


feeling gratitude

We can't change what happens, but we can choose our response

Happiness isn't about everything going well – it's about responding constructively, even in difficult times

10 keys to happier living groups

10 days of happiness

How to live mindfully, even in stressful times

How to feel part of something bigger every day

Happy Planet Index


Making time to be mindful helps us reduce stress levels

by turning our focus to the here and now, rather than dwelling on the past or future


Happy Place

Can't sleep? Your guide to insomnia 💤

How To Manage Stress


Self management UK


Oxford Mindfulness Centre

The qualities of kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity are the attitudinal foundations and qualitative tone of mindfulness.

Cultivating these qualities plays a central role in freeing the mind from patterns that create and recreate distress”


The richest human isn’t the one who has the most, but the one who needs less.

Wealth is a mindset.

Want less and appreciate more today.


Coalition for Personalised Care


including events


turn pain into power





Angel + Marc


Our perspective on just about everything comes from the psychological cage we’ve been conditioned to live in.

A cage created by...

A difficult or disappointing experience

A privileged or sheltered life

Social influence

Pop-culture and mass-media stereotyping

And the list goes on.

Gradually, unbeknownst to us, our cage—our conditioning—drains our mental energy, leaving us vulnerable to bad decision making


When we were young, we saw the world through simple, hopeful eyes.

We knew what we wanted and we had no biases or concealed agendas.

We liked people who smiled.

We avoided people who frowned.

We ate when we were hungry, drank when we were thirsty, and slept when we were tired.
As we grew older our minds became gradually disillusioned by negative external influences

At some point we began to hesitate and question our instincts


Healing in Your Relationships

If you don’t allow yourself to move past what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your present and future through that same dirty lens, and nothing will be able to focus your foggy judgment.

Always be kinder than necessary.

Forgive yourself for the bad decisions you made, for the times you lacked clarity, for the choices that hurt others and yourself.

Some chapters in our lives have to close without closure.

Be careful not to dehumanize people you disagree with.

Being kind to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re fake.

People tend to be more thoughtful and kinder when they have found a little happiness and peace of mind.


How can I respond from a place of clarity and strength, rather than continuing to react in anger and frustration to the painful experiences I've been forced to live through

Think about that question for a moment.

Read it again, and sit with it.

Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, pause for a few seconds, take a few deep breaths, and make space for a healthy change of state—for something new to enter...

It's time to consciously redirect your focus by taking it away from something unchangeable that drags you down, and instead zero it in on something small and actionable that moves you forward in the present moment.


4 Hard Choices that Make You Happier in the Long Run

You can choose to be present when it would be easier to pick up your phone.

You can choose to do a workout when it would be more comfortable to sit around.

You can choose to create something special when it would be quicker to consume something mediocre.

You can choose to invest in yourself when it would take less effort to procrastinate.


New normal’ anxiety: A therapist’s guide


A therapist’s guide to self-care

Self-care is the practice of taking action to improve your health.

We can do this regularly or just from time to time, but it’s important to turn this abstract concept into a concrete goal.

I've written a blog on the ‘6 domains of self-care’, including my top tips on how to give yourself a little love.


Physical self-care

This is about taking care of our physical body and getting back to basics.

Eat regularly and in a way that nourishes your body

Exercise regularly

Boost your sleep


Psychological self-care

We all know it is important to take care of our mind.

This might include seeing mental health professionals or simply doing things to help us recharge.

Turn off phone notifications

Keep scheduled therapy appointments

Take time for reflection


Emotional self-care

This involves your relationship with yourself.

Check in with your feelings and see how you’re doing.

Keep a journal

Vent your frustrations

Engage in opportunities to create happiness


Physiotherapist – Working from home: 4 health hacks

Plump it up

Make your chair more ergonomic.

Add cushions and a foot rest to take care of your lower back.


Go for a raise

Try shaking up your desk design.

Raising your laptop will help to protect your posture.


Break it down

Take micro-breaks.

Regular movement helps prevent muscular pains.


Stretch yourself

That's it.


Stretching at your desk will reduce the risk of muscle strain.


3 simple techniques to help improve your breathing


Breathing control

This means just breathing easily, using the least effort.

It helps you to relax.

Place your hand on your tummy, below your ribs.

Feel your tummy rise and fall as you breathe gently through your nose.

Let go of any tension, just breathe as you need to


Deep breathing

This helps to fill the lower areas of your lungs.

Take a long, slow deep breath in.

At the end of the breath in, hold the air for 2 to 3 seconds before letting the air out gently.

Try to keep your shoulders relaxed.

Repeat for 3 or 4 deep breaths.



This is a way of clearing mucus from your lungs.

Take a breath in and then breathe it out quickly through your mouth, as if trying to mist up a mirror.

Once any mucus has moved upwards, you should find it easier to cough it out. But there is no need to try and force up mucus.

Always finish with more relaxed breathing control (exercise 1) after the huffing exercise.


A to Zzz... our top tips for a good night's sleep


Be consistent

Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day – and avoid napping throughout the day, if possible.


Create the right environment

When it is time for sleep, make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and cool

(The NHS recommends 18-24C for adults and 16-20C for children).


Have a change of scene

If you find yourself unable to fall asleep, get out of bed and do something relaxing elsewhere.
Try reading or drinking some non-caffeinated herbal tea, and stay off social media and news sites, which can often be anxiety-inducing.


Let Your Inner Child Out
Sometimes the grown up in you needs a break.

So, every now and then, release your inner child and enjoy some carefree fun.
See the world with childlike wonder.

Ask lots of questions.

Revisit one of your favourite childhood books or movies.

How will you let your inner child come out to play


All You Need Is Less
If you're wanting more love, more peace, more meaning, more focus, you'll probably find that all you need is, less.

Less expectations, less talk, less buying, less thinking, less stuff, less stress….

Are you ready for less


Involving Others in Decisions
How often do you involve others in the decision-making process

It makes sense to include those who are impacted by the decisions,

or those who will implement those decisions.

It increases their engagement and responsibility,

and having various perspectives can only lead to better outcomes
But involving others in decision-making takes time and resources

How do you figure out when to Involve others in the decision making, and when not to


Nourish with Happiness
Apparently, there is no nourishment like happiness

So are you nourishing yourself with happiness
Here are 3 ways to nourish yourself with happiness, everyday:
1) Feed yourself a dose of laughter (a good joke or a funny video clip)
2) Engage in one activity that makes you happy (gardening or cooking)
3) Create space to feel happy (a dose of gratitude or meditation)


Be Present to Prevent Stress
Whenever you find yourself stressing about getting things done or what’s going to happen

try this: be present

Firstly, become present to your emotions

your stress

and then, become present to what you’re doing and where you are

Be present and you may find that it helps you to feel less stressed

more relaxed

and be more effective and productive

Be more present and in the long term, you'll increase your stress resilience, and may even prevent feeling stressed.


Growing through Life
Are you just going through life or are you growing through life
If you feel like you’re just going through the routine of life, nothing probably seems exciting

Why not grow through what you go through

Grow through life, and you'll most likely find learning and excitement even in the routine


Turn On Your Inner Light
No matter how dark a moment it is

choose to bring light
Light emanates from the core of our being

So, turn on your inner light and let your light radiate through your presence

Be the light and illuminate the moment and the world


Your Financial Well-being

Why do we as a society allow people to live in poverty ? - Wendy
Can you be happy on a budget

It’s not about missing out on things and experiences, or reducing your happiness

But it is about making smarter choices and increasing your financial well-being

This week

clarify your financial goals, what you value most and what brings you the most joy

rethink your spending habits

be happier with what you have


Dreams Need Courage
No matter how much you’ve achieved or accomplished,

there’s always much more to explore

So have the courage to dream

Have the courage to define your dream clearly,

to go beyond any obstacles and reach for your dream,

even when you can't see what lies ahead
Dream and have the courage to make life an adventure worth exploring


Sound of the Waves
When you can’t seem to quiet your noisy mind, try this meditation:
Imagine yourself sitting on a beach….

Allowing the sound of the waves to wash over your noisy thoughts…

Your thoughts begin to quieten down…

Watching the calm ebb and flow of the waves, your mind is in a deep state of relaxation and calm


Walk in Someone's Shoes
You know the saying about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes before judging them

Next time someone's being difficult, leave your opinions, assumptions and emotions aside for just a couple of minutes

Then, figuratively walk in their shoes, that is, try to see things from their perspective to understand where they're coming from
Even if we walk a mile in someone’s shoes,

we still can't judge them because we can never really know the reasoning behind someone's actions or what it’s like to be that person

So, just try to understand others as much as you can


The Three Questions
When you're confused and unsure about a decision, ask yourself three questions:

Who am I?

What is important to me?

What is my purpose?
The answers that arise will most probably lead you to clarity


Point of Light
If you're feeling low in energy, low in mood, try this simple meditation:
Bring your attention up through your body to a point in the middle of the forehead,

just above and behind the eyes, behind the mind....
Begin to experience yourself as a point of concentrated energy,

a spark of light, full of radiance and positive energy....
Feeling good, feeling re-energised, you’re ready to move on to whatever's next


Peace of Mind

Peace of mind comes not from wanting to change others, but by simply accepting them as they are
For your peace of mind, can you let go of what you want others to do or how you want them to be?

Can you accept everyone as they are?


Peace Takeaway
Sometimes it seems as if someone or something can so easily take away our peace.

But actually, no one and nothing can take away our peace because peace is our natural state of being

Next time it feels like someone or something has taken away your peace, understand that you just got pulled away from your peace

Then, pull your attention away from everything else and return back to your natural state of peace


Explore and Embrace
We often try to make impermanent things permanent

We often expect things to last forever

But no matter how tightly we hold onto things

we cannot change the fact that everything will eventually change

This week, explore and embrace the perspective of impermanence

whether it’s in your work, relationships or yourself.

Try it, and you may find that it helps you to avoid attaching happiness to things lasting forever,

appreciate things while you have them and deal with change effectively.


Impossible Possible
Anything is possible with the power of determination

Determination won’t let anything stop you

Determination will break through fear and self-doubt

And when things get rough, tough or even boring, determination will persevere and keep you going

It’s the key to success
How are you using the power of determination in your life to make the impossible possible?


The Seed of Life

We are like a tree

the seed is the essence of who we are

our life-force

and our branches represent work, family, friends, health, dreams, ambitions.....

When the seed is vibrant, our life-force pulses through each branch to every single leaf

So, extend your branches in a joyful gesture and celebrate life

And when you feel overwhelmed by it all, concentrate on the seed and you’ll revitalise everything


What Are You Focusing On?
If you’re feeling anxious, ask yourself how much you are focusing on things that are outside your control
Every time you start focusing on what’s outside your control

gently bring your focus back to what is within your control

Do this and you'll start to feel less anxiety and more peace, and increase your capacity to deal with things.


Self-Care Forum

Pandemic: Changes in Professional's Attitudes & Practice


Including investing in relationships


Research: Consuming fruit and veg and exercising can make you happier

Too much free time may be almost as bad as too little



Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance



Economics of happiness – local futures

Beyond Conspiracy: Framing Meaningful Activism


Gabor Maté supports the localization movement

Dr. Gabor Maté on Mental Health and Localization

the corporation

the new corporation

Vandana – the power of people

Small, local and productive

To consume or to connect

Putting technology in its place

Dr. Gabor Maté and Helena NH

From Australia to Zimbabwe, Mexico to the UK – we are celebrating localization!

A quiet revolution




The benefits system in this country is a disgrace


get support with your living costs♿



myth busters

will you sign the open letter♿

If we were getting proper care and support, there wouldn’t be premature deaths happening

Dame Carolyn Fairbairn + Vanessa on learning disability mortality reviewfrom personal experience – on women’s hour


'Barbaric': Hundreds with learning disabilities kept locked up for years

I don’t have to worry about my brother being locked away this Christmas

Mencap – Tell councils: Count Disabled Children In




Dan – 45:46 minutes in


Social care charging has left us with little to live on – EMAIL MP


" I’m non-verbal - it doesn’t mean I don’t understand." 💬

No freedom, no dignity, no life. 🔒




No freedom, no dignity, no life - take action now ❤


Harvey + Katie

Tommy Jessop




12 years since Winterbourne View - EMAIL MP

Inside the "barbaric" mental health units holding autistic adults and children

Leo + Stephen - PETITION

Managing debt with your energy supplier

Joining the Priority Services Register

Checking you're getting all the benefits you're entitled to

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄



What the budget means for disabled people

end sky high energy bills for disabled + older people

Lauren’s bills are too high. 📈 - OPEN LETTER

Spring Budget: What it means for disabled people. ♿

Create a fair future for disabled people. ♿

📢 Breaking: £975 price tag for disabled households – EMAIL MP

How accessible is your nearest playground?

🕵️‍♀️ The Play Investigation: Your next mission

The Play Investigation: Save the date 🗓


MIND – Cost of living crisis – PETITION





It's time to fix Access to Work


Alzeimer's society


dementia UK




"Upset and disgusted" at Travelodge – PETITION


Office for National Statistics – Outcomes for disabled people in the UK

How increases in housing costs impact households

Beyond GDP: what matters to national well-being

Down your way: working towards more localised data on public sector spending






Share community



VITAL projects



Changing our lives

hospital to home



Challenging behaviour foundation


Disability Rights UK


Disability Right UK has helplines


equal participation for all

The EHRC Outlines Nine Principles for Social Care Equality


DR UK oppose Illegal Migration Bill


New research shows huge rise in extra costs for Disabled households


Profound lack of trust in the benefit health assessment system still a constant theme, say MPs


Missing out: £19 billion of benefits support goes unclaimed each year


Local Housing Allowance legal challenge



Turn2Us seek stories from those who have successfully claimed PIP



Jodey Whiting


Scottish Government announces rent freeze

Report shows millions of Disabled people living in cold homes

Radical reform of benefits assessments for those with mental health problems essential, says Mind

Make things right: social housing campaign


Culture of othering found at Rochdale Boroughwide Housing


Customers not paying by direct debit pay vastly more for energy

Data reveals extent of the prepayment meter scandal

Improved protections against forced fitting of pre-payment meters


Government launches social housing rent cap consultation

Disability Hate Crime rises but only 1% see prosecutions

Clear majority agree that benefits must be uprated by inflation, finds JRF polling

BBC Panorama exposes alleged abuse of patients

Citizens Advice survey shows millions will be in energy bills debt

Cross Party MPs call for public inquiry into benefit related deaths


The health assessments system lets down those who rely on it


MPs launch inquiry asking if working-age benefit levels in the UK are adequate to meet need

Sanctions ineffective as a way of getting people into jobs or to work more hours, finds suppressed DWP report

DWP admits Access to Work is overwhelmed by workload but rejects meeting

Disabled people urged to check on eligibility for social tariffs on broadband


Mental Health Bill - Easy read survey


Benefit sanctions harming claimants, lawyers warn

Disabled UC claimants underpaid by over £350 per month due to DWP failure to start WCA process

Disabled woman wins legal challenge against DWP over automatic benefit deductions

7 in 10 PIP appeals won on the same evidence DWP already held

DWP makes few concessions on improving engagement with Disabled people

Secret reviews into DWP deaths have more than doubled in three years

Government plans to move Disabled people from institutions don’t go far enough

Report highlights issue of negativity towards Disabled people

Disabled people make up nearly half of the most deprived working-age adults in the country

PIP delays leave Disabled people hundreds of millions of pounds out of pocket

Tony Hickmott

590 suicides between 2010 and 2013 linked to welfare reform – Deaths by Welfare

9 in 10 of all reports about disability benefit fraud to the DWP hotline turn out to be false

100 people held more than 20 years in ‘institutions’


Police officer fired for taking photos of people being sectioned

Press coverage for autistic man in isolation prompts Council action

Severely ill inpatient died after DWP forced him to leave hospital to make benefit claim

Disabled woman left begging a bus driver to let her travel home safely

The Mayor's Entrepreneur competition & training

Because we all care – CQC

Government White Paper fails to re-build the care system

Law Commission recommends adding disability to list of hate crimes

DWP refuses to publish report that found Disabled claimants had “unmet needs”

Councils waste £253 million fighting parents at SEND tribunals since 2014

Mental health impact of leaseholder cladding scandal

All PIP claimants to be offered apply online option

End Fuel Poverty Coalition – PETITION

People deprived of liberty due to misapplication of Mental Health + Capacity Acts

Sickle cell patients ‘face racism in NHS’

Share your experiences of seeing or posting online content about suicide or self-harm

Ground-breaking inquiry questions ‘Whose social care is it anyway’

DWP failures mean dying people are being rejected for PIP

DWP ignoring concerns about Disabled benefit claimants’ deaths

The Reason I Jump

Ker Featherstone

Damning new MP report calls for end to long-term incarceration of people with autism and learning disabilities

"Sharp rise" in DWP benefit death reviews "deeply concerning"

DWP to stop ‘cold-calling’ Disabled people to make low benefit ‘offers’

Our work capability assessment factsheet

Poverty Alliance

Assisted Dying Bill

Health and Disability Green Paper – a cause for concern

Hundreds of thousands “will plunge into poverty” as Minister rejects UK-wide call to keep Universal Credit uplift

New body to tackle health disparities set to launch

Lords: Government failing to implement Equality Act

I would have closed Cawston Hall – Norfolk Council care boss – Jeesal group

A fifth of housing not fit for good health – Good Home Inquiry

Elections Bill bad news for Disabled voters

Austerity cuts killed tens of thousands from 2010 onwards

Over two thirds of Universal Credit claimants currently in arrears while living costs rise

Disabled claimant died underweight, ‘unkempt and dirty’ after ESA and PIP wrongly stopped

Disability Benefits Without the Fight – PETITION

Excluded children put in ‘unsafe’ institutions

Disability Horizons launches new online wellbeing community

Social care plans expose rich vs poor divide in terms of home loss

DWP urged to reveal algorithm that ‘targets’ Disabled people for benefit fraud

Almost £3bn to be awarded to private sector to assess disability benefits


Osbornes Law


Inquiry sought into deaths of 369 mental distress patients in Sussex Trust’s care

High Court rules loss of around £180 a month disability premiums on claiming Universal Credit is unlawful discrimination

DWP blocks publication of research on effectiveness of benefit sanctions

Disabled people’s experiences of the benefits system: Committee publishes withheld Government-commissioned research

Disability strategy ruled unlawful, DWP denied permission to appeal

Disabled people five times more likely to experience food poverty, says Food Foundation

DWP admits wrongly refusing PIP to record number of Disabled people

Two-thirds of NHS Trusts failing to support equal access to care for Disabled patients

Citizens Advice energy advice

Nearly half of people referred to Trussell Trust food banks are in debt to the DWP


Jackie Maguire

Tip of the Iceberg: Deaths and Serious Harm in the Benefit System

Pushed to the Edge: Poverty, food banks and mental health

DWP failing to make reasonable adjustments for UC claimants with mental health problems

Reasonable adjustment

Adult Disability Payment

Just Can’t Wait card

Elections Bill will make it harder for Disabled people to vote

New podcast protests the deadly welfare policies enacted by the Department for Work and Pensions (the DWP)

Government must halt ‘managed migration’ to universal credit – DR UK

Report shows that smart home technology can assist independent living

People with learning disabilities in ‘mental health crisis’ – Mencap

Austerity Kills campaign – WRITE TO YOUR MP

Disability Rights UK challenges the Bill of Rights on a parliamentary panel

Call for DWP to compensate up to 50,000 claimants unlawfully short changed on moving to UC

Benefit rates remain “close to destitution levels”, says JRF

Claimant deaths still linked to systemic flaws in benefits system, DWP document shows

Get Ahead Newsletter 27

Disabled energy user forced onto meter

Housing must be accessible, safe and affordable - without compromise


Welfare Rights Helpline for Member Organisations
Personal Budgets Helpline

Disabled Students Helpline



More than half of Disabled adults (55 per cent) are struggling to pay their energy bills and around a third (36 per cent) are having problems paying their rent or mortgage

DWP watered down plan to prevent claimant suicides

George - DWP discrimination led claimant to suicidal thoughts

Government pledges national action following Doncaster abuse inquiry

BBC highlights unfair PIP cut for disabled people in hospital

Get yourself active

CQC concerns around autism and learning disability services in damning annual care review

Over 460% rise in PIP claims stopped due to failure to return review form

DR UK joins public call for Michael Gove to freeze rents

1.6 million children live in mouldy and damp homes

PPM ban temporary as Ofgem prepares report on energy suppliers

DWP failings linked to death of claimant whose body lay undiscovered for years

Disabled People's Manifesto – PETITION

Disabled People's Manifesto – EMAIL MP

DR UK Urges You To Oppose the Government’s Dangerous Cost-Cutting WCA reforms

Research Exposes Extent of Harm in Mental Health Settings


Disability News Service


Equality Network

Sanctuary, Safety, Solidarity


25 November


New report exploring LGBTI+ Kinship in Scotland

Human rights and LGBTI+ experiences in Scotland today

Happy Bi Visibility Day!

Happy Black History Month!

Including events


Care and Support Alliance – An appeal for your story



MND Association


Act now for safer homes for people with MND



Neurological alliance



National autism society

sign open letter


Joint Committee publishes report on the Draft Mental Health Bill

Number of autistic people in mental health hospitals: latest data

Why campaigning is so important

Report uncovers urgent changes needed in English schools

Petition around the mental health act


action-attainment – beyond autism


Land + other views


Humanists UK

Working to ensure a fairer, kinder, and better society


2021 Census | Christianity’s decline should end its claim to institutional power


Humanists at work in the community ❤️


An attack on free expression

including Salman


protect legal abortion

Religion vs Women’s Rights – Write to your MP


2025 Strategy

French Citizens' Assembly backs assisted dying


One Life, Live It Well


The humanist approach to death and celebrating a life well lived ❤️

The Little Book of Humanist Funerals 📚💐

MPs to debate bishops in the Lords – please write

Where do we come from? ✨🌎 Our new animation with Alice Roberts

Six facts about faith schools you need to know 🚨

Copenhagen Declaration on Democracy: a humanist value

📚👀 Who’s on your #HumanistBookshelf?

Anglican priests agree – Britain is no longer a Christian country

Blasphemy laws are NEVER justifiable 🚫

Humanists UK tells Labour: Faith schools need reform, not uncritical support

Assisted dying: six reasons we need a humane law

Sandi Toksvig headlines season six of our ‘What I Believe’ podcast 🎉🎧

YET MORE evidence of faith school harms: this time against children with special needs

Who bears the brunt of faith school discrimination?


Land justice UK – Land and Food


New land report out on land reform in Scotland

police, crime, sentencing and courts bill

You can find a Member of the House of Lords and write to them asking them to review this dangerous bill


Global feedback

There is a problem with food


A win in the fight for land rights – PETITION


Land worker’s alliance


Human rights


Fawcett Society

women's rights are at risk in Parliament – EMAIL MP

Write to your MP to ask them to save the Worker Protection Bill tackling sexual harassment

A House For Everyone: A Case for Modernising Parliament

What do we do about misogyny in the police?

The Worker Protection Bill will become law

Announcing Equal Pay Day 2023

Sexist complaint regarding Meghan Markle successful

In my experience complaints are rarely acknowledged or acted upon - so this is good news ! - Wendy


Fabian Society

Homes For Britain: Planning for Growth Report

including Housing First + community land trusts


The next progressive government must improve housing standards for renters


The British Institute of Human Rights

Explaining laws passed end April 2022

What the Rights Removal Bill means for you

Human Rights Day: Community Mobilisation

People, Communities, Public Bodies & Policymakers

Human rights issues in plain language

Celebrating human rights

Changing public services

Meet our community partners


15 November

Our work with Council of Europe

including idea of human rights ombudsman


Just Fair


Equality + human rights commission


Fly the flag for human rights


Refugee action

How to build a BÖRDER KRISÍS

anti-refugee Bill

Stop The #AntiRefugeeBill petition

Heartbreaking deaths in the Channel: tell your MP enough is enough – EMAIL MP

What exactly is the hostile environment


Thank you for seeing the human not the label

EMAIL MP: Ukrainian refugees need all the help we can give

TELL YOUR MP: vote to lift the ban

Hostile Accommodation - our new report

Send a welcome message


Did you know the UK asylum system is run for profit?

Companies involved Clearsprings, Mears, Serco and Corporate Travel Management (CTM)

Most wanted

Pride is a Protest



You know the facts

People seeking asylum are banned from working, unable to support themselves and expected to live on just £5.84 a day

It's always been an absurd policy, and soon MPs will have the chance to reassert common sense and lift the ban

Polling from this week shows that an enormous 81% of members of the public surveyed agree that the ban should be lifted

Fight the anti-refugee laws: ask your MP to sign the pledge

The Rwanda plan: a punishment for asking for help

One year on: 9,000 Afghan refugees still stuck in hotels

Shedding the refugee label

The consequences of punishing refugees

Lift the Ban: does Jeremy Hunt want £300 million

Price rises + government hostility = asylum seeker poverty


Milo + Cathy + Hein + Alisa


What is costility?

The cost of a hostile environment

Not just “immigrants” , “low income” people too ? Costility in terms of people + money? - Wendy


The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

Add your name to the open letter: safety for Afghan climate activists


Windrush Heroes: Stories you need to hear



I tried this + got some answers wrong – Wendy


Do you know these refugee changemakers, tastemakers, and dream makers? Test your knowledge


The truth about the net migration numbers


just beautiful …




Migrants organised

Migrants Organise is taking the Home Office to Court

New Plan for Immigration is same old Hostile Environment

Your solidarity is working

This Refugee Week we want to share our New Dreams

Solidarity Knows No Borders

Share our message of dignity and welcome

the royal college of paediatrics + child health has published a statement calling for the abolition of all NHS charging – becoming the first royal college to call for more than a temporary suspension of these discriminatory + harmful hostile environment

NEW report: shining a spotlight on the devastating impact of Hostile Environment policies during COVID

2 minute action: The COVID inquiry must not forget migrants

What is happening with the anti-refugee Borders Bill

Dismantling the hostile environment – podcasts

Hostile – film

Solidarity is what connects us – EMAIL MP





Patients not passports – A toddler charged £70k for life saving NHS care – ACTION

Inhumane’ NHS fees left more than 900 migrants without treatment

Freedom of information act used to obtain this data – Wendy


will you call on the Government to welcome climate activists as refugees


Freedom from Torture – close the barracks

Holocaust survivor confronted Suella Braverman to say: your hateful language has consequences


UK government links to torture in Xinjiang – PETITION

Urgent: Stop the UK Decriminalising Torture

New Plan for Immigration – Consultation Guidance

URGENT: Act now to protect refugees from Priti Patel's New Plan

Dr Waheed Arian

kick out hate

URGENT: if passed into law, Priti Patel's Anti-Refugee Bill will destroy the lives of countless people seeking asylum

Write to your MP to stop it

One strong voice


Join a local group

Urgent: shocking news – EMAIL MP

The facts + figures

write to your local newspaper against the anti refugee bill


Clause 11 of the anti-refugee bill, which would punish Ukranians and other refugees for the way that they travel to safety – was removed by the Lords

A Holocaust survivor just sent this message to Boris Johnson – on the cliffs of Dover

£5 a day


22nd March

MPs voted to punish refugees who make their own way to safety in the UK as part of the Nationality and Borders Bill

The bill has now entered a stage called ‘ping pong’, where it bounces back and forth between the House of Lords & the House of Commons

People power – love not hate


Tell PM candidates: do not send refugees to Rwanda

Rwanda – action

end UK links to torture – PETITION

Paul Dacre – PETITION


Safe passage – We need your help – write to a Peer today

EMAIL MP – fix our broken asylum system

become a young leader

EMAIL MP – safe passage now

Afghan families must be reunited – EMAIL MP

Inspiring interview with Joel on Channel 5 News

📺 Watch Beth break down the devastating refugee law



Make a Difference: Support Lord Dubs' Amendment Now

The ultimate betrayal


Detention Action

This is a humanitarian disaster. Close the detention camps now

Meet with your MP

we oppose unjust deportations – PETITION

urgent: no offshore detention – EMAIL MP


Survivors of Napier Barracks beat the Home Office in court

Six men who Priti Patel detained at Napier Barracks have proved in court that she violated their human rights


Stop union busting in Morocco – PETITION


Tell Denmark: Syria is not safe for refugees to return. Reverse your shameful decision


Your right to know – PETITION


WHICH - Food prices increasing

food + mental health

the right to connect – EMAIL TO CEOS


Third sector + campaigning


Third Sector – Governance bulletin

Third Sector – weekly

Give communities more power over local assets and a £2bn support fund, report urges

Giving by the super-rich could be perpetuating social inequality, academics conclude

Charities lost almost £8.6m to fraud last year, latest figures show

Top earners at Wellcome Trust paid almost £8m each after investments boomed

Wellcome institutional racism

Adeela Warley: In 2022 let’s make social media a place for hope, not hate

Care charity lost more than 150 staff last year because of vaccination rules


Latest accounts for the London Clinic show that the highest earner, who is not identified, received a salary package of between £510,000 and £520,000 in 2020

This is a charity – Wendy


Fifth former Oxfam GB staffer sanctioned after DRC sexual misconduct investigation

Why aren’t more charities supporting community building initiatives

Does the voluntary sector have a class problem

Giving pains: the cost of grant-making

National Trust hits back at 'paid-for' campaign to influence its governance

Charity investigated over ‘teacher with sword’ and ‘child eating dead rat’

Reproductive healthcare charity boss paid £229,000 annual bonus

Academies trust run by major charity breached the law, review finds

Cash-for-honours: two men questioned over allegations linked to King Charles’ charity

Are charities too ‘respectable’ to achieve change

Cash-for-honours file linked to King Charles charity passed to CPS

King Charles's charity warned over working in Bahrain

Church of England announces £100m fund after slavery links

Charity 'won't be silenced' by Israel blacklisting

Damning antisemitism report urges NUS to rethink relationship with its charity arm

Regulator looking into foundation set up by UK’s richest man

Charity bosses bugged rivals and spent money for homeless on luxury gifts

Has AI solved the poverty porn dilemma?

Report reveals three in 10 large charities have all-white boards

Charity workers could lead the way as four-day week manifesto launches

Charity vows to keep expanding after mass merger boosts income from £9.6m to £222m

Inquiry launched after housing charity’s income increased by 130,000 per cent in a year

Christian charity leader given £420,000 ‘long service award’


Charity and donor tax relief hits new high of £6bn

Is this a good thing ? Given charity bosses salaries ? - Wendy


Average CEO pay at large charities rises to £175,000, survey shows

Healthcare charity boss doubled pay package with £230,000 bonus last year

Christian charity pledges £7m in reparation payments over its past links to slavery

Charity for single parents adopts four-day week

Paul Streets: Hope and optimism in Great Yarmouth



nine out of 10 people believe that the political system needs reforming

only one in three people trust parliament to act in the best interest of people

only two in five trust British democracy

Talking politics

✉️ The Progressive Insider

The smarter state: between the ‘magic money tree’ and the ‘reform fairy’

Public services are failing to deliver for citizens

Report – reforming public services - based on the 'three P’s': prevention - personalisation and productivity


Carnegie Trust

including kindness in public services



Lots of interesting events


Creative Flow: Kingston, Art and The River to 13 April 2024


Fast minds – Kingston


Staywell - Kingston


kick it – stop smoking – kingston


Man + boy


well-being courses at Kingston Adult Education


for more information




Kingston council events


household support funding drop-in sessions



Silverfit Kingston - over 45’s Fitness Sessions



Kingston Voluntary Action (KVA)


4 in 10 children in London live in poverty


1 in 4 are living in poverty after housing costs

Source: London’s poverty profile 2021


Updated nomination link for free SIM-cards

Help tackle The Biggest Issue

Health and Inequalities - Bitesize Training- information sharing and learning

update including holistic health

Come Rhyme with Us - the video


Accessible Support and Mental Health Resources

Many of us may be feeling under increased financial pressure right now

The worry about money may impact sleep, concentration, productivity and our stress levels
If you are worried about money or need free, impartial advice, the Kingston Citizens Advice free toolkit is
here to help

To help, watch an NHS wellbeing webinar on Managing Financial Anxiety

You can access the Worrying About Money leaflet here
Find Mental Health resources on Connected Kingston
For advice on how to look after your mental health, visit the
Mental Health Foundation here
For St John Ambulance's mental health training and resources, please click
For Mind Mental Health Charity, visit their website
For Samaritans, visit their website

Their phone number is 116 123


Opening up a Kingston Town Warm Space for Community Groups
As part of our commitment to share our space, we have opened up part of the ground floor of the council office building (Guildhall 2) as a shared space from Monday - Friday, 10am to 4pm

This space will have free tea and coffee and will be offered as a general use warm space

There will be children’s toys and games available, and we are keen that our voluntary and community sector partners feel able to use this space to support residents
This space is now open

If you would like to volunteer to support this shared space one morning or afternoon a week (or more), or if your organisation would like to regularly use this shared space, please make contact with for a chat on 0771 4772559


Ask the Expert is back! Book your FREE advice session now

KVA update

funding by 20 November

22 November


Sheila McKechnie Foundation

We believe that anyone can be a force for change

Together we explore change, share knowledge and learn from change-makers

Transforming power for social change

Can get places for free email


Worried about the - Policing Bill Wondering what you can do - Find out how to get involved

The Power Project: transform power, build solidarity, make change

Why a voice inside Whitehall matters for campaigners

what can art teach us about social change

Social power – 12 habits of successful change makers

Problem Tree planning tool

100 Campaigns that Changed the World podcast




Law for change


Support + more ideas


Amnesty International

Urgent Action Network Update


Patient Safety Learning

Mental illness is a lie which causes untold damage

hospital safety for diabetes patients, institutional misogyny, climate change, and more…

Whistleblowing, patient feedback, visiting restrictions + events…


Latest hub highlights: Misogyny, crosswords, Ockenden…

Mind the implementation gap, vaccination programmes, mesh removal

Patients died after catalogue of errors by Priory mental health chain

Hundreds of thousands more women than men prescribed powerful anti-anxiety drugs ‘harder to come off than heroin’

Listening to families, safety management systems

including more events for example

Pinned down, force-fed and drugged into ‘zombie-like’ state: ‘Systemic abuse’ at children’s hospitals revealed

Huntercombe group : a mental health scandal


Systemic failures, PSIRF, surviving scrubs, and more…

including ombudsman raising concerns about human rights in Mental Health


Bed shortages, painful hysteroscopy, revised NatSSIPs, and more…

Prescribing antidepressants for chronic pain lacks evidence, experts say

Trust must pay £200k to whistleblower it subjected to ‘campaign of harassment’

Women’s healthcare in Britain ‘worse than in China and Saudi Arabia’

Three-quarters of children detained under mental health act are girls, new report warns

Trust spent £680k in failed attempt to fight whistleblower

The sinister side of medicine

Eight resources on eating disorders

Mothers and babies being put at risk due to unsafe NHS maternity services

Forgotten heroes, whistleblowing, thrombosis misdiagnosis

Leading for patient safety, ADHD diagnosis, private surgery


Misogyny’ and ‘medical patriarchy’ widespread at major trust, reports find


The elephant in the room: Patient Safety and Integrated Care Systems


NHS trust to review all suicides since 2017

Drug firms funding UK patient groups that lobby for NHS approval of medicines

Trust given warning notice over rapid tranquillisation

World Patient Safety Day, Lucy Letby verdict, Patient Safety Partners


Long-lasting sexual dysfunction after taking antidepressants: Lack of recognition harmful to patients


Inpatient mental health – a digital desert

getting people to accept restraints – seclusion – electro convulsive treatment – forced imprisonment – forced medication as human rights abuse is an uphill struggle – Wendy




Patient Safety Commisioner


Patient association

Loneliness – Age UK

Loneliness – MIND

Loneliness – NHS

Campaign to end loneliness

Every Mind Matters

be kind to your mind

tips from every mind matters

including anxiety

Feel less lonely


how to complain

Published guidance for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) teams

the plan for health + care services to work with people + communities


Start engagement early

Provide clear and accessible public information

Build relationships with excluded groups

Co-produce and redesign services and tackle system priorities in partnership with people and communities


Nutrition Checklist

The NHS Constitution for England

Call for Welsh Government apology after failings at Ysbyty Gwynedd mental health unit

Vulnerable man Clive Treacey 'failed in life and death'

Why asylum seekers deserve better healthcare, and how we can give it to them

Maternity + neonatal services in East Kent report makes grim reading


the scandal that shook the NHS

HIV testing: Free DIY home kit offered in England

New tool to assess risks of taking sodium valproate


How putting people first and asking ‘What Matters to You’ can shape the future of healthcare for professionals and people

Listening, learning, responding to concerns

Upholding rights and equality in health and social care


Welsh Community Health Councils will be replaced with a new national body, the Citizen Voice Body, and the Welsh Government wants your views on how the new organisation should work

The aims of the new body are to:


Strengthen the citizen voice in Wales in matters related to both health and social services, ensuring that citizens have an effective mechanism for ensuring that their views are heard


Ensure that individuals are supported with advice and assistance when making a complaint in relation to their care


Use the experience of people who have used services to make improvements

Do we need a pill for every ill?

Health inequalities: Improving accountability in the NHS


Six principles of patient partnership launched

Treating patients as equals

Patients who are fully informed

Shared decision making and patient partnership

Recognising inequalities

Seeking patient input

Joining services around patients


Just Treatment

Rich countries protecting pharma monopolies


A £2 medicine charged at over £2900…

put lives before pharma profits – PETITION


We found that 51% of beds in inpatient mental health services are provided by private companies like Priory Group, Cygnet, and Huntercombe Group who make the majority of their revenue from NHS funding

As laid out in

this important article by clinical psychologist Sanah Ahsan

our current approach to mental health care is centred on purely medical responses to "individual" conditions

But we know that issues such as poverty, debt and housing play a huge role – in fact, 73% of Just Treatment supporters who filled out our recent survey on mental health cited material conditions as a key cause of poor mental health

if you would like to share your story click



Pharma greed kills

letter to Vertex ✍

Close links between big pharma & government


Cheri + Alexey + Rodrigo + Vishal


While the NHS crumbles, big pharma is demanding billions more!

EMAIL MP to stop Big Pharma ripping off NHS


3 years on…

Stop big pharma’s £2.5 billion NHS grab!


Engage Britain

Making the country work for all of us



suicide awareness training for university students

ZSA and Help for Heroes launch suicide awareness training to support veterans

more from help for heroes


autistic people your views welcome

Zero Suicide Alliance - November update


Opportunity for free suicide prevention awareness sessions



Suicide + co


Suicide Crisis

Doctors who harm psychiatric patients – and how the system protects them


Citizen UK

Living Wage for care workers – EMAIL MP


Make every contact count - RESOURCES


Kings Fund


you called ...we came”


open wounds - online


Treating causes not symptoms: Basic Income as a public health measure

Integrated care and district councils: what underpins success?

Could a wellbeing economy approach transform the NHS?

Transformative, not tokenistic: the patient voice in integrated care systems

Beyond ‘bad admin’ exploring what great admin looks like and how it can be achieved

Understanding lived experience and intersectionality

Two-thirds of GPs refuse to register homeless patients

Life expectancy of minority ethnic learning disabled people is half that of white counterparts

Bisexual people experience worse health outcomes than other adults in England, national study finds

Building community health and care capacity: reflections from other countries

Improving integrated commissioning in health and social care

How can we move care closer to home?

Systems for Change: a whole-system approach

Not just ticking boxes: four stories illustrating the power of community-led health service design

Reducing misogyny and improving sexual safety in the ambulance service: what we know

Reducing misogyny and improving sexual safety in the ambulance service: consensus statement

Reducing misogyny and improving sexual safety in the ambulance service: next steps

Healthy Ageing

Making patient experience a priority

Improving care for people with learning disabilities and autism

Back to basics – understanding lived experience and intersectionality in health and care

Kevin Fenton: “Racism is a major public health challenge”


Reimagining the welfare state

caring in a complex world

The hidden problems behind delayed discharges and their costs

The preventative state: rebuilding our local, social and civic foundations

Tackling obesity: improving policy making on food and health

Black maternal health

Struggling to be heard: understanding the experience of disabled people in England

Not a ‘nice to have’ – the importance of working with people and communities

Acute inpatient mental health care for adults and older adults


Celebrate 75 years of the NHS with our new online course

Delivering meaningful patient involvement: the MTG's guide for integrated care systems


Better housing for better health

Supporting people with a learning disability and autistic people to live happier, healthier, longer lives: bitesize guide for local systems


Three surprising trends in adult social care

The radical reform that's been staring the NHS in the face

How does the NHS compare to international health systems?


Working with the VCSE as system partners – from warm words to actions


Gen Z mental health: The impact of tech and social media

A natural health service: improving lives and saving money


How can we reduce health inequalities for people living with sickle cell disorder?

Supporting digital inclusion in health care

New podcast: health inequalities and climate change

Has the Women’s Health Strategy listened to what women really need

Odds stacked against it: how social care struggles to compete with supermarkets on pay

New horizons: what can England learn from the professionalisation of care workers in other countries

poverty and the health and care system

There’s no such thing as a new public policy idea, just a new name

Towards a new partnership between disabled people and health and care services: getting our voices heard

Reading the signals: maternity and neonatal services in East Kent – the report of the independent investigation

Where does the buck stop

What are health inequalities

What does it take to ensure partnerships succeed

Poverty, poor-quality housing and health inequalities

The Health and Care Act 2022 – what does it mean for trusts and foundation trusts

A community-powered NHS: making prevention a reality

Working in partnership with people + communities: statutory guidance

What should partnering with disabled people look like

Women in prison + mental health + poverty + strokes +

The impact of body image + live-in care workers in London + modern slavery + strength based approach +

What is a population health approach

How should the health and care system act on poverty

NHS wants to stop ‘reinventing the wheel’ and involve public in digitisation

New podcast: Supporting refugee and migrant health care in England

Health Management and Policy Alert: 26 July 2022

including human rights concerns regarding people in care

Putting patients first: championing good practice in combatting digital health inequalities

A picture of health Bridging the gap between physical and mental healthcare in adult mental health inpatient settings

The Health and Care Act 2022: the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead

What can be done to tackle LGBTQ+ health inequalities

Acting on the evidence: ensuring the NHS meets the needs of trans people

The cost of poor housing by tenure in England


Health Management and Policy Alert: 20 July 2021

Including reforming the MHA: government response to consultation

Not listening to us – Wendy


Understanding integration: how to listen to and learn from people and communities


Health and Wellbeing Bulletin

Including poor health + housing + obesity + bad roads


Health Management and Policy Alert: 10 September 2021

Including Home for all


What is needed to reduce ethnic minority health inequalities

How much longer and further are health inequalities set to rise


How will integrated care systems work under the Health and Care Bill

Including details of a free course “an introduction to leading with kindness and compassion in health + social care


The power of those small acts of kindness

The WHO Prison Health Framework: a framework for assessment of prison health system performance

within local communities

How does the UK's health care performance compare internationally

Anchor institutions must re-imagine how public bodies immerse themselves within local communities + partnering is a verb

The cost of poor housing in England

Left behind: a decade of intergenerational unfairness

Invisible women: understanding women’s experiences of long-term imprisonment

Care Quality Commission's reply to the Joint Committee on Human Rights about protecting human rights in care settings

Listen: Tackling health inequalities head on through integrated care

Your health and care explained update

New podcast: What is the Health and Care Bill and why does it matter

Restraint, segregation and seclusion review: progress report

From harm to hope: a 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives

Integrated care systems and social care: the opportunities and challenges

If integrated care cannot tackle inclusion health, we should all be worried

New explainer: How does the system hear from communities

Robot performs first laparoscopic surgery without human help

Local government public health funding: putting the jigsaw together without the picture on the box


What could provider collaboratives look like

Not really outcome-based commissioning? Certainly not people commissioning? – Wendy


Local health systems: relationships not structures

Systemic racism, not broken bodies: an inquiry into racial injustice and human rights in UK maternity care

How does the NHS in England work and how is it changing

Mental Health Act reform: race and ethnic inequalities

ADPH highlights link between gambling and suicide

Nature-based physical activity as an early intervention for teenagers

Introducing integrated care systems: joining up local services to improve health outcomes

Health and Wellbeing Bulletin

Interoperability is more than technology

housing our ageing population


New podcast: Stafford Scott on community activism

Poverty and the health and care system: The role of data and partnership in bringing change

Austerity 2.0: why it’s critical for our health that the government learns the lessons of Austerity 1.0

Challenging the mental health crisis: how Universal Basic Income can address youth anxiety and depression

Global report on health equity for persons with disabilities

What can data tell us about the health of the nation?

Making retirement living affordable: the role of shared ownership housing for older people

Home is at the heart of inclusion health – here's why

LGBTQ+ staff and patients deserve better from the NHS

Tech transformation disrupts leadership styles


Joint Committee on the Draft Mental Health Bill +

This report states the reform process needs to continue beyond the draft Bill in the direction of more rights-led legislation that respects patient choice


Standing back from The Hewitt Review: six key take-aways

suggesting more power to the people ? - Wendy


Healthy Communities Together


Ask for a free place ? - our voices matter – Wendy


From listening to action: putting the voices of people and communities at the heart of health and care – 21 – 22 November

7 December

6 -7 February 2024

12 March 2024

How can embracing positive disruption impact the changing nature of the workforce? - 19 March 2024


UCL Institute of Health Equity

Health inequalities: Improving accountability in the NHS, August 2023


Natasha Devon


Brooke Siem


Westminster Health Forum - WHF -policy conference – PROVIDE FREE SPACES – JUST APPLY

6 December


Who cares 4 the carers

A relaxation technique to help you


Carers UK



Carers Trust

triangle of care


People’s theatre


Camden people’s theatre


Degenerate Fox Theatre

£5 tickets


Underground lights


Brixton House




Somerset House

Art. Process. Ideas.


Somerset House Studios


Watermans – events

£6 Mondays are back


Exchange – Twickenham



Marsh Farm Outreach


Common Wealth




Haldane society of socialist lawyers


Law centre Network

South West London Law centre


Leigh Day




Law for life


High pay centre


4 day working week

video explaining 4-day week




Platform London


Basic Income UK

Treating causes not symptoms

Video of launch for treating causes not symptoms: basic income as a public health measure


UBI gives people the chance to make their own choices, to make decisions for themselves, their communities, their households, their lives and their futures

UBI does everything from sharing out problems, to delivering a feminist vision to tackling the climate emergency, to stopping benefit traps

It does all those things, but ultimately UBI is democracy

Baroness Natalie Bennett


Every step we take towards a Basic Income will liberate power in the hands of the citizen

Paddy Ashdown



Andy Burnham joins call for basic income trial

Report from Manchester University

How universal basic income can tackle anxiety + depression

Extending Welsh Universal basic income pilot to heavy industrial workers


Here’s how we do it


Welsh basic income pilot have been published

In a statement from Jane Hutt, Minister for Social Justice

The pilot will be targeted at care leavers

All young people leaving care that turn 18 over a 12 month period starting this summer will be invited to participate

That is expected to be about 500 people

Participants will receive the payments for 24 months starting from the month after their 18th birthday

A £1,600 a month basic income will be paid each month


Universal basic income motion passed by Richmond Council


69% of people in Wales support basic income pilots

Stockton, California who released incredible results from the experiment there

Start your own Basic Income Conversation today – TOOLKIT

We've urged ministers to back basic income for mental health – Peace of mind project

Let's make Basic Income a reality – PETITION

The Basic Income Conversation is growing... here's how

Universal Credit cut: now is the time for basic income

Last week the £20 Universal Credit uplift was cut.

5.8 million people claim Universal Credit in England, Scotland and Wales. Overnight, their incomes fell by £1,000 a year.

If they’d had a basic income, they wouldn’t have been plunged into precarity.

Now is the time for a basic income.

There are thousands of people across the UK working to make that clear.


How do we pay for a basic income

Email mp asking them to join CPPLG

NEW REPORT: Results of our Basic Income Month

Understanding the impacts of a basic income

Can you help get candidates across the UK to support UBI trials

Tackling Poverty: The power of a universal basic income

Record low poverty at no net cost

The most common question that we get asked in the Basic Income Conversation is “How would we pay for this”

As of today we can say, “You don’t. It doesn’t have to cost the public purse anything.”

Our new paper lays out a fiscally neutral scheme that involves no additional calls on the public finances and no net increase in taxation: the cost of the extra payments would be exactly offset by the extra revenue from internal changes in tax rates and National Insurance Contributions

The gains of this modest scheme are concentrated among the poorest income groups, and the gains are incredible:


Child poverty falls by more than a half taking

it to below the historic level achieved in 1977


Working-age poverty falls by just over a quarter


Pensioner poverty falls by 54%

This takes the level of pensioner poverty to well below the lowest post-1961 rate of 14% in the early 1980s.


The Gini coefficient – a measure of inequality – falls by 12.5%, taking it back towards the peak equality achieved in the 1970s.

Despite the scale of the current crises, we keep being told that our problems are too big, too complex, there are too many obstacles, and it’s just too expensive to take care of people


The human cost of our problems is unfathomably and heartbreakingly big.

The cost of transforming people’s lives is not.

Thanks to this paper, we’re laying out exactly why and how implementing a basic income is eminently doable.

How can a modest basic income cut poverty by half

Is basic income a vote winner


Listen Now: A Basic Income Special


Winning the vote with a universal basic income: Evidence from the 'red wall


ask for universal basic income with Sadiq Khan + Andy Burnham +


Back to work” budget – March 2023

does not describe conditions to help people live fruitful, productive, and dignified lives

It describes expanding and strengthening punitive work search requirements and sanctions

This budget chooses to double down on sanctions despite the vast majority of evidence showing they do not help people find work and instead damages our health


Indeed we expect the DWP's own research shows this to be true

but ministers have blocked the release of this "sensitive" information


We know our social security system is leading people to early graves with over 300,000 excess deaths from 2012-19

largely attributable to UK Government austerity measures


Despite that harrowing truth


this government is making people more vulnerable when claiming benefits, not less


We don’t need tinkering around the edges, we need a new economic settlement


One that guarantees financial stability to all of our citizens


One that treats us fairly


One that uses evidence to build a system that makes the people that use it more secure, happier and healthier


An unconditional basic income would reverse the brutal culture of sanctions that has gripped our social security system for too long


How do we get there?


We explore the alternatives and make sure we are heard


We bring people together, convene and converse, on how different things can be


We are the experts on what our communities need and should be a key part of the decision making process about policies designed to support us


We published a report with Deputy Leader of the Green Party and London Assembly Member, Zack Polanski


This report outlines how communities can build their own basic income pilots, together


How they can design projects to produce evidence on basic income that can be used to build a social security system that's the best it can be


Involving Londoners in a basic income pilot


Our proposal for a community led basic income pilot in Jarrow and Grange, East Finchley




The world transformed

universal basic income discussion

community land trusts

Basic income + our mental health


Newsletter of the European Network for the Fair Sharing of Working Time


Invite your MP to the #FlexforAll briefing


Universal Credit



Parents against child exploitation

Watch our new film about spotting the signs of child exploitation

Safeguarding training – perhaps ask for a free space

Video – towards hope

Believe in yourself and your children: one parents story

Read Hidden In Sight, a national plan of action to help support vulnerable children succeed. Self-Care tips from a parent going through CSE

Read a mother shares her story, "PS I Love You"

Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2023



Transform Justice

Prosecuting mental health – accountability or criminalisation

A different understanding How the CJS discriminates against those with autism

When should a family dispute end up in court

Barely legal - The experience of remote tribunal hearings

The forgotten people - Prisoners on remand in the pandemic

Does L&D stop the revolving door of police custody

Does diversion from court have an image problem

Computer says yes – you will pay a fine and get a criminal record

Swipe right to plead guilty

Children imprisoned on remand – the stark reality of racial bias

Survey for magistrates

Only by radically shrinking the magistrates’ court can the Crown Court backlog be reduced

Is justice for victims always criminal justice

Does the defendant in the magistrates’ court get a fair hearing

Making child remand a last resort

Do people who get in trouble with the law deserve double punishment

Independent domestic violence advocates in specialist courts – a backfire effect

Is imprisonment before trial the result of poor risk assessment

Keeping the wheels of justice turning – magistrates’ views on justice in the pandemic

Child defendants in the pandemic – did courts make the right compromises to keep the wheels of justice turning

podcast – The single justice procedure has been used to decide Covid cases – despite evidence of at least a 10% error rate – and is now being used to decide outcomes for protestors prosecuted after attending the Sarah Everard vigil

This single justice procedure affects women more than men

Will harsher sanctions reduce assaults on police and NHS workers

out of sight, out of mind – defendant’s experience of video court hearings

Can assaults on police and NHS workers be avoided in the first place

A recipe for confused policing New drug strategy laced with problems

The Transform Justice Podcast – Episode Recap

Should lawyers pay more attention to client feedback

The myth that tough sanctions deter crime – revealed by the Sentencing Council

Judicial bias – opening pandora’s box

Tis but a scratch” – bravado, policing and assaults

False imprisonment: do we over-use police custody

Should school non-attendance be treated as a crime

Should victims prosecute crimes against them?

Should we imprison people for being a pain in the neck?

HMCTS was forewarned about the risk of digital courts

Behind close doors – is justice ‘seen to be done’?

Close to home: the case for localising criminal justice

join court watch


Court Watch


Equal Justice USA


Sign the petition and tell President Biden to fulfill his promise to clear the federal death row.

How This Minneapolis Man Is Healing Collective Trauma Through Creative Counseling and Mentoring

Trauma informed training attempts to bridge gap between Newark residents + cops

A model for police + community relations

An up-close portrait of the people doing violence intervention work

New nonprofit uses yoga to address Black men’s mental health

When You Hear Me, You Hear Us

An amazing kind video

Community-based violence prevention works, but it needs sustained support

Trauma to trust programme

Remarkable Women

Trauma to trust

The Future of Public Safety is Now

Alternatives to Police and Prisons: Activists Share How to Better Address Violence

NO Executions in Kentucky – ACTION



Truth, justice + accountability

Progress on the legal aid for inquests campaign



Leon – Nadia – Sam – Matthew -Zoe – Marshall – Jane – Sammy – Coco – Trevor – Shane – Abdul – Lamont – Andrew – Steven – Gavin – Jason – Micheal – Jack – Alex

including connection cafes


Deaths of racialised people in prison 2015 – 2022: Challenging racism and discrimination

Black men seven times more likely to die following police restraint but racism not being addressed

Family Consultation Day report on deaths of people with mental ill health, a learning disability or autism


INQUEST News ⚖️ on challenging state violence & justice campaigns

other events

NO MORE DEATHS: Join our campaign to fix the accountability gap following preventable state related deaths

INQUEST News ⚖️ on challenging state violence & justice campaigns

including petition


Justice – EVENTS


Restorative justice 4 all


The Howard League

Less crime, safer communities, fewer people in prison


Stop building women's prisons – EMAIL MP

focussed on reducing the unnecessary arrests of women reducing child arrests and ending the criminalisation of children in care


Changing outcomes for Black people in the criminal justice system


"Nobody really cares about prisons"

Arrests of children have been reduced by 74% over the last decade, in another major step forward for our successful campaign.


Since 2010, the Howard League for Penal Reform has been working with police forces across England and Wales to reduce child arrests, helping to ensure that hundreds of thousands of boys and girls do not have their lives blighted by a criminal record.


We campaign on a wide range of issues including children in the criminal justice system, change inside prisons, community sentencing + policing

We have an in-house expert legal team who represent children in custody.

We strive to minimise the human suffering and social harms that are both causes of crime and consequences of punishment.

We stand for constructive forms of justice that contribute to building a safer, fairer society.

We stand against abuse and mistreatment and all forms of discrimination in the criminal justice system.


Prisons create conflict, put a strain on the police and hospitals and thwart human potential – they simply do not work.

Sadly, the government are planning on expanding our already over-crowded prison population.

The recently published Prisons strategy white paper has dedicated £4 billion to new prions places, with the Ministry of Justice’s own projections predicting the population to reach almost 99,000 over the next five years.


International Women’s Day

A day in the community where we celebrate and empower women.

Unfortunately, for women in prison, today won’t be a day for celebrations.

There were almost 5,000 receptions of women into prison last year, and more than half of them were for women on remand.

Too many women are being swept up into the justice system when it is not necessary or appropriate.

Most women in prison have a history of childhood abuse or trauma, they need a safe space and support.


Prison life during the pandemic

International Women's Day and other news

Commission on Crime and Gambling Related Harms

Criminal justice lessons from across the globe


In the last year, prisoners self-harmed at a rate of once every 10 minutes

17 August 2022


Spark Inside

report on young people's well-being in prison



User Voice



Koestler Arts

Being creative has helped me survive my prison sentence”


Announcing our UK Exhibition Dates 🎨

3 November – 17 December

art behind bars – Stephen



2023 Koestler Awards Results Announced 💫

An Exciting Autumn Ahead at Koestler Arts🎨



Businesses back criminal records reform



Abdullah al-Derazi and Youssef al-Manasif - PETITION

Abuses against children in UK-funded prisons – PETITION

women’s football v men’s football

Mohammed bin Salman in London – PETITION




Rainbow Migration





Staff were hostile towards gay people”



Stop the attack on trans rights – EMAIL MP

ban conversion therapy – EMAIL MP

history hub 🌈

stand up for the equality act – EMAIL MP

Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈

Lace Up and Keep It Up! ⚽

Flag anti-LGBTQ+ hate incidents with Zoteria!

Send a postcard to Rishi Sunak

It's Black History Month!

We Belong Here


Decolonising futures



My queer brothers and sisters need your help – PETITION


ban conversion therapy in India – PETITION

ban conversion therapy Bangladesh - PETITION

Sareh + Elham – PETITION

Take this simple step to fight FIFA's hypocrisy – PETITION

Tunisia: Trans woman Maya arrested – PETITION

Burundi – PETITION +

SIGN NOW: Call for the recognition of same-sex partnerships and marriage equality in Poland!

Sign now for same-sex partnerships in Ukraine


Gay Chechen refugee in danger – PETITION


Sign to ban "conversion therapy" in Sri Lanka

Petition: Indonesia needs your voice to ban “conversion therapies”

Tell Polish officials to stop attacking LGBT+ children

Emergency: Help Russian trans community seek asylum – PETITION

Stop Netanyahu’s anti lgbtq+ legislation – PETITION

Venezuela - PETITION


pink washing


Equality act Japan


Liberty – know your rights

how well do you know your rights - FREE BOOKLET

why the ECHR matters – video + campaign


Demand real alternatives to policing – ACTION

speak up for human rights – PETITION

protest rights at risk – again – PETITION

The Asylum Seeker Memorial Project

New protest laws - what you need to know

You do not have to donate when signing a petition – petitions are free to sign

Email MP to protect our rights

URGENT PETITION: save the Human Rights Act

tell the government to stop the attacks on our democratic rights

facial recognition – petition


In many respects the Government’s plans laid out in the Queen’s Speech are even worse than anticipated

They include:

A so-called ‘Bill of Rights’

which would scrap the Human Rights Act and remove obligations on public bodies like local councils and government departments to treat people fairly

A Public Order Bill

which would force through the anti-protest measures that our mass public resistance defeated just a few months ago, such as criminalising ‘lock-on’ protests

A National Security Bill

handing state security services even more power and potentially threatening the work of journalists who uncover dark truths

Even after it suffered stinging defeats in the last Parliament, the Government is returning to force through unwanted and unpopular policies


"Disturbing" misconduct by immigration custody staff revealed

this is not who we are – PETITION

Breaking international law five times – PETITION

Tell the Prime Minister - not in our name

The Met's eye-watering legal bill

Our Human Rights Information Line

Secret facial recognition tech revealed

What's behind the Channel disaster?




Black lives matter


Fighting NHS Charging – What can you do now


Big brother watch

email CO-OP CEO

Ban Hikvision

Why is PayPal trying to silence activists

our digital rights – EMAIL MP

Secret units SPYING on your speech

🎥 Whistleblower: 'army spied on UK citizens'


The police are after our biometric data again


Documenting the rise of facial recognition in the UK

Edward +Annie + David + Jeffrey + Thomas

🎥 Inside the post-Snowden legal challenges

The HIDDEN costs of a digital pound – EMAIL MP

Stop the Met Police using facial recognition surveillance - PETITION

Minister meddled in facial recognition probe


NETPOL – the network for police monitoring

Black Lives Matter protest – VIDEO

new report condemns "revenge policing" and calls for scrapping new police powers




Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

defending civil liberties


Public interest law centre

Spycops in CND: Request for information


Good Law project

Government’s costs

They want to silence criticism

Boris Johnson misled Parliament

Misuse of public money

They want to silence dissent

What have they got to hide

They want to block public interest

This is not the Britain we should be




REVEALED: The names of those who referred Covid testing firms into the “VIP” lane

5 billion pounds tax payers money ? - Wendy


Fair square


Other information sources


the voice

We need urgent action on Black mental health’


Mozilla – internet health 2022 – reclaiming power over AI




the tech we won’t build – podcast

including weaponisation of social media + GOOGLE involvement with military


when an algorithm is your boss – podcast

gig economy – if you are a minute late with a delivery you are banned from working for 2 days with some deliver apps



coop cycle




for workers collectives


AI from above – podcast

The truth is out there – podcast

about misinformation industry – which affects elections + dark social media


The AI medicine cabinet


Does This Button Work? Investigating YouTube's ineffective user controls



Unknown influencers

Is Instagram fueling eating disorders in teenagers

Does TikTok harm your mental health

Are Facebook groups encouraging people to take part in offline violence
The answer is… we don’t know for sure. And that’s a serious problem
Brave, independent researchers and whistleblowers are trying to study the impact and harms of social media companies on society - but they face constant threats and roadblocks

especially from the companies whose products they are trying to scrutinize

We know because Mozilla works with many of these journalists and academics to expose companies like YouTube, Twitter and TikTok

Delete Delete Can your boss read your Dms

The worst mental health apps for privacy

Discrimination lurks throughout our digital world

TRUTH Challenges, Changes Algorithmic Bias Against Black Women

AI Is Steeped in Big Tech’s ‘Digital Colonialism’

TikTok is misleading us – PETITION

Ask Microsoft if they're using our personal data to train its AI – PETITION

Amazon Ring – PETITION

festival 2023


Full Fact

Smart meters do allow energy companies to cut you off remotely

Our democratic process is vulnerable—help strengthen and protect it

Rachel Reeves house building claims don’t ‘stack up’

Video of little girl taught to laugh at explosion sounds was filmed in Syria in 2020 not Gaza this year


Toxic Bonds

What has India’s Adani Group now been accused of?


Declassified UK


The Democracy Collaborative

Sanders and McDonnell on community wealth

The “Preston model”

Land banks and community land trusts

Community wealth building as health building

Scotland’s guide to community wealth building

wealth supremacy – how extractive economy + the biased rules of capitalism drive today’s crises


Democracy next

How to assemble a Citizens' Assembly: a guide!

Barack Obama Discusses Citizens’ Assemblies

A Blueprint for the EU Citizens' Assembly 🇪🇺

🪜 Big questions, detailed answers: Our definitive How-To Guide to Citizens' Assemblies is here

🇮🇪 How Ireland transformed democracy


Parkdale People’s Economy

Community wealth building comes to Scotland

How to Make a Democracy Economy

South Korea explores community wealth building

How NY can enter ‘a new era of public power’

A global beacon’ for community wealth

North Ayrshire Council in Scotland

a hunger for a new approach


Decolonising wealth project





Innovation is not designed to create happiness

It's designed a lot of the time to facilitate one's needs and desires, to stimulate desire and all of those kinds of things

It's certainly about doing all of that, but it's not about making the world better for people

And it's not about improving their lives in any way

It's about trying to actually create a world in which more profit is to be had



The one sector of government that doesn’t experience austerity is the military budget

To what degree is competition between states somehow rather related, tightly related, to the competition between capitalists


Cooperatives and socialism

cities after…

Office spaces as homes

Ask Prof Wolff: Is Nordic Socialism a Progressive Step

Swedish socialism undone

How Capitalism Shapes our Food

Ask Prof Wolff: Taxing Billionaires

Wolff Responds: Capitalism's False Defenses

All Things Co-op: Cuba's New Cooperative Legislation

Global Capitalism: The Problems with China's Economy

we learn about the psychology of control and domination

understand our personal connections to capitalism’s structure

All Things Co-op: Lessons from Venezuela’s Social Economy

Ask Prof Wolff: From Capitalism to Co-op

All Things Co-op: Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

technology under capitalism

Economic Update: Unaffordable Housing

The popular movement for peace needs to be rekindled

All Things Co-op: There Is An Alternative To Capitalism

Global Capitalism: The Socialism That Focuses Too Much on Government

Ask Prof Wolff: Capitalism Doesn’t Care About You

Coping with (and Resisting) Capitalism


Corporate watch


Tax Justice Network

The Whiteness of Wealth: podcast with Prof Dorothy Brown

Podcast: The capture of Malta and the fight for justice


"You need to be very strong

To do the job that she did you really have to be your own person

You couldn’t be the kind of person who worries what people might think of you, and you really have to say, no, I’m not going to adapt, I’m not going to fall into that mould

I’m going to break it and keep breaking.”


Paul Caruana Galizia


Pandora Papers shows transparency failure is an accountability failure

Podcast: Tax Haven Ireland

Jersey’s Pandora’s Boxes: The Tax Justice Network podcast

The Swiss banking clean-up is a mirage

Butler Britain: PODCAST

10 measures to expose sanctioned Russian oligarchs’ hidden assets

'Non Doms' unmasked: PODCAST

Podcast: Financial Secrecy Index 2022

Will you have to pay inheritance tax?

Tax Justice Network letter to King Charles III

Tax the mega rich now – PETITION

📡Drug War Myths📡

Global tax rulemaker under fire after Australia pressured to delay global tax transparency breakthrough

World to lose $4.7 trillion to tax havens over next decade unless UN tax convention adopted, countries warned

Consensus” emerges at UN ahead of historic vote on tax – but major countries notably silent

21 November + 5 December


Our tax system is broken – EMAIL MP


Tax Justice UK

Support President Biden’s proposal to stop global tax dodging – PETITION

Pandora Papers shows transparency failure is an accountability failure

Where are the billions in missing tax?

What are oil companies doing with their huge profits?



In a world struggling with a cost of living crisis

recent research by

Oxfam and ActionAid

has shed light on a shocking reality


In 2021 and 2022 the world's 722 largest companies reaped windfall profits totalling a staggering $1 trillion annually


It couldn't be clearer that tackling the cost of living crisis requires a bold approach

This has to include higher taxes on both companies and the wealthy


The cost of living crisis affects ordinary individuals and families who struggle to make ends meet

as prices soar for essential goods and services

while wages struggle to keep pace


Meanwhile, wealthy corporations have seen their profits skyrocket during these challenging times

This discrepancy highlights the urgent need for systemic change

12 July 2023


6 wealth tax proposals


Tax Watch UK

£2 billion in lost tech tax?


Open Democracy



Eating disorder patients restrained by security guards

Cummings’ misogynistic slur about top civil servant in text to PM

Women disproportionately affected by soaring Mental Health Act detentions

NHS failures contributed to death of trans activist Sophie Williams, coroner finds

The far right tried to profit off my story, says Telford sex ring survivor

Woman alleging police sexual abuse says inquiry is ‘lip service’

Cambodian women left holding bill for UK fashion’s cancelled orders

US surveillance firm’s charm offensive to UK councils and police forces

Exclusive: Cops share dozens of photos of dead bodies and crime scenes

information obtained using Freedom of Information act – Wendy


Forget GDP growth, it’s sustainable wellbeing we need to aim for


Who is Elly Schlein, the first woman and LGBTIQ+ leader of Italy’s left?

Hungary’s latest target: Trans people

LGBTIQ people face life in prison under Uganda’s new bill

What links Israel and white Christianity? The myth of innocence

Calls for US anti-rights groups to face action over Uganda anti-gay law

Americans are rejecting religion as the Christian right becomes more extreme

Deliveroo’s gig economy event at Labour conference featured no riders

Starmer has taken more freebies than all Labour leaders since 1997 combined

Rough sleepers have tents destroyed by enforcement officers in London



information obtained using Freedom of Information act – Wendy


Afghan refugees fear homelessness as landlords ‘refuse to rent’ to them

If this is Israel’s 9/11…’


9 ways the NHS could be improved for trans people

Whenever capitalism gets into crisis, it's women's bodies on the line


Chilean anti-abortion groups fight to keep donors secret

Indigenous women lead battle for land rights in Argentina

It left a scar on me’: Locked up in the UK’s women-only immigration centre

Facebook’s contractor forced me to work alongside my rapist’

How the UK government is undermining the Freedom of Information Act

90% of Met officers disciplined for racism still work for force

Met Police officers kept jobs after sending racist and sexist messages

Revealed: Police began monitoring ‘social justice’ activity after BLM protests

Racism in UK maternal care: ‘Why aren’t we being listened to’

Revealed: Taxpayers fork out £8m to subsidise Lords’ food and drink

The post-Roe v Wade crisis can only end if Democrats restore our rights

The US Christian Right groups actively involved in voter suppression

Revealed: Landlords’ lobbying ahead of Sunak U-turn on green homes

Revealed: UK private tenants hit by record annual rent hikes

Landlords urged to ‘take advantage’ of soaring rents in ‘grotesque’ email

Private renters will face ‘winter of hardship’ after autumn statement

Eight landlord MPs spoke during debate on renters’ rights

Revealed: Housing associations urged ministers to let them increase rents

Landlords of hundreds of thousands of vulnerable tenants secretly lobbied the government to let them charge more rentwhile paying their executives nearly £300,000 a year each

Banning no-fault evictions won’t stop landlords making us homeless’

Opaque think tanks, landlords and the arms industry dominate Tory conference


Renters aren't all ‘weed-smoking bad people in gangs’, says Tory housing minister

No-fault’ evictions ban delayed indefinitely after landlord lobbying

Delay in ‘no fault’ evictions ban leaves 48,000 households facing homelessness

Destitution’ warning as DWP rejects calls to pause benefit deductions

Religious liberty’ is being weaponised by the American Right

Even police doubted my arrest was legal, claims anti-royal protester

Britain treats republicanism as a bit of a joke. Time to take it seriously

I am not your refugee

Suella Braverman accused of trying to ‘derail’ Chris Kaba murder case

Record number of Universal Credit claimants relying on hardship payments

The anti-women agenda of the woman set to be the next Italian prime minister

Spy tech firm won £27m government deal after introduction from ex-MI6 boss

I posed as a private jet customer ✈💰

Tories have taken £291,000 in gifts from airports as Sunak eyes runway U-turn

How the UK’s arms trade funnels public cash into private pockets


1 in 4 nurses pinched from poorer countries

if we had universal basic income + community land trusts + – perhaps we could look after our loved ones ourselves ? Prevention ? - Wendy


Revealed: Nearly 200 ex-police work at ‘independent’ police watchdog

New name for scandal-hit anti-abortion charity?

Neoliberalism can’t solve the climate crisis. We need activism

Why Russia's nuclear energy company Rosatom has avoided sanctions

Government’s own research contradicts Sunak’s 20mph speed limit claim

Cancel culture? Trans-inclusive writers say they face abuse and censorship

Farmers' union successfully lobbied against food waste transparency

Government has ‘no plans’ to stop arms sales to Israel despite civilian deaths



Facebook whistleblowers in the UK

Why Facebook can’t fix itself

Hey, YouTube – leave our kids alone

A lot more to do on government algorithms

Support Facebook content moderators in calling for fair treatment

Taking on the tech giants: the lawyer fighting the power of algorithmic systems

Join us – tell Sadiq Khan to take action against Uber

Matt Hancock: Drop your plan to put NHS patients' health data into one massive database - PETITION

We are going to court

fresh evidence: disappearing messages and "government by WhatsApp"

"this algorithm decides who eats and who goes hungry"

Daniel Motaung

Government by WhatsApp – email your MP

Facebook on notice of legal action – SIGN LETTER

They exploit Facebook moderators and call it “ethical”. Help us stop them

facebook is violating Kenya’s hate prevention guideline – PETITION

no palantir in our NHS – PETITION

Palantir’s latest NHS data move – EMAIL MP

Facebook fanning the flames of war – PETITION


Email your MP – ask them to demand answers about the failed NHS Palantir pilot projects

What you need to know about Palantir, the US firm in line for a £480m NHS deal



Article 11 trust

Freedom of assembly


Campaign for freedom of information

ICO should end its near invisibility on FOI

Call for tougher FOI enforcement and other news

Encouraging FOI news

ICO action against government departments for FOI delays

Social housing and Freedom of Information

FOI challenges on national security, social housing and the environment


Heather Brooke


Index on censorship

send a postcard of support to Jimmy Lai

Graham Smith of Republic is to sue the Met Police

Questioning of journalist at UK airport highlights increasing overreach of border forces

In bad faith - How religion is being weaponised by the right


Article 19 – defending freedom of expression + information

PROTECT: Help us build a free, open, inclusive Kenya

The right to abortion: A year on from Roe v. Wade

Standing in Solidarity: Supporting Journalists Under Threat in Turkey

advocacy for freedom of expression and protection of journalists at the UN


What we want for the internet cannot be accomplished with the state of concentration we currently have…

Because concentration creates bottlenecks of power.'

Agustina Del Campo, free speech expert


'Anger is not sufficient to maintain motivation over time;

you also need to have hope,

and to believe that you can make a difference.'

Kathryn Sikkink, author and human rights academic


It is beyond outrageous that the authorities plan to deprive millions of girls and women of access to schools and universities and the right to education in a bid to subdue their spirit of resistance and freedom-seeking.’

Saloua Ghazouani, ARTICLE 19’s Director for Middle East and North Africa



Iran's Tech-Powered 'Hijab and Chastity Bill'


The Global Expression Report 2023 is out now

Empowering Women Journalists: Equally Safe



How can we tackle disinformation? Global efforts are on the rise

Agenda 2030: How informed voice ensures we leave no one behind

an important step for the right to know

the Internet We Want empowering all people

End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

Protecting the Right to Protest


Younger people



Nobody is normal

How to keep children safe online


Together we're helping children to report abuse

email the new Minister in charge




support for Care leavers – update

It's Care Day! What young people want YOU to #KnowAboutCare

Young people risk missing out on right to vote ⚠📮


Launching a new Inquiry with MPs on #APPGCare

Louise's #GoneTooFar story on Channel 4 News 📺

"So far, so little" - our response to Government

amazing stuff !




Home start


we are the agenda

New data shows Black and minoritised girls are more than twice as likely to be excluded from school as their white counterparts


A Life More Wild – Dr Alex George & Brook House Woods


Young Minds

Society needs to change. Have your say on how

Supporting your child with anxiety



Tips for coping with peer pressure

Toxic masculinity and mental health

self care

tips on the start of your eating disorder recovery journey

Rediscovering your identity in eating disorder recovery

Tips for coping in these anxious times


Read our tips and advice for supporting a friend

new resource on panic attacks

Free online training

building positive mental health – including worksheets

culturally-informed guides with young people

support if you are experiencing Islamophobia

What to do if you’re experiencing eating problems

A guide to eating problems for parents/carers

How to support a friend with an eating disorder

How to have a conversation with young people about mental health

Stress bucket – video

Five tips for looking after yourself during family arguments

How I'm learning to cope with travel anxiety




Assembly - Malala

Fighting for the right to learn 🎓

From Afghan girls, to you: “our story is full of hope”

My body - my sanctuary - how body shaming affects girls beyond self-esteem

From Guyana to Indonesia, Assembly is the place for girls' voices 📢

When the world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful 🌟


Girls Are Taking Over 🙌


Girls like me are taking action – EMAIL MP


Girls forced to marry – PETITION


Coram’s Young Citizens

The Stranger Series with Coram’s Young Citizens


End violence against women + girls


Young Women's Trust

Do you want to unlock your potential

We see you; we hear you and we care about you – SUPPORT LINES INFORMATION


Ask your MP to do more to prevent online hate speech

New report reveals one size fits no one

Including peer researchers


Speaking truth to power

How we’re working towards a more equal world of work

🤯Shocking stats revealed: know your rights

Paid unfairly? Know your rights ❗

events September – December

16 November





End violence against women


Women’s Aid

Empowering Survivor Voices


Maternal Mental Health Alliance

10 November 2022 – Report - Key perinatal mental health findings

40% of deaths within the year after pregnancy were from mental health-related causes

Suicide remains the leading cause of direct maternal death in the first postnatal year

Suicide during pregnancy or up to six weeks after is increasing:
In 2020, women were
three times more likely to die by suicide during this period compared to 2017-19


Very few women who died by suicide in 2020 had formal mental health diagnoses, but significant numbers had a history of trauma


Maternal mental health briefing for integrated care systems

We want all integrated care boards and partnerships to work collectively across the NHS, local government, other public services, and voluntary sector organisations to provide services that support maternal mental health, reduce health inequalities and use public money wisely so that all women and their families can access the care they need


Maternity Action

A step in the right direction for pregnant women's safety at work - EMAIL MP

Are you on maternity leave Take our survey

We're calling for maternity pay to be increased – will you help us

14 November


Baby Loss

The Loss Collective


The Miscarriage Association

0192 420 0799


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

0207 733 2653



0800 014 7800



0808 164 3332


The Birth Trauma Association


Antenatal Results and Choices

020 7713 7486


British Pregnancy Advisory Service

03457 30 40 30


Twins Trust Bereavement Service


The Lullaby Trust

0808 802 6868


Off the record – BRISTOL

If you are in crisis and need immediate support, you can access help from these organisations:



available 24/7 for listening support on 116 123.



text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to speak to a crisis counsellor



open 9am-midnight, call 0800 068 41 41 for support around suicidal thoughts and feelings.


CAMHS Crisis Line

a free confidential NHS helpline offering support for young people aged 17 and under in crisis on 0300 303 1320

24/7 Support & Connect

a free confidential NHS helpline offering support for adults aged 18+ on 0800 012 6549

Self-care plan



real-time, online support



0800 1111. 7:30am – 3.30am


0800 58 58 58


The Mix

0808 808 4994 3pm – 12am everyday




The Purple Elephant Project


Arts Emergency

Mentor training

Help to get into art


Child poverty action group


Fantastic for families

Creative Activites for your family... 🎷🪩📔🌄🐔

this Autumn 🍁🎭🎪


Family lives – update



Ask pornography sites and the government to protect children more


Government bodies


mental health act statistics – annual figures 2021 - 22


Still, we suffer – Wendy


Draft mental health bill 2022

draft mental health bill – EASY READ


Mental Health Strategy Delivery Plan for 2022/23


Rapid review into data on mental health inpatient settings: final report and recommendations


Proposed NHS mental health access standards for patients


Energy Bills Support Scheme explainer

Decision aid to guide healthcare professional-patient discussions on sleeping pill prescriptions published


Health research authority (HRA)


Health quality improvement partnership (HQIP)

National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death: Review of Health Inequalities Short Report


National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health: Annual report


Care quality commission - CQC


Share your views

tell us about your care

Our equality objectives 2021-2025


Now available: State of Care – CQC's annual assessment of health care and social care in England


From Paternalism to human rights

Joanna Moncrieff


Restraint, segregation and seclusion review: progress report


Out of sight- who cares


Monitoring the Mental Health Act


Maternity survey results


Reducing health inequalities in areas of deprivation, through better regulatory recognition and the sharing of best practice entered a new phase

Putting people at the centre of system regulation: learning to lead in changing times

our new single assessment framework

Who I am Matters – A report into the experiences of being in hospital for people with a learning disability and autistic people


Our revised plan and approach for transformation

Restrictive practice — a failure of person-centred care planning?

Our approach to assessing local authorities


Pop up care homes


National Audit office


Office for National Statistics


A report from the Office of National Statistics revealed an estimated 778 people died in England and Wales while homeless in 2019an annual increase of 7%

This is the fifth year in a row that the number of people who have died has increased.

It is the highest number since records began.


The lasting impact of violence against women and girls

Beneath our feet: improving estimates of UK land value

ONS blog - Inclusive measures of growth – How ONS is moving Beyond GDP

Imprisonment of young adults

Boosting the UK’s research capabilities to help solve the challenges of the day

Geographic divide in health, disability and unpaid care

ONS - Disability: When the numbers alone are simply not enough

Measuring well-being

Census 2021 – Shining a light on the population



Launch of new autism strategy to help autistic people live more independent and fulfilled lives

Revisiting safeguarding practice

Health and Care Bill: launch of new white paper

Adult social care – making person centred a reality


Ombudsman news special – annual review launched

local government + social care ombudsman – update

Ombudsman considers everyday human rights in new report

Broken trust: making patient safety more than just a promise


local government association (LGA)

Inclusive economies and healthy futures: Supporting place-based action to reduce health inequalities

Debate Not Hate: the impact of abuse on local democracy

improvement + innovation

Get in on the Act: Mental Health Act 2022




London Assembly

Help with cost of living hub

Energy advice london

older londoners


Public meetings

Including monthly Mayor’s Question time


London Youth assembly

27% of schools are exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution.

It took decades to protect our children from cigarette smoke.

We can’t make that mistake again; we must tackle toxic air pollution right now.

That’s why we introduced the Ultra-Low Emission Zone, cleaned up our buses and taxis and tackled emissions from construction sites.

But we must go further to protect the health of Londoners across our city.

My number one priority is to protect the health of Londoners, and the life chances of future generations.

I will do all I can to ensure that every Londoner can breathe clean air.

Clearing the air: pollution in London


Reforming private renting in London


My society – including support with FOI requests


PETITION – Vital information hidden


NIHR – Lockdown raised anxiety in people with anorexia and their carers, but online resources helped

Transforming out-of-hospital care for people who are homeless

Caring for older people at home can be just as good, or even better, than hospital care

Vegan diet could control blood sugar for people with type 2 diabetes

seeking views on ways to substantially reduce research bureaucracy

Antipsychotics are increasingly prescribed to children and teenagers

diabetes + ways to save NHS money

New research to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease in people with “severe mental illness”

Together in research – Autumn 2023

Reducing car congestion and pollution could cut risk of disease and injuries


Stop talking and take action: working together to tackle health inequalities


Health and Social Care Committee


Health + Safety Executive (HSE)

Stress, anxiety and depression survey


Local Government Authority – Update


Would you like to shape the future of Patient Safety within the local NHS


Complete our NHS and ICS websites survey for a chance to win £100 vouchers


Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

New end of life and palliative care report

SCIELine: New strengths-based approaches resources and learning

free mental capacity act e-learning +

My day my way

Strengths-based practice for council services and more

Strengths-based leadership / safeguarding / workforce

what is strong rather than what is wrong

Strengths – based approaches

Covid-19, learning disabilities and autism

Why are we stuck in hospital ?

Nobody listened to me

John Evans

Events to March 2024





Healthwatch Wandsworth


Enough is enough - Hard-hitting report tackles ongoing health inequalities in mental health services


Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network (WCEN)

In the UK, people with brown skin are being denied equal and compassionate mental health care.

They are more likely to be brought to and kept in hospital without their consent.

They are more likely to access mental health services through the police and criminal justice systems, and to find themselves unwell and back again once released.

People with brown skin, particularly men, are more likely to be forcibly restrained and given more than the recommended amount of medication.

WCEN 2021








Shared lives plus



If you are unhappy with the care or treatment you have received from the NHS, and would like help to make a complaint, POhWER can help

They provide guidance, information and advocacy to help people get matters put right

Telephone: 0203 553 5960


Letter: London IHCAS Advocacy Hub, POhWER, Hertlands House, Primett Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 3EE



If you live in Wandsworth and need support to tell people what you want, and to understand your rights, you can contact VoiceAbility

They provide advocacy for people who may be vulnerable and need support to speak up about their care needs

Telephone: 020 7924 7772


Letter: VoiceAbility, Unit B102, Trident Business Centre, 89 Bickersteth Road, Tooting, London, SW17 9SH


Rethink Advocacy

If you are unhappy with the care or treatment you have received from an NHS or social care service, and would like help to make a complaint, Rethink could help. They provide guidance, information and advocacy to help people get matters put right.

Telephone: 300 7900 559


Web address: Rethink Advocacy Independent Service in Wandsworth and Richmond leaflet 2.pdf


Wandsworth Wellbeing Hub

For guidance and help to find organisations and services to support your health and wellbeing needs, you can contact the Wandsworth Wellbeing Hub

Telephone: 020 3880 0366 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)


Letter: Wandsworth Wellbeing Hub, 120 The Broadway, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1RH


Wandsworth Adult social care

If you, or someone you know, have / has care and support needs, and you need information and help, you can speak to Wandsworth Adult Social Services. Adult social services provide information and help to adults who have difficulty with everyday things

Telephone: 020 8871 7707 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)


Letter: Adult Social Care and Public Health, The Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 2PU

Emergency out of hours

Please contact the switchboard on 020 8871 6000 and ask for the emergency social worker


Children and families

If you need information on the activities and support services that may be available to you and your family, you can contact THRIVE Online (previously known as the Family Information Service)

THRIVE Online provides information and assistance to parents, children, young people and professionals on support services and activities for the 0-19 years’ age group (25 if the young person has a special need)

Telephone: 020 8871 7899 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

Letter: THRIVE Online, THE 4, Wandsworth Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London, SW18 2PU




Richmond community drug + alcohol service (RCDAS)

Mon – Weds – Thursday – Friday – 9am to 4.30pm

Tuesday 9am to 1pm women only

Tuesday 1pm to 4.30pm

Ilex House

Unit 2

94 Holly Road


0203 228 3020


Mortlake community association


Whitton Network

part of Neighbourhood care group


SW LONDON ICS – update


Richmond town centre has a new ‘Safe Space’ on Friday and Saturday nights


Arts Richmond


Richmond MIND

Hearing Voices Group +

sometimes we do not realise we are lonely

We’re expanding our Psychotherapy and Counselling service and looking for new members of the team

mindfulness – weekly from October 2022 to July 2024

Mental Health Act stats demonstrate increasing racial injustice

well-being walks

well being centre


Compared to other London boroughs

Richmond has

The highest rate of hospital admission for mental health

The second highest rate of admission for self-harm

The 4th worst youth wellbeing scores

A third of those aged 16-19 already have a mental health diagnosis

Statistics from the Richmond Borough Health and Care Plan 2019-2021 and the Mental Health Needs Assessment 2022


Your ideas wanted



Join carers community



Mind responds to announcement of Work Capability Assessment reforms



Bridge the gap – support booklet

housing repair survey

autumn newsletter


Together as one


Still building bridges


Richmond Aid


Dose of Nature


Rape crisis


Aurora New Dawn


Off the record – Twickenham


Look ahead


Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Community College


United response

Abuse at Edenfield Hospital

New Easy News story: Nurses, teachers and postal workers strike

Easygoing news

Shared Lives, allotments and film review

Earthquakes kill 1000s of people in Turkey and Syria

Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month


Choice support



Richmond film society


Healthwatch Richmond

Guide to Richmond’s NHS, Care & Support

Help with the cost of living - information event; and Support with accessing food and other needs. All useful info for you.


Money worries?

Affecting your mental health?

Lots of info and assistance available

Focus group discussion for parents of children with SEND

breast cancer screening survey for the NHS; and - Learn the signs of sepsis

Consultation about location of specialist cancer treatments for children; plus resources to help if your child seems unwell

Lifelong learning in person and online - Community Partners

Persistent cough? get it checked by your GP

Connect to Tech staying safe FREE online workshop + Arts Richmond Young Writer's Competition

Lung Cancer

Connect to Tech

Providing healthcare that works for you - have your say! Health services available at your GP surgery

27 November


Richmond CVS

Including Directory of services

free 1-2-1 digital support

Talking Bubble – Telephone Befriending with Language Options

Free home sensors for unpaid carers in Richmond

NHS South West London Integrated Care System: News & First Meeting

November 2023

Children and Young Peoples Digest November 2023

including debt write off – Wendy

Winter Engagement Fund 2023/2024

Training to Support Your Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Goals – 1 + 22 November

23 November

5 December

23 + 24 January 2024


One Richmond


The sleep charity


Richmond council – LBRUT – events + news


Richmond has more homeless – August 2023


Community hub – a dedicated helpline to deal with local enquiries and help signpost people to the right support at this difficult time

The helpline number is 020 8871 6555

Please visit the council’s website for the most up to date information: or phone 0208 891 1411

Find out more here:

Advertise your event / activity on LBRUT website


Got a good idea – get community funding

Clean air petition

Richmond Green Home Grants

Home Start Richmond

Support – Cash grants +

need help finding food or essential home items

Richmond aid – information

Careplace – Richmond

Careplace are promoting – Free Community Counselling Service – Available online or over the phone

Struggling to pay your fuel bills The Council can help

Richmond Furniture Scheme

Fuel Grant Scheme

Additional grants are also available from the Household Support Fund for food, bills and other essential items, via Citizens Advice Richmond and Richmond AID

Claim £150 towards your energy bills

Free home sensors for unpaid carers in Richmond

cost of living hub

Mental Health Awareness Week: Coping with feelings of anxiety

Free minibus service to Richmond Park

free events in Richmond

November with Richmond Libraries

Special Edition - Introducing Richmond Reads


take part in pride month 2023

My Richmond App | Community Centres | Build a Wetland

Meet the new Chair of the Violence Against Women and Girls Community Forum




all ability cycling in Kneller Gardens



Centre for Governance + Scrutiny (CfGS)

Bolstering scrutiny / scrutiny frontiers / guest blogs / Health & Care Bill update


Health & Care – special newsletter


council constitutions owned + understood by all

Including Anticipating, managing + adapting framework


governance & scrutiny newsletter

including the review of council constitutions + the operation of schemes of delegation for decision making


From MP

Talk Richmond – PODCASTS

Good thinking

Air pollution petition

Afghanistan & Central Asian Association

Stop Levelling Down London’s Transport

Update on proposed SWR service reduction


The good food co-op


Pressing Government for Zero Carbon Homes

Munira – stop levelling down London’s transport

Kinship care bill

Twickenham repair cafe -3rd Saturday of each month 10:30 to 13:30


Munira Wilson

I’m continuing to hold regular advice surgeries, and my team at the Twickenham office are doing all they can to help too

cost of living crisis – resources + support + advice


The listening circle


My life films charity


Inspired Hub



Help with bills + …

Hampton Fuel


Barnes workhouse fund





Alliance Art


West London Queer project


Hounslow Healthwatch

You can find details of health services in your area from NHS Choices

Call 999 for emergency services

Emergency and urgent care health services – 111

Hounslow Council: Out of hours social care support – 020 8583 2222 For more information please click here

Hounslow Council: For more information on Adult social care, please click here

Hounslow Council: For more information on Children and families, please click here

CarePlace: Provides a Directory of Services, Information and Guidance enabling direct access to local care and community services. For more information, please click here

West London NHS Trust – Mental health crisis: 24-hour helpline 0800 328 4444. For more information, please click here

safe space Hounslow crisis helpline – 0203 475 5185 – 11am to 11pm – 365 days per year


Hounslow Council

4 December

6 December

Vision for quality housing design

Here come the Community and Family Hubs

Opportunity for residents to shape the future of Council-owned buildings

Transforming consumption habits through communities

Grow food for free - gain new friends


Food for thought

Downton Abbey actor Jim Carter OBE has today offered support for Hounslow Council’s trailblazing new programme

Grow for the Future

a first-of-its-kind policy in the UK to turn wasteland across the London borough into new allotments - community gardens and orchards to grow food and pair them with local schools to teach children about healthy living - sustainability and biodiversity


Heston farm community space to grow fruit + vegetables – get involved


English lessons for asylum seekers



Autumnal fun at Boston Manor Park

Come and visit the Community Hub at Feltham Assembly Hall every Tuesday, 2pm – 5pm


Hounslow action for youth


Opportunity for residents to shape the future of Council-owned buildings



Have your say – air quality

Start for Life online hub


Hounslow Council reaches record-breaking allotment occupancy

apply for an allotment – why not ? - Wendy


Hounslow hosts first Serious Violence Summit at Brentford FC’s stadium

a first-of-its-kind circular neighbourhood


Cost of living + general support

Hounslow House

Fridays – 10 -1pm


Upskill into green opportunities

Cost of Living Marketplace Roadshow

cost of living hub

gambling support

baby cafe

Diabetes REWIND programme

Know diabetes

One in 14 people live with diabetes, and every one of them matters

The Know Diabetes Service is a local North West London digital health platform that can help with self-care, behaviour change, and lifelong learning messages to the 360,000 people with diabetes and those at risk of type 2 in our area


couch to 5k

warm space grants

Thrive LDN

Mental health + wellbeing resources for Londoners

downloading the free NHS weight loss plan

Learn new gardening skills

Hampton Kempton waterworks railway +

Get laughing – it’s free therapy +


It’s national walking month

including ideas around coping + thriving despite anxiety


men walk talk



Including support regarding cost of living rises


circular economy

Healthier Together – a Hounslow Initiative

warm spaces

Hounslow Heath Community Walks - every Monday


'Bark' to the future - give us your views on dog plans


Hounslow’s young people to benefit from UK’s first mental health crisis cafe

parenting skills


Hounslow providing training for Green Jobs + lots more


Activities in Hounslow + Cllr Salman Shaheen’s desire to expand allotment provision in the borough

Transforming unused land into community plots

Should other boroughs follow suit? - Wendy


Anyone can struggle to maintain good mental health from, no matter who they are

Whilst there's no permanent fix, these 5 free things can help to lighten the load


1 – Talk to someone

If you’re not in the place for extra support like therapy this is one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself and others. Or use the power of talking for even more good and become a Community Champion


2 – Get out in nature

There are lots of gorgeous green spaces in Hounslow, and across London

Check out what's going on outdoors this season at in Hounslow


3 – Set aside time for yourself

Self-care doesn’t need to mean spending on bath bombs

Dedicate time to something you love – cooking, reading, gaming, drawing, journaling, watching movies, playing an instrument and more can all help you de-stress


4 – Gentle exercise

You don’t need to do HIIT workouts at the gym to benefit from exercise

As little as 15-30 minutes of walking can give you a serotonin boost

Looking for something more serious

Try the free NHS Couch to 5K app or find free classes


5 – Visit

Our Take Care, Take 5 hub offers accessible solutions for mental health concerns

Find support on physical health, financial worries, and employment skills here too


Fly Tipping is a problem, not only in Hounslow, but across London and the country

In 2021, Hounslow Council received over 24,000 reports of fly tips across the borough which cost us over £1.3m

We are determined to reduce the incidents of fly tipping which will make our borough cleaner and greener


Support for loneliness – don’t blame yourself for feeling lonely it happens to us all

stop smoking support

free tree initiative +

energy bill support

free fruit trees

information for carers

mental health + money toolkit

green skills opportunities

Men Walk talk

younger people’s mental health hub


crafting + festival of story telling


Make a connection for Children’s Mental Health Week - events + Place2Be


Looking out for those around you

Looking out for friends and colleagues at work

Looking out for your friends (aimed at young people)

Looking out for children and young people (aimed at parents and carers)


community provision

Connecting people with activities that can help them to overcome the barriers they face

Providing adults with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders with opportunities to make friends, socialise and stay healthy

A travel training service to help people with disabilities to travel independently

Supporting people with disabilities into training and employment opportunities


Bell Square – what’s on



The Art of Coproduction - A Guerrilla Guide

Or ask for one for free


care in the community – really – Steph de la Haye


Hounslow Wellbeing network


07466 736718



Sutton +


Sutton Healthwatch – Mental Well Being



Mental Health Foundation

The economic case for investing in the prevention of mental health conditions in the UK

what drives health inequalities

Mental health tips

Mental health and the cost-of-living crisis report: another pandemic in the making?

Check out our ways to cope with anxiety

Working at system level to eradicate health inequalities for the UK’s black community

A pebble in a still pond: the impact of community-led work on health inequalities


Sutton Mental Health Foundation – Sutton Wellbeing Line

We all get more forgetful as we get older, but there are things you can do about it.

The way you live your life, and in particular the way in which you eat,

can make a huge difference to your memory, slowing down cognitive decline or even reversing it


Westminster Drug project (WDP)


Mental Health Mates



The Health Foundation

How less pay has affected people's mental health and wellbeing

New podcast: Do we care enough

New analysis: Care home residents hard hit by reduced hospital care

Action as an antidote to despair

Do patients prefer online consultations in general practice


Taking action to build good health

including importance of social determinants


Let’s talk differently about health: why framing matters

Quantifying health inequalities in England

Building an organisational culture of continuous improvement

What are the public’s priorities for the NHS And is the government listening

A framework for NHS action on social determinants of health

A time for radical innovation and improvement

What’s important when building a strong learning community to drive improvement?

Can automation help with growing dissatisfaction among GPs?

Why housing matters for health

The NHS was never meant to go it alone



Everyday Racism: How racist is Britain

CRÈME project – stands for Communicating the Race Equality Message Effectively


Good things Foundation


By 2025, we aim to:

Engage 1 million people

Support 5,000 Digital Inclusion Hubs across the nation

We want:

Everyone to have the internet access they need

Everyone to have somewhere local to go for help to use the internet

Everyone to feel able and safe in the online world


Let’s solve data poverty with people – not for them


Digital inclusion as a basic human right

9 million people struggle to use the internet independently and 7 million people

(11% of the UK's adult population)

are still offline

(Digital Nation UK, 2020)


National device bank



1 October - aims

Scrap VAT on broadband social tariffs

All technology to be reused for good

Invest to fix the digital divide - to boost productivity and leave no-one behind

donate devices


Think Ahead


PCCS Books – Including Joanna Moncrieff’s book A straight talking introduction to psychiatric drugs – the truth about how they work + how to come off them

Black Identities – Student Discount – Hearing Voices – Wild Therapy

Therapists Challenging Racism and Oppression: The unheard voices




Camden +


Side by side


Involvement Opportunity - Partnership Clinical Policy Working Group Representative



Training in community research



Does you have problems with social housing?



Autism research



Involvement Opportunity - Partnership Quality and Safety Committee Service User/Carer Representative



Research into Trauma informed care – advisory group opportunity



Body camera update



Information about PIP assessment guide



London’s section 136 pathway and Health Based Place of Safety Specification guidance



Community Development in Camden - Kentish Town Cycling Club



Research interview - antipsychotic medication for paranoia - 1 hour - £15



Do you need proof of benefits letter for ID purposes?



Have you been supporting someone on an impatient ward?



Hestia's online groups and activity programme, volunteering and training



PETRA- Pregabalin study



food support in Islington



Safeguarding training at C&I



Do you take an antipsychotic medication



Housing issues – what is your view



Stuart Low Trust


[PODCAST] Deaths by Welfare – Resisting DWP violence – Dolly Sen


National Voices held a conference exploring the topic of Integrated Care Systems

As the ICS Bill works its way through the final stages of the Parliamentary process, and the last constitutional questions are being resolved, now is the right moment to identify the changes that we actually want to see as a result of this fundamental shift in the way the health and care system is organised.

We want to see better, more equal outcomes for people, especially those not currently well supported by existing models.

We also want to see more coordinated and effective care that enables people to live well, with fewer barriers between communities and formal services.

[RESEARCH] Participants over 50 required



[FUNDING] Green grants for Islington


Let’s talk Islington


Camden + Islington recovery college




Oxevision cameras and the Trust now in the Independent


Conversations Around Loneliness & Mental Health booklet


[OPPORTUNITY] PPI in Commissioning

There is a researcher looking to interview service users and carers who have experience on being involved with commissioning or working with commissioners.

The interview takes about 40 minutes and will be recorded but your name will not appear in the final paper against any quotes they use.

Let me know if you are interested and I will pass on your email address.

This is external to the trust.

There is a small payment for the interview depending how long it takes – probably £20 or so. paid by BACS.



Are you on a waiting list for your mental health



Does anyone have experience of calling 111 for help with their mental health

Any thoughts please contact


Wanted – Coproduction anecdotes



Hand in Hand peer buddy – feedback requested

Any thoughts please contact


Learn something new in 22 for free




New Peer Buddy Scheme – Hand in Hand Islington


Body worn cameras

Any thoughts please contact


Free Community Research online course launches | Co-Production Collective


Second independent audit of ECT published finds patient safety is being put at risk

A second audit of NHS mental health Trusts, using Freedom of Information Act requests has confirmed that both the administration and monitoring of Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) in England are failing to guarantee the safety of patients.

ECT involves the passing of sufficient electricity through the brain, under general anaesthesia, to cause a seizure.

Some claim it is a safe and effective treatment for severe depression.

But a recent review found little evidence that it is any better than placebo and concluded that it causes persistent or permanent memory loss in 12% to 55% of patients.1

The largest study to date has just confirmed that it does not, as claimed, prevent suicide.2

The audit confirmed that about 2,500 people are given ECT annually in England.

The majority continue to be women (67%), and over 60 (58%).

More than one in three (37%) are being forcibly given ECT against their will, and 18% of Trusts are not complying with the law regarding second opinions relating to compulsory treatment.

There were slight declines, compared to a previous audit,3 in the use of appropriate measures to assess efficacy, down to 30%, and standardised measures of memory loss, down to 24%.

There was a 47-fold difference between the two Trusts with the highest (Avon & Wiltshire, and North Staffordshire) and the lowest (Mersey Care) rates per capita.

Thus, the probability of getting ECT seems to be a postcode lottery based on the opinions of local psychiatrists.

The majority of Trusts were unable to provide any data for positive outcomes or for adverse effects during treatment (usually a 3-week period involving about 10 electroshocks).

None provided data on efficacy or adverse effects beyond end of treatment.

ECT in England is supposed to be monitored by the Royal College of Psychiatrists via their ‘ECT Accreditation Service’ (ECTAS).

But ECTAS does not monitor some of the issues addressed by this independent audit, such as how many Trusts are using proper assessment measures, how many are complying with the Mental Health Act regarding second opinions for forced treatment, and how many ECT patients had first been offered psychological treatment – in compliance with N.I.C.E. guidelines.

ECTAS has no powers to sanction ECT clinics that fail to meet even their limited set of standards, and has never disaccredited an ECT clinic.

About 10% of ECT clinics do not bother to sign up to the ECTAS process at all

The audit concluded:

'Given the apparent failure of current monitoring and accrediting ECT clinics in England, by the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ ECT Accreditation Service (ECTAS), an independent government sponsored review is urgently needed.'


[RESOURCE] Recovery After Rape

We have obtained a copy of the workbook - Recovery After Rape

As it can be triggering, I won't send it out indiscriminately but if you want a pdf of it for yourself or someone else, just say.



[EVENTS] Wednesday workshops for young black men aged 18-25


Find a balance


Stress Project


[RESOURCE] Mental Health and Debt booklet


StopSIM Coalition Petition

Click here for the write to your MP template


Mental Health collective

Self- defence through humour



Naylor Review

National Voices' submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee


DIALOG+ and the Recovery Star

Dear Friends,

I was wondering if you have experience of either DIALOG+ or the Recovery Star

(or other stars – more about those here: History of the star + Recovery star 4)


There was an element of co-production in the Recovery Star for Mental Health, and there has since been an Un-Recovery Star, also from the user-survivor movement which outlines the things that work against our recovery


These are the questions that the DIALOG

tool asks


and these are the areas of the 4th Edition Recovery star


Note that it used to contain “work” but this has been dropped now

The Recovery Star covers ten outcome areas:

Managing mental health

Physical health

Living skills

Friends and community

Use of time


Addictive behaviour


Identity and self-esteem

Trust and hope


The Recovery Star (4th Edition) is underpinned by a five-stage, ten step Journey of Change model:


Stuck (1-2)

Accepting help (3-4)

Believing and trying (5-6)

Learning (7-8)

Self-reliance (9-10)


I would be interested to hear your opinions and in particular how you think they compare.




Impact assessment of the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019


Do you have experience of the Camden Early Intervention Service

We are looking for people who have has some experience of the early intervention service – the one based at Greenland Road at the moment.

If this might be you, we would love to hear from you.

Kind regards



Family line

for all aspects of family live


Support After Suicide


No Panic





West Euston partnership


McPin Involvement Bulletin - Issue 47 - September 2023


autumn 2023 🍂


Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry which uses the format of three lines.

Here are our haikus.

We hope you enjoy reading them.

The Benefits System:
I have no money.
Brown envelope arrives, phew.
Do I deserve it?

You pray to their gods
Then, under your burning cross,
You murdered them all

Feeding me with lies
Why not report some good news?
Keeping me in fear.


Benefits + Work

Truth About Disability Benefits: Dispatches

UC Success Rate Secrets Out, Cost Of Living Payments Still Missing, UC Migration Cover Up

PIP Means Test Fear, 25 Fold Long Covid Award Increase, DWP Call Centre Warning

Budget Good and Bad News, PIP Extension Delay, UC Cruelty Warning

Missing PIP Payments, Legacy Benefits Uplift Case, New Benefits Rates

Legacy Benefits Appeal Fails, WCA May Be Scrapped, PIP Assessment Changes Delay

Is this the solution to the DWP not answering the phone? From 4 PIP points to 50 without an appeal

Alarming Increase In PIP Disqualifications, DWP Snatches Back Money Using Secrets and Lies

The Hardest Conditions To Claim PIP For, Protection From PIP Punishment, New Sanctions Trap

WCA To Be Abolished, Your PIP Success Chances May Be Better Than You Think

First Cost Of Living Payment Date, Secret Reports To Be Published, Massive Attack On Claimants

DWP Telephone Disaster Puts Claimants at Risk, Disability Benefits Fraud Film Disgrace

Time For DWP To Come Clean About Deliberately Disconnecting Callers, DWP Never Meets Work Coaches Before Appointing Them

No Legal Safeguards When WCA Abolished, Disability Cost Of Living Payment Dates

Atos Wiped Out In PIP Bidding War, Media Hate Campaign Against Support Group Claimants Begins

DWP Deliberately Cut-Off Half Million PIP Callers In April, PIP Vs ADP Success Rates

Your Chances Of Being Forced To Have A Face To Face PIP Assessment, PIP Telephone Nightmare To Continue Until End Of Summer


Pay PIP Now


It’s OK to not feel OK during challenging times


Codependency- The Unexpected Addicts


Inner Space


Free space Project




Kingston hospital + Hounslow + richmond community healthcare (HRCH) are developing a joint strategy – 30 November + 5 December



Kingston Hospital’s Health Talks podcast


Quality Priorities for 2022/23 – We would like to hear from you



South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust

Sutton Crisis Café – Sutton Mental Health Foundation ( info regarding the café in Sutton

Constructive & non-clinical alternative to A&E | Sunshine Recovery Cafe | Mental Health Crisisbased in Merton

Mental Health Recovery Cafe | Hestiabased in Wandsworth

Recovery Hub – Richmond Borough Mind ( in Twickenham

New online learning: stopping the over-medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people (STOMP) online learning


South West London Patient Engagement Group (PEG) – join now


Survey regarding mental health + physical health



External Opportunity – Creating information sheets for women on Sodium Valporate & 1 to 1 interview to test a new communication tool ‘Is valproate the right treatment for me to manage my mental health’




Can you help with some Carer Recovery Research


Hope in depression


South West London Mental Health Strategy


Dear Lived Experience Network Members


Ways to claim benefits and increase your income

Warm home discount schemes for residents in London

Cost of living hub for residents in Richmond

Help for Merton residents

Cost of living hub for Wandsworth residents

Sutton Council cost of living support webpage

Kingston council cost of living support webpage


Additionally, we recognise that for others the added stresses, financial strains and change in routine can put additional pressure on people

Crisis Cafes are open at different times over the festive period for anyone living within Kingston, Merton, Richmond, Sutton or Wandsworth who needs additional emotional support

Sutton Crisis Cafe - Sutton Mental health Foundation

for info regarding the café in Sutton


Constructive & non-clinical alternative to A&E | Sunshine Recovery Cafe | Mental Health Crisis

296a Kingston Road, SW20 8LX- run by cdars based in Merton


Mental Health Recovery Cafe | Hestia

based in Wandsworth


Recovery Hub – Richmond Borough Mind (

based in Twickenham


Connected Kingston

for Kingston residents


Alternatively, there is also the 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Line: 0800 028 8000

Mental health crisis line (


SWLSTG Stakeholder Bulletin - Autumn 2023


Survey NHS England : Learning from People about Things That Go Wrong in the NHS



Strategy Stakeholder Steering Group - 11 December



New Hearing Voices Group in Teddington every 2nd Thursday of each month 5.30-7pm - Starting 9 November



Lived Experience representative for the Perinatal Transformation Programme by 13 November



SWLStG Carers' Survey



Wellbeing courses for carers - free online workshop Monday 13 November



Your experience of adult eating disorder community outpatient and day unit services at SLaM and SWLStG's



Invitation to a Carers' Workshop – 22 November 2023 - Everyday Church, Wimbledon



Opportunity for Young adults (18-25yrs) to join the Vested Panel



Promoting Hospital Rooms Exhibition & Workshop



Thinking Works - Fuel poverty support service, information



Community Peer Support Sessions for people with a diagnosis of Schizophrenics



Free Carers Week Activities for Carers, Families and Friends



Carers / family and friends Group and welcome mornings - Avalon Ward



Workshop on developing a perinatal mental health peer support for women exposed to partner violence



Joining Black Thoughts, every 1st Thursday of the month, 6:30-8pm via EventBrite



Become a Peer Leader in the NHS - Peer Leadership development Programme



South London listens


New pilot service launched to support adults with eating disorders in south west London


Or BEAT ? - Wendy


Voluntary participation using MindMeds App : share your views and feed back



Opportunity:- Use of Force Focus Group



Involvement Opportunity – ENRICHMENT




IAPT Rebranding survey



Check-in with the Involvement Team – 2 paid, 1 hour check-ins per year – please tell us what day(s) of the week, and time(s) are best for you

We will get in touch to arrange our check in



Mindful Movement to Boost Mental Well-being



Research Study :- Survey on supporting Young people’s mental health aged 16-25 years


Help us develop a new mental health strategy – South West London Integrated Care System



The NHS is changing from July – Introducing Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) established across England on a statutory basis on 1 July 2022


Survey from National Institute of Health Research – Understanding the experiences of people who have been living at home with a family member with dementia



Participants needed for Social Cognition in Anorexia Study



Advert for: IAPT Internship Program Talk Wandsworth

For further details / informal visits contact:

Noel Brown (Wellbeing Lead) on 07779 451 172 or


Opportunity with Healthy London Partnership – Delays in S135 Assessments Task & Finish Group – opportunity for service users to become expert advisors for London wide project



Opportunity – sharing your lived experience – Occupational Therapy Course Programme @ St Georges University of London



Gathering your views of SWLStGs services

email on


Digital Inclusion Information

Involvement have gathered information regarding digital inclusion





Mental Wellbeing weekly football-based programme – Queen's Park Rangers Community Trust

Contact Connor Bagenal

Inclusive Projects Officer

QPR In the Community Trust

07483 006 992

Twitter: @QPRTrust


Have your say on our five-year digital strategy – SWLStG's






OR TEXT OR CALL 07711 938 921



Social prescribing in Richmond – connecting people with activities in the local community – Ruils in partnership with the Richmond GP Alliance

Please contact Narinder Dosanjh, our project manager, for more information

To read more about our link workers click here

To download our new Healthy Lifestyle Resource, click here

Link to you tube video re: what is social prescribing

Link to the Ruil’s website – Social Prescribing | RUILS Charity

You can self refer to this service you do not need to go through your GP


Britney Spears: What is lithium, the drug she claims she was put on


Your views on the use of digital technology to enhance the care and support offered by South West London & St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust



Free Live Online Exercises Classes with Clinical Exercise Therapy Team – Mon + Weds + Thurs


UTUBE exercise

Coral Mental Health Crisis Hub

NHS Involvement opportunities

Good Practice Guide for involving and supporting partners and other family members in specialist perinatal services

Thousands to benefit from soups and shakes diet on the NHS from today

The Recovery College

Talk Wandsworth – Well-being resources

Talk Wandsworth – Well-being workshops (under wellbeing subtitle)


Your local IAPT websites can be found at:

Merton Uplift:

Sutton Uplift:

Talk Wandsworth:



Mind the Dads Project

A Caring Mind | A blog for carers of mental health

Safely Held Spaces | Wellbeing & Compassion | UK


SWLSTG Online Live Exercise Sessions



Springfield Village development


We add Heart

Relaxation video


ELFT Trustalk Magazine

15 November


Have your say about Kingston Hospital’s communications




You can join NHS foundation trusts then put yourself forward as a governor


Every mind matter – NHS

6 ways to wellbeing

Ideas to help boost your mental wellbeing

Do something active - to be kind to your mind

Reduce your stress by tackling your money worries

tackling your worries

Struggling to sleep? - top tips to help you put sleep first




Sir Ken Robinson


A future for all of us …


Level 2 Qualifications – Without paying a penny


Covid-19: how tech could transform education


we find any learner – free training


London school of Economics – EVENTS




LGBT Foundation

A helpline for LGBT+ people

They provide confidential listening, emotional support and advice for any issue.

Call 0345 330 3030 between 9am-9pm (Mon-Fri) and 10am-6pm (weekends)



A helpline and instant messenger service for LGBT+ people

They provide non-judgmental, confidential and supportive listening for any issue.
Call 0300 330 0630, or use the instant messenger service at
Both available between 10am-10pm, 365 days a year



A freephone service for anyone in a crisis, providing confidential and non-judgmental listening.
Call 116123, any time, 365 days a year



A freetext service for anyone in a crisis

They provide non-judgmental listening and signposting to help people in distress feel calmer and safer
Text the word SHOUT to 85258, any time, 365 days a year



A free text, phone and email service for young people in crisis, offering confidential and non-judgemental listening
Text 07960039967, Call 0800 0684141 or

between 9am-12am everyday or access their website for resources on


SOS (Silence Of Suicide)

Offers a crisis helpline over the weekend and a non-crisis chat line of selected days.
Crisis helpline 0300 1020 505 (Friday-Monday 8pm-12am) and non-crisis chatline 0300 1020 505 (Tuesday-Thursday 8pm-12am) or access their website for more support


London Friend

Organisation offering various LGBTQ+ support e.g. counselling, drug and alcohol support and social support groups etc.



Support for LGBTQ+ people who have experienced abuse and violence

Various support services and helplines


National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline0800 9995428 (The helpline is open:Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 8pm)



Webchat (Wednesday and Thursday 5-8pm) or ChatBot (Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

LGBT+ Hate Crime Helpline 0207 7042040 (Monday-Friday 10-4pm)

to ask for a call back to avoid charges


National Conversion Therapy Helpline 0800 1303335

(Free of charge open Monday-Thursday 10am-8:30pm, Friday 10-4pm)


Free National Saturday Club at St Mary’s University – creating positive change


Power to people






Perseverance 💙

Citizens commission on human rights international – the MH industry watchdog

Ban Electro convulsive treatment – PETITION

New black box warning ⬛💊

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Let's get the FDA to do its job

🔎💊 Drugging Foster Care Children

World health organisation + UN commit to zero psychiatric coercion


UN Human Rights Council Condemns Forced Psychiatric Practices

Including Electro convulsive treatment - this report is many years old (2018) so why no action locally from Health + well-being board + Integrated Care Board ? - despite knowing about the issue ? - are these boards failing us ? - Wendy


Time magazine wrote :-

America has reached peak therapy why is our Mental Health getting worse ?

which states

"research suggests both misdiagnosis and overdiagnosis are common in psychiatry

One 2019 study even concluded that the criteria underlying psychiatric diagnoses are 'scientifically meaningless' due to their inconsistent metrics, overlapping symptoms, and limited scope

That's a sobering conclusion because diagnosis largely determines treatment."

We need to look at “social determinates”of well being ?

Power to people ?

Housing + income ?

Well being / doughnut economies ? - Wendy



14 November + 12 December

31 January






participatory budgeting


Common Wealth


Transform trade

Every year - 12 million Christmas jumpers are sold in the UK
95% of Christmas jumpers are made of plastic - so that jumper will probably live longer than you will



Byssinosis is the medical term for the impact that inhaling fabric fibres has on human lungs


Citizen Network

for a world were everyone matters

Global standard for self-directed support


New Economics Foundation

freeze social rents – EMAIL MP


We need to commit to building the power of ordinary people to fight against wealthy elites

Community food systems should be part of the new normal – here’s why

4-day week


poverty is a policy choice

Poverty is the result of a welfare system which denies people the means to live a dignified life

Big tech’s duty of care

Levelling up begins with quality public services

Making workers foot the bill for social care and pensions is deeply unfair

Greening public finance

Cold homes, hot planet


From Universal Credit to a Living Income

Tell the Prime Minister to give us a Great Homes Upgrade – PETITION


The victim-blaming culture of housing associations has trickled down from the government

The environment is paying the price for bad economic advice


The UK is in a crisis of living standards, not public finances

well being economy – Wakefield

Why don’t we just understand why it costs more to be poor

Fuel duty cuts in the UK will largely benefit the SUV-driving elite


A care workforce fit for Britain

We can’t fix the NHS crisis until we fix our social care crisis

We need universal basic services to tackle the climate crisis

Why carbon taxes should be spent on insulating the UK’s draughty homes


Government will pay landlords 5 times more than it will spend on affordable housing in next 4 years


The £58bn housing benefit bill dwarfs the £11.5bn Affordable Homes Programme

think tank New Economics Foundation has found


Can words change the world?

What is framing?


How long would it take you to earn the amount a FTSE 100 CEO makes in one year?


Unless Whitehall devolves its powers, ‘levelling up’ is doomed to fail

not just Whitehall ? - Wendy


Three fifths of private renters cannot afford the cost of living


Have we been conned by consultants?

Nearly three quarters of Conservative voters want the UK to build more social housing

A 2% tax on the UK’s richest families could raise £22bn a year

Universal credit is £890 short of what’s needed to meet the cost of living

Should we all be troublemakers at work?

Aggressive aviation

Migrant agricultural workers face absolute poverty while supermarkets profit

Power to prosper

Why asset managers own the world

Why antiracism means anticapitalism


People on the lowest incomes are paying even more of their salaries in tax under this government

Losing altitude

Why the climate crisis means higher prices


do not believe the hype

Well being economy now ? - Wendy


building a well being economy

From compliance to engagement

The best things do come through big, bold change

The community right to buy

Trapped in poverty by our social security system




Edge Fund


The social Guarantee

how we can enshrine every person’s right to life’s essentials:

education, health and social care, a decent home, childcare, nutritious food, clean air and water, energy, transport

Change won't come from politicians at conferences


Locality – the power of community

Keep it Local – read and share new research from Bradford and Bristol

NEW RESEARCH: role of community orgs in illness prevention services

NEW RESEARCH on VCSE organisations & neighbourhood health


community power revolution – manifesto

Introduce a Community Power Act

Create a National Community Ownership Strategy

Put communities in charge of local economic development

Make collaboration – not competition - the guiding principle of public services

Champion community-led housing and neighbourhood planning



use collective intelligence to solve public problems


Five stories of change for a sustainable future

Including South Korea’s Green new Deal


Our diet is harming the planet

How do we eliminate the school readiness gap

How junk food advertising impacts young people

What the government needs to do to reduce the cost of heat pumps


Have you ever seen a heat pump?


Making green energy pay

Three quarters of UK adults underestimate the amount of calories in snacks

The low-carbon workforce of the future

saving money on heating

ways to heat our homes +

wealth + income inequality


Dates for your diary 🗓 - October – November

Democracy doing it for ourselves - 📅 15 November 2023

How to turn big ideas into reality 🚀 - 16 November

healthcare in a modern age - 📅 28 November 2023

30 November

How climate action can transform the world 🌏 - 7 December

How to build healthier neighbourhoods 🍎 - 11 December

events to December


Directory of Social Change people to work a four-day week


Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES)

realisable strategies for local economies

Our aim is to achieve social justice, good local economies and
effective public services for everyone, everywhere


the final report of the Liverpool City Region Land Commission: Our Land

Community Wealth Building Centre of Excellence (CfX)

Re-thinking power

Delivering the doughnut…

community wealth building: a history

A roadmap for asset ownership

Raising council tax won’t fix local government

Levelling up paper falls way short of what is needed

growth for growth sake

Building community wealth in Lewes

community right to buy

Community-led development: a roadmap for asset ownership

Building Community Wealth in Scotland

Can freeports be fair?

4 day week



It’s not about us asking for trust, it’s about us radically trusting citizens”

Audrey Tang


We're witnessing a fundamental shift in public participation patterns

Community members want to participate on their terms and on their preferred platforms


community calling: people want more influence

We found that the feeling of disconnect runs deep between decision makers and the public, with 79% of people agreeing that Westminster and Whitehall are making decisions about people and places they know little about

We also found significant support for community power

71% of people think that there should be a legal right for communities to have a say over how local services are run

"The local people know what's best for them and the decisions that need to be made."

Focus group participant


A community-powered NHS: making prevention a reality


It's time for a Community Power Act


What ever happened to 'taking back control'

Six years after the Brexit campaign promised British voters the opportunity to 'take back control', nearly eight in ten people say they have not much or no control over important decisions that affect their neighbourhood and local community


Islington: a community powered approach to inequality

New Local has been working with Islington Council’s Inequality Taskforce to launch a bold new approach in one of London’s most deprived boroughs


Investing in the future of our communities


Public service reform is back on the table


Community Powered Edmonton

how building trust can help tackle health inequalities


The Westminster bubble must be burst

not just the Westminster bubble ? - Wendy


Community engagement and the power of ‘what if?’


Does economic growth lead to higher happiness?


why councils of the future need to be small, nimble and digital


The Welsh Wellbeing of Future Generations Act has lessons for us all


There is real opportunity for big reforms


How we lost sight of the point of public services

The case for whole system reform moving towards strengths-based and relational services


Accountability is not a one-way street


Labour must fill the policy void on public services and put a focus on prevention

"The public sector has lost any sense of long-term strategy. In its place is a bunch of increasingly incoherent, ad-hoc initiatives and interventions”


How We Did It: Tackling rough sleeping

You hit the target but you miss the point because it's all about numbers not people.”


What next for ICSs? The Hewitt Review at a glance

Fiscal devolution: why we need it and how to make it work

How can local areas ‘design out’ severe hardship? A new framework

Five reasons to give communities power to tackle poverty

We’ve assembled a rebel alliance – but their ideas should be mainstream

Evidence unpacked: does community power boost wellbeing?

NHS at 75: why the workforce plan should start with communities

Levelling up’s mission: redistributing power and resources to communities everywhere

Building the Rebel Alliance: How community power is driving change in Norfolk

It felt like a levelling out”: How people in poverty are changing the system in Trafford


This is the best opportunity we’ve had for community power”: Claire Hazelgrove

featuring the idea of mature + immature councils – Wendy


A Labour Vision for Community Power

Participation - prevention – devolution


A Labour government would inherit public services in crisis

yet from day one it will need to demonstrate a different way of doing government and empowering communities

Traditional top-down decision-making is hoarding too much power at the centre

and change will need to come from the grassroots up.”

Labour council leaders have set out a route for Labour to deliver its objectives in government

starting with giving communities meaningful power and influence

In the context of heavily constrained public spending

the group of seven Labour leaders say the party will need to focus on making better use of existing money if it is to ensure better outcomes and improve local neighbourhoods

Their vision sets out how Labour's Take Back Control Act can redistribute power across the system

offering locally rooted solutions to complex issues from poor health to inequality

Trusting the People: the case for community-powered conservatism


4 June 2024

As a member of our community group you get a free space – Wendy


How We Did It: Unlocking community assets through local partnerships

Including Wandsworth Council – I would love to know if this is the reality “on the ground” – Wendy


New Citizenship project



Can we democratise city planning? 🏙️




Resolution Foundation

13 November

15 November

21 November

4 December


Power to change

Nurturing wellbeing in our neighbourhoods

Big change as Power to Change launch new website

Community Power Act – get involved

Take Back the High Street – community right to buy

Investing in community tech


How can we encourage a more equitable community business sector? 🤝🏽

Work in progress: Levelling up perspectives from the community to the national level

Community powered high streets

understanding community business compared to other 3rd sector orgs


13 – 17 November


Onion Collective


Plunkett Foundation – events +

including community managing public funding + community right to buy



including events


social enterprise UK


Deveron Projects

Healing Monsters


Equally ours


the impact of the Equality Act 2010, gender equality in local councils, and why voter ID is a disproportionate solution




Conversion therapy includes medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious, cultural or any other interventions that seek to change, “cure”, or suppress the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of a person.

Figures from the UK Government’s National LGBT Survey found that:

7% of LGBT people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy.

10 % of asexual people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy.

13% of trans people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy.

At home early medical abortions, ethnicity and heightened risk poverty, racism and the environmental emergency, and more

Youth-led change making and activism, age dispute process puts refugee children, reporting on child sexual abuse

Equality Trust blog: Why do we need to talk about mental illness, shame, stigma and inequality

Inquiry on Human Rights of asylum seekers, gendered impact of the cost-of-living crisis, and the state of homelessness

civil society to address human rights and climate change, fairness in enterprise, equal pay advice service, and more


Defending our human rights


Carer's Leave Act, wealth surplus research, prevention in health and social care

including action to include community groups in supply chain


Strategic comms training, workplace discrimination, strip searches of children

State of child poverty, Disabled people's rights, Roma homelessness including events in September

Threats to the Rule of Law, discriminatory Voter ID, fertility-friendly workplaces

including events


Racial justice priorities, rights of older people, VAWG sector manifesto

Disabled People's Manifesto, algorithmic discrimination, immigration detention

Cost of giving, racism and the environmental emergency, attitudes towards domestic abuse


Baker Street Irregular Astronomers


Centre for ecotherapy



Green Gyms

both in Richmond + Hounslow


Real junk food project – twickenham



Capital Growth – Training + events

Are councils doing enough to support Londoners to grow food

The role of councils in community food growing

Come celebrate the harvest season🌽

Building relationships between schools and peri-urban farms in London

Cosy up with our autumn programme 🍂

Don't miss our autumn workshops

14 November

15 November

18 November

25 November

Can urban food growing tackle the climate and nature emergency

including community assets - Wendy


Sustainable Food Trust

The Harmony Project’s new report calls for greener prisons

harmony project – educating young people

The Story of Umgibe: A farm in a plastic bag

Reducing reoffending through growing, cooking and eating good food

Linking GPs and farms: The potential for improved health and healing

The garden as refuge: The restorative power of green spaces and nature

You'll never guess what the Government's done now!

Child Poverty and Children's Dietary Health

Free orchard training

Hull residents given new Right to Grow Food

13 November

15 November – protecting food growing sites

7 December


Root to work - update


Food cycle


Food foundation

Marcus Rashford's #WRITENOW Campaign calls on MPs to #EndChildFoodPoverty


📯 270,000 children are due to benefit from a major announcement made on 20 February 2023

Latest figures show 3.7 million children have experienced food poverty

What do food shortages say about our food system and what can be done about it? 🍅

Crucial Healthy Start target missed

How baby foods are marketed and the importance of nutrition in early years


people food activism


🍜 food the future🍜

free school meals across the UK


Food price tracker





New report celebrating volunteers across the UK passionate about creating a better food system

How can we reduce health inequalities amongst children?


Affordable food for all – WHICH PETITION

Your cost-saving advice


National Trust


Soil association

How your small decisions can make a difference

Top five herbs you can grow at home to help save the bees

Tips to up your recycling game

National allotment week – a proud history

Tell the government to tackle ultra-processed foods – PETITION

Choosing the healthier alternative

Be part of the solution

Organic for the planet

Update 🍁


John Muir Trust


Black dog outdoors


National Park City Foundation

Can you help us share 1,000 events in London National Park City? 📣☀️


Heritage Open Days – Online Event Directory Live



Habitats & Heritage


including energy advice + funding + gardening

further update

lots of events


community assembly – 10 December


Wildfowl + Wetlands Trust

💧Immerse yourself in nature🦆

Unwind and Reconnect 🌿

Peak migration, new podcasts and anti-pollution plans 💧🦆

🍂 Top Autumn Activities

Wade into November 🦢


National archives

Marking Windrush 75 🚢

Windrush Day 2023 🚢

Marking South Asian Heritage Month

The Atomic Spy 🕵️

Open House Festival at The National Archives

Black History Month



Black Cultural Archives

Commemorate the 75th anniversary of Windrush 📣



Activate Collective


Presenting the 2022 recipients of our Activate Levelling Up Fund for Activists


Living Streets

Act now to get London walking more

The Social Housing Partnership Fund in Scotland is providing facilities to make it easier for people to walk and cycle

London walking routes map goes from strength to strength

Chancellor confirms £2bn investment for walking and cycling

Children nationwide taking steps to reduce air pollution

Latest government data confirms quieter streets are safer streets

Please send a tweet to your MP and let's #ReclaimOurPavements

We all deserve safer streets – agree – ACTION

Have your say: Respond to clean air consultation

Share your #WalkToSchoolStories

27 November

LGBTQ+ hidden history walks


National Portrait Gallery



for Claire


Sound bath healing

A conversation about Starseeds


All change art

Arts activism + cultural exchange

Co-op Community Fund and All Change

Known in Your Bones Podcast – Episode 1

Known in Your Bones Podcast – Episode 2

Known in Your Bones Podcast – Episode 3

Known in Your Bones Podcast – Episode 4

Known in Your Bones Podcast – Episode 5


Collective Arts


Co-Production Collective

safeguarding +


Conquest Art


Art Emergency

Action is better than words


Art UK

Who were the Impressionists? 🌤️

Experience the world through art 🌍

Sun, sea, sand... and art 🏖️

Sound and vision 🎶🖼️

We ❤️ sculpture!

Celebrating black art 🙌🏿


64 Million Artists

Solidarity Knows No Borders

story of an object🧶

drawing 🎨🖌️🖼️

imprint 👣

things in common💐

creating art from things around you🪁

cooking 🧑‍🍳

pick me up🤩

sign name🧏

🕺 dancing 💃


🎁 Free resources and training


A moment of joy in here

Spot a moment of joy in your day, sit in it, recognise it and embrace the feelings it brings

Think about how you could capture this one moment in a creative way

It might be a poem, or a sketch of something that elicited the joy

It might be a song that's brought you joy and you might create a dance or a musical response inspired by the moment


Create some land art

Find a space to create your own land art, it could be in a local park or on your street

Use natural objects you can find in your immediate surroundings like stones, twigs, leaves and arrange them in whatever shape or pattern you'd like

If you're not outside or can't find any natural objects immediately around you, you could draw them and experiment with textures in any medium you like


List 10 words that are things you feel grateful for

The words could describe feelings, people, objects, environments – anything

Now, get creative with your words

You could create a poem that has each word at the start of a sentence

You could create a drawing to visualise each word

You could find a song which has each of those words in, make a playlist and hit the dance floor


There is an alternative (TIALT)


Street wisdom

Download your FREE chapter from Wanderful


Wander and wonder

Sitting still is overrated


If you are in a bad mood go for a walk

If you are still in a bad mood go for another walk



Ignite Imaginations – latest news


Tangled feet

Autumn Season Announcement: Murmurations | Pop Up Performance Shop | Butterflies


The Daily Haiku


Film Oxford




Abbianca Makoni – GXNG GIRLS




Otakar Kraus Music Trust

Free well-being support

Drumming Workshops and Ukulele Workshops

Neurological Music Therapy Group

15 November




What Works Wellbeing

Developing a theory of thriving

Growing the loneliness evidence base

New Zealand Living Standards Framework update and first wellbeing report

Personal power: reframing the locus of control

Civic strength and a purposeful nation

Well-being and debt in the UK

Why measuring hope matters

Beyond GDP what matters to national well- being


Understanding how agency and control matters for community wellbeing

Belonging and wellbeing through physical activity


Social Value UK



I want respect, loyalty, trust, understanding, listening, ability to compromise and love in my relationship
Participant - aged 17


The Continuation on Prevention Through Creative Arts

#BeTender - 14 Acts of Kindness Challenge

The Impact of Kindness - #BeTender Campaign




Visa and Mastercard stop ads on Pornhub following child porn lawsuit

Introducing: Expose the harm – PORN

kids at risk the longer online safety bill is delayed – EMAIL MP

Our Online Safety Bill response and how you can get involved – EMAIL MP


Take action

A word to the porn industry: your day in the sun is over

Open Letter to the PM: Keep Kids Off Porn

Net closing in on Pornhub

Buying her

Barely legal

good news 🗞️

abolitionist stance

16 November


Watch Now Mansions of the Future: A Lasting Legacy


Peer Support




Restraint reduction network


Cure Mental Health

Essex Mental Health deaths

Parliament debates current toothless inquiry to be a full Statutory Public Inquiry 31 January 2023


Professor Simon Baron-Cohen declares support for Statutory Public Inquiry in to Essex MH Services

Essex mental health patient deaths probe calls backed by professor

Our Autism scandal

Amy + Dannielle + Lauren + Shaun

NHS mental health services set to face full public inquiry to force staff to give evidence

Failure to 'appropriately assess' girl, 17, contributed to her suicide, coroner says - PETITION


Essex Mental Health Inquiry: Chair renews push for legal powers decision

Edwige Nsilu: Inquest opens into death of young woman at mental health unit in Basildon, Essex

Essex mental health staff fell asleep on duty, inspection found


Not Westminster

What's your one best hope

Reasons to be hopeful: It's Notwestminster weekend 💚


Stir to action


Sisters of Frida




Transforming communities for inclusion


Safe place



According to at least 30% of prisoners have learning difficulties and/or disabilities


Hub of hope is 4 years’ old

no filter




Chasing the stigma


no filter


The survivors trust



Fully recovered from an eating disorder



online support groups

16 November


Healing Justice

breath circle – every Wednesday – 9.30 pm


Self- injury Support

Free workshops and small grants for activists


Beyond Equality


Intentional Peer Support

Peer support is about social change


"I don't go down there to talk to someone or to give them advice

I go down there to listen, to have a conversation."

Chris Masters




Academy of Peer-supported Open Dialogue


Little Village




Battersea Befriending Network




Freecycle network


Friends, Families and Travellers

Friends, Families and Travellers – Government announces intention to criminalise trespass and strengthen police powers


The community law partnership

we're going to the Supreme Court



Community catalysts CIC – update


Women’s aid

Women's Aid launch Expect Respect Prevention Toolkit


We are here for survivors”


The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (Napac)

0808 801 0331


Mad COVID – free yoga – Sundays



Centre for Mental Health

The truth about mental health inequality

Working in partnership: creating an effective rough sleeper strategy

New approaches to supporting young men's mental health

Behind closed doors How to make safe, compassionate inpatient care a reality

No health without housing: why supported housing is at the heart of integrated mental health care

Social needs among people living with mental health difficulties


the power of ordinary


Big ideas for dismantling mental health inequalities

Mental health, nature and gardens: expanding the narrative

How local councils can support better mental health for all

Finding ways to end the toxic impacts of poverty: our first Festival of Ideas event

How can local councils know if their mental health services are working well?

Championing trans and non-binary people's mental health

made in community

Mental health and the climate crisis

Building a mentally healthier nation

A constant battle: exploring the intergenerational consequences of racism in the UK

It's a constant battle that knocks you


idea of golden triangle of influence


Lived experience



Good Grief


Cruse Bereavement Care

journeying with grief - it looks different for us all


Death cafe




Men's shed

Shoulder to shoulder

chat – kindness benches




Centre for ageing better

Good homes for all: a proposal to fix England's housing


Independent Age

Our research

has found that one in six older renters have less than £100 disposable income a month after their rent

That’s just not enough to live on, and leaving many stressed and anxious about how they’ll pay for the essentials


52% of older people on a low household income were unaware of broadband social tariffs before taking the survey

September 2023


Information on ways to boost your income

a beautiful video with some familiar faces

Affordable, good-quality homes for everyone 🏠

The Hidden Two Million

send your MP our housing briefing so they know how older renters can benefit from the Renters (Reform) Bill

campaigning toolkit


Age UK

You can get support and advice from:

Domestic Abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). You can also visit their website where there’s a live chat and online messaging service, if you don’t feel able to call or email.


Adult Social Services at your local council.

Your GP or other NHS health providers.

Hourglass helpline: 0808 808 8141 (9am-5pm, Monday-Friday) Hourglass are an organisation dedicated to ending harm and abuse to older people.

The Police: you can call the local Police on the 101 non-emergency number, or call 999 immediately in an emergency. If you are unable to speak when the operator answers, cough or tap your phone, and if prompted, press 55. This lets the operator know if you’re in an abusive household and need the Police but fear being heard.

Age UK Advice Line: 0800 169 65 65 (8am-7pm, 7 days a week) Or you can contact us online here.

The Silver Line: 0800 4 70 80 90 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) The Silver Line is a confidential helpline for older people

Pension credit information

It’s not 100% on you to make sure you’re safe online

Windrush Day at Age UK

benefits calculator

Does your story sound like mine?


Compassion in Dying


Age UK – RICHMOND runs FREE IT courses +


In common


University of the third age





Powering Up is never top down

labour party to lead by pluralism + inclusivity not control + exclusion – PETITION


Our report reveals that even if Labour can win,

voters now have little faith that our political system can address the big challenges of our time:

🌡️51% say the system is unable to address the critical issue of climate transition

📈 50% don’t think the system can fix inflation and avoid economic turmoil

🌍 63% don’t believe it can help us find a better approach to immigration

🚨 63% say our politics is failing on wealth inequality

🏘️ 64% believe the system isn’t able to cope with the housing crisis.

But it’s even worse than that:

🤑 73% of voters believe the political system mostly serves the rich and the powerful

71% say it doesn’t work for ordinary people

🤲 63% say it puts too much power in the hands of a small number of swing voters

64% see the system as too short-term

💂 67% judge it as far too London centric

64% think the system cannot bring people together and unite the country


Endless opposition or a Progressive Alliance

All great political movements are born in exile

As ever, we are the people we have been waiting for

All You Need to Know about a Progressive Alliance


Politics needs to change so we can change our society – to make it much more equal, sustainable and democratic

We are convinced that can only happen if parties of the left and centre start to work together, or at the very least stop fighting one another

After the Market Capitalism and Social Democracy in the 2020s


From a post-pandemic reorientation around care to an embrace of citizens’ assemblies, the future is surely a shift from top-down directives to a plural politics that harnesses the bottom-up power of community

Labour must embrace new power and a new democracy

The Green Route to Alliance-based Power

minority report: preparing for multi-party government

Poll shows majority of Labour voters want to Only Stand to Win


Tell our leaders: to deepen democracy, we need to get it together

Treating causes not symptoms: Basic Income as a public health measure


our choice – chaos or cooperation – PETITION

podcast – WIN AS ONE

Brexit 3 Years On

We have to do better than this - PETITION


John + Neal

Old power v. New Power ? People before profit ? - Wendy

Citizen control

Degree of citizen power

Delegated power



Degree of tokenism




Non participation



Old power

New power



Held by few

Made by many

Pushed down

Pulled in








Left Unity

Call for a new left party – SIGN OPEN LETTER


Transform politics

🦋 25 November

have your say – 15 November


Electoral Reform Society


the government decided to go with the strictest ID rules every time

Voter ID is a ‘gerrymandering scheme’ suggests Jacob Rees-Mogg

First Past the Post in mayoral elections means less choice and a weaker voice

Majority oppose resignation honours

People’s assembly


Northern Ireland’s local elections show the benefit of the Single Transferable Vote


What is a Citizens’ Assembly?


End the male super-majority in the House of Lords - PETITION


How did Denmark get proportional representation?

How do Finland’s elections work +

The political reforms that were lacking from the King’s Speech

do you agree : the out of date way MPs are elected to Westminster is failing voters – PETITION

over 115,635 signatures – why is no one listening ? - Wendy


How honourable are honours lists?

Including Welsh government progressive electoral reforms


Make votes matter



Street stall

25 November

10.30 – 12.30


Wimbledon Piazza

SW19 1RF


Trust the people

Flatpack Democracy


Open space principles:

Whoever comes are the right people

Whenever it starts is the right time

When it’s over, it’s over

Whatever happens it is the only thing that could happen


Take the jump


Trust for London

Trust for London – Tackling poverty + inequality

CEO pay survey 2022: CEO pay surges 39%

Tax Haven Money in London Real Estate

London Poverty Statistics

Racial justice fund launches soon + Disability & deprivation


including cannabis legalisation


A Whole-Society Approach to Ending Violence Against Women and Girls: VAWG Sector Manifesto (End Violence Against Women)

New Living Wage Rates + Black History Month


Housing - Gender identity & deprivation – Pay inequality

pay inequality in London – LBRUT tops the chart + Kingston comes 3rdWandsworth is not doing well either -

this is a bad thing + needs to be sorted ! How could we sort it ? Universal basic income ?

Wealth tax ?



Millions of Londoners below minimum income standard

including open letter on temporary housing + other amazing stuff – including peer research - Wendy


St.Giles Trust

short films

anti-violence work in the West Midlands

Partnership work with the NHS will harness lived experience


Debt Justice

Almost 13 million adults now struggling to pay bills, debt charity warns

What does HSBC and BlackRock have in common? - EMAIL MP


There are now 8.5 million people heavily in debt

That’s 1 in 6 of us

So far little has been done and the pressure, including on people's mental health, can be unbearable

One person told us that Debt has social, emotional and mental side effects, the like of which are a silent venom.’


Together against debt – The people’s manifesto


debt + colonialism + resistance - 8 – 17 November

Debt justice is climate justice


People of the global South have been rendered vulnerable to climate change because of poverty

Discrimination and precarious living conditions are intensified under this ever-rising debt problem

The global financial system is extractivist in essence –

[characterised by] the extraction of human and natural resources for the relentless pursuit of profit and the ever-increasing use of fossil fuels..."
Mae Buenaventura, Asian People's Movement on Debt and Development


Drop Debt Save Lives – PETITION


Medical Cannabis access on the NHS – Alfie and I need your help – PETITION

Despite Some Progress on Legalization, the War on Cannabis Is Not Over


Barclays + HSBC – PETITION


This week in weed


Marijuana Justice


Unlock democracy

Call off the attack on UK democracy – LETTER

Elections Bill – LETTER

A message of support for Ukraine – ADD YOUR NAME

Reforming the House of Lords – HAVE YOUR SAY

Limit MPs' 2nd jobs – PETITION

Draconian laws – PETITION

Voiceless – PETITION


His own father? - PETITION

Repair the damage – PETITION

clean up politics – PETITION

Fix politics now - PETITION

3 out of 47

18 November


Taxpayers’ alliance

Dealing with HMRC is a famously laborious experience but they’re very aware that while members of the public might not like paying taxes, most of them tend to play by the rules.

Sadly, we can’t say the same about our universal credit system.

The Public Interest Law Centre recently pointed to an example of a client who had been asked for a “photo of you next to your street sign with your right hand holding it” and a “photo of you holding your local newspaper for the area you live (not a national tabloid paper).

This should be dated the same day as you upload the photo.”


Councils have spent nearly £700,000 paying internet bills for staff working from home since 2019

information obtained using Freedom of information act ? - Wendy

Council tax rises – interactive chart


In 20 years LBRUT council tax has risen by nearly 49.18%

In 20 years Hounslow council tax has risen by nearly 37.71%

Civil servants have received £400,000 in bonuses last year


Fury as waste disposal firms are given £35million of taxpayers' money to burn unused PPE bought at the height of the pandemic

Whitehall offices empty as civil servants work from home


Daily mail reports that council staff can work up to 4 days a week at home

Raising the question do local authorities need so much costly real estate


Hospital estate spending - £220 million could be saved

Taxpayers footed a £27 million bill to pay for government spin doctors in a single Whitehall department last year

Rail union bosses take home £500,000 in pay and perks

DfT splurges thousands on away days

£4 billion worth of PPE procured by the government during the pandemic could end up being burnt

Public sector pension liabilities hit £2 trillion

NHS 'blows' millions on PRIVATE care while 'patients face record waiting lists'


Time to sell council offices
An investigation by
The Times found that more than 90 per cent of council staff are still working from home in some local authorities.

This rightly raised concerns about whether taxpayers are getting bang for their buck, as they continue to foot the bill for empty desks in deserted town halls


Troublesome tanks

after 5 years + £5.5 billion of Taxpayers cash the army’s Ajax tank procurement program has yet to produce a singe working tank

£265, 007 was spent on booze in taxpayer subsidised parliamentary bars + canteens in a single year

between April 2021 and the end of March


local council luxury limos – 2,689,959 pounds

London borough Richmond upon Thames spent 12,389 pounds

this is a waste of public money ? - Wendy


Public sector hiring spree sees a workforce bigger than Tesco join since September 2018

English taxpayers foot bill for Welsh government ‘ghost offices’

£44, 000 to create calming sea creatures

Council Spaffs £33,000 on Corgi Statues, Sells Them for Just £2,000

MP medal madness + a cash sum of up to £162,000


PETITION : stop council tax rises

We’ve shown time and time again that there’s room for savings in town hall budgets

From the

£15 million spent on unpopular artwork


£765,000 in bonuses

at one council


£500,000 to build an Airbnb

there’s plenty of waste in local government

That’s not to mention the nearly

3,000 council employees receiving over £100,000!

Council tax freeze in Scotland


NHS has spent £4million paying property taxes for EMPTY buildings in last three years

Information obtained using Freedom of information act - Wendy


cost of sending the children of diplomats to some of the country’s top private schools

costly consultants - £16 million on consultants + temporary staff

Ministry of Defence logging £806 million in annual losses

Outrage as taxpayer-funded jobs for civil servants surge by more than 100,000

the burden of council tax

Public sector ‘pensions aristocracy’ to get pay rise three times the average

Personal freedom going up in smoke?


Town Hall rich list 2023

As households across the country face record council tax hikes and a cost of living crisis

our latest Town Hall Rich List has revealed that 2,759 council bosses received more than £100,000 in total remuneration in 2021-22

We're calling on local authorities to offer value for money and stop council tax hikes!

High salaries in London Borough Richmond upon Thames + Hounslow + Kingston upon Thames - people assemblies ? – participatory budgeting ? community land trusts ? - power to the people ? - Wendy


Force energy companies to put people before profit – PETITION

McDonald’s has a sexual harassment problem – PETITION

Stop the Next Pandemic, McDonald's – PETITION

Public Sexual Harassment – EMAIL MP




Earth day🌍


Restart project

Repair connects us all

An inspiring journey into the repair community

Will 2023 be the year of community-led repair?

A world of repair 🌍🌏🌎

Why a working vacuum cleaner means a broken system

Our factory of the future turns one year old!

The joy (and power) of repairing together 🛠🥳

Let's make repair affordable!

Repair for everyone 🔧💚



author of wasteland


Right to repair Europe

Help us ban the destruction of perfectly functioning electronics!

ENVI Member of the EU Parliament of choice

Right to Repair for smartphones

Webinar: Financial incentives for repair: from national success stories to a European framework

Anna + Sandrine + Biljana + Malte + Sara + Sean + Franck


Centre for alternative technology

18 July – 24 March


Energy for all


Fuel poverty action

they have monthly online meetings


16 November






Ella’s law


Greens win majority control of council for first time in UK



The bike project

There is no climate justice without racial justice

Creating resilient communities is vital to develop economies that work for people and planet

why collaboration is important in politics to enact radical change

We launched a petition calling for tax incentives to favour retrofitting homes over new builds

Find alternatives to traditional consumerism

Collaboration Over Competition in Politics


Wales -The Future Generations Act

Weaving together regeneration and social justice for generations to come.

Because everything is a Green issue.

They have the ‘world’s first commissioner of the unborn’, responsible for delivering social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being for current and future generations.

How does it work

How do we measure impact on the future

Are mindsets changing in Wales

Is the act creating the systems change it set out to achieve

Why do we need an act for future generations

And what can England and beyond learn from Wales, as the Future Generations Bill is brought to Parliament


The awful policing bill – EMAIL MP

Scottish Greens pledge new deal for renters

Intersectionality in the Green movement

petition calling for a Wellbeing Economy

What is education for, and who pays


Universal Basic Income is a key part of Green Party policy

Natalie Bennett wrote about why we need a complete system change to save the planet

The Green Party warned that the government's pledge to resettle Afghan refugees is 'empty pr'

A bill to protect our planet – PETITION

Environment Bill Petition

responded to the World Health Organisation announcement that it was slashing its recommended limits for air pollution


Britain is still:

⚠️Talking about a new coal mine in Cumbria

⚠️Considering a new oil field off Shetland

⚠️Foreseeing a £27bn road building programme

⚠️Planning airport expansions

Overcharged Londoners paid £25 billion too much rent


Ensure Trans people are fully protected under any conversion therapy ban – PETITION

clean air petition

22 November


Don’t test UK cosmetics on animals - PETITION


Green new deal

Build back better – Green Jobs for All – sign the petition now

Do you think bankers need a pay rise

Polluters are making billions. So what next?

The home office is ruining lives – I had to do something

EMAIL – Humza

PETITION – tell Labour leaders – no more austerity


Defund climate choas

climate reparations now – PETITION

We oppose the illegal immigration bill – PETITION

lots of events just sign up


Tipping Point

16 November

9 December


Climate defiance


Extinction Rebellion (XR)

What’s the urgency? - Stephen Fry

My extinction


People vs Oil!

18 November 12:00 / 13:00

London Eye

Jubilee Gardens


17 November – embodied relational community


16 November – 6pm – 19.15 – end advertising green-washing

meet 17:45 Orange street / whitcomb Street


Organise a Community Assembly

XR foundation programme


Refurbish, Don’t Demolish

Methane Emissions From Dairy and Meat


The People's Plan for Nature

The outcome of the People’s Assembly for Nature

rooted in the values, ideas and experiences of people from all corners of the UK

will be The People's Plan for Nature which will make recommendations for governments (local and national)

food and farming businesses, non-governmental organisations

communities, and individuals


Dear Norway




Fairness Foundation



Extinction Rebellion Demands

XR’s three core demands remain the same:

Tell the Truth

Act Now

Decide Together


We are also demanding a citizen-led democracy to end the fossil fuel era and a fair society that includes reparation


Extinction Rebellion Events

global newsletter

Famine Is At The Door


Don’t Obey A System That Is Killing You


East London Waterworks Park


Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

The mainstream media blackout around the Bill makes it all the more urgent that we all get behind this campaign now.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they legislate against you…


You Can't Eat Money


Listening Circles

25 October & weekly


Regenerative Cultures

is offering a weekly listening circle


Around the world in eight Citizen Assemblies

A deeper dive into citizens' assemblies that have happened around the world

We recommend this for people with a basic understanding of Cas

You can also read more about Citizens' Assemblies here


F**k Davos, Love Degrowth!


Heading For Extinction

Every WEDS 19:00-20:15


How to Deliver XR Welcome Sessions

THURS 10 Feb, 10:00-11:30 and future Thursdays

MON 14 Feb, 18:00-19:30 and future Mondays


Animal Rebellion v McDonalds

Should the public be better informed about the connection between animal farming and the climate and ecological emergency

The meat industry clearly doesn’t think so – just like Big Oil, Big Meat spends millions to crush good climate policy

And no doubt, they’d also prefer us to be unaware that meat production leads to thousands of air quality related deaths every year + an EAT Lancet report found that, in order to feed a population of 10 billion within planetary boundaries, we need to slash meat consumption by 90%. Animal agriculture causes 80% of Amazon deforestation and McDonalds is content to source products from illegally deforested areas

So, watch this 22-min documentary that explains why and how Animal Rebellion is demanding that McDonalds transitions to plant-based food within 4 years

To add to the nudge, sign this petition


Insulate Britain


world’s first Global Citizens’ Assembly


Send PCSC Bill Holiday Cards to the House of Lords

Let’s wish them a happy New Year and thanks in advance for protecting the future of UK democracy …

by voting against the Bill Everything needed is here

Conservation vs Human Rights


Since signing the Paris Agreement in 2016, the UK has paid £3.2 billion of public money to polluting North Sea oil and gas companies



Action calendar


Citizens’ Assemblies

2-mins watch


Sing The Rebellion

TUES 11:30-12:30

FRIs 15:00-16:00


XR Song Carriers invite you to sing – no lyrics or experience needed

Everyone is welcome at these weekly sessions and particularly anyone interested in becoming a song carrier


CEE Bill Campaign Shares

Every WEDS, 15:00-16:30

These gatherings are for CEE Bill campaigners who want to share information, ideas and experiences about campaign activities at the grassroots level or ask questions of the CEE Bill Team


2023 – 24 XR strategy


Paid to pollute campaign

Help stop the Jackdaw gas field

Sign the open letter to stop the new Cambo oil field

We're going to the High Court

The UK has given £4 billion to big polluters since the Paris Agreement

BREAKING: We’re going to Court on Dec 8th

£14 billion for the oil and gas industry


Three big things that happened in court ⚖️


The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill


Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill – PETITION


Empathy Cafe: our feelings and the future


Share the petition & help prevent a tidal wave of plastic pollution


The story of plastic

The Momentum is Building: Global Plastics Treaty – PETITION

solving plastic

The Reusable Cups Helping Concerts, Festivals and Sports Events Reduce Waste


reusable shipping bags

People vs Plastic – PETITION



making reuse a reality – explainer

How Coke Killed the Refillable Bottle



The story of broke


The Story of Stuff Project - Nestlé's Troubled Waters


The story of solutions


The world we need


This is our land


Nestlé water sell

New Nestlé Owners, Same Old Game – PETITION


Buy nothing project


This community does not buy anything


Friends of the Earth

50 ways to save money on your energy bills

Make companies accountable for harm to people and the environment – PETITION

Councils – pension fund + fossil fuel



Save the bees – PETITION


NEW: Majority of UK believes polluters should pay, not us


The Climate coalition

Invite MP to big green week

write a letter …

The Great Big Green Week has begun! 🥳


Climate change committee

Blue Carbon, Adaptation in Scotland, Heat & Buildings, Oil & Gas

CCC 2022 Progress Report to Parliament

Letter to new PM, Citizens’ panel on home energy decarbonisation report and more

Energy efficiency, carbon offsetting, supply chains and more



The right to Land is a human right!

Expose Israel’s trade in repression

defend the right to protest – EMAIL MP

Beyond extraction, towards justice

Say NO to the anti-Boycott Bill

Fashioning the future for people and planet


Colombian communities vs. corporate courts – PETITION

Crisis in Gaza. ACT NOW!

Are we inferior? Should people die like this ?

Our rights are under threat

25 November


Our rights are not negotiable ! - Wendy



East Africa - It's the 11th hour – EMAIL MP

Love - Unity – Power

People who are demanding change in 2023

Free festivals – summer 2023


Record temperatures – and record profits for polluters


Climate change – stories

Belita + Teodora + Govinda


Save the children – PETITION

I am alive

Have you heard of S.A.M

Get crafty – Wave of hope

The Prime Minster needs to hear from you

Universal Credit

Our voice is louder with the support of others

We must pull together for Afghanistan’s children




The food pantry




A broken planet? - PETITION


Tell us how you want to change the world – SURVEY


Colgate-Palmolive: Stop Destroying Rainforests, Before It’s Too Late – PETITION




The Truth About Britain’s Allotment Waiting List



Solar train

Tree planting season is around the corner

Tell your MP to vote for wind

I do not want any more planes over London

better buses – ACTION

mayoral e-bikes

Frequent flyers are being rewarded for pointless pollution

Guess who is driving the dirtiest cars ?

Badvertising: polluting our minds and fuelling climate chaos


Fixing Factory


private jets - PETITION


Power for People

Local Electricity Bill

Power for People is campaigning for a rapid transition to 100% clean energy that benefits local communities - ACTION

Why community energy is so important – EMAIL MP

Watch: The Power of Persistence

debates in Parliament

How Are We Doing

Community energy – facts


City to sea


system change not climate change


Let’s end period poverty

Plastic free living hub🏝️

The four-day work week is coming: Here's what it could mean for you

Iceland leading the way? - Wendy


Marine Conservation Society

Citizen Science Month is here!








Sustain – campaigning

Let's tackle racism in food and farming

Will Rishi put hungry children first

Show me the money

Food Poverty: Nothing about us without us is for us

Food Poverty: Tracking Council Action on Food in London



Over 100 busloads of toxic poo are produced by factory farms in the UK every single hour – ACTION


LGBTQ+ inclusion in the food movement

Luton launches new policy to restrict unhealthy food advertising

7 December


Take action for children’s health – EMAIL MP



Factory farms are destroying our wildlife. The solution? Our local councils



Families miss out on £68 million in Healthy Start support


Good food locally


Roots to work

Roots to Work - Big Livestock Versus the Planet

Get paid to help save the planet



Campaign for preservation of rural England (CPRE)

We join 250 organisations in signing an open letter against the Policing Bill. Here’s why

The government’s bottling it – PETITION

Deposit return: a quick update

Ministers ‘to ditch overhaul of planning laws’ after criticism

Is your MP a hedgerow hero

New research shows space for 1.3m homes on recycled land is being ignored

we can learn so much form its rhythms – self care inspired by the seasons

Coal: the final push – PETITION

Why the government needs to make sure net zero is in local plans

Council farms

250,000 tonnes of vegetables a year lost to development

More solutions to this? Not monocultures? Common land? Right to build? Self build? Community land trust? More allotments?

- Wendy-

Urge the government to put brownfield first – PETITION


The hidden homelessness crisis


Using rooftops for solar - moronic and absolute nonsense?


As much energy as 10 new nuclear power stations – PETITION

QUIZ – do you know the true power of rooftop solar?


Coal Action Network – Adani coal mine – ACTION

Five million people will die this year due to fossil fuels globally, only 40,000 of those in the UK

Coal in Steel: problems and solutions

Is HSBC about to rule out Adani

Write to CEO’s regarding COAL


Lloyd's insurers asking them to rule out the Trans Mountain Pipeline


Take action: Colombian communities' coal-mine blockade

Scotland bans coal mining

do not finance the East Africa crude oil pipeline




Take action: Colombian communities' coal-mine blockade

legal action against UK's biggest illegal coal mine


Don't gamble public money on gas - PETITION


Suella Braverman: Don’t ditch key Windrush commitments - PETITION


AVAAZ – petition for cheap public transport to help combat climate change

as per Spain + Germany


Email to CEOs gas + oil

Close to a million people world wide have signed this - Wendy


6 kids vs 33 governments - PETITION

Iranians need us - PETITION

block Boris Johnson’s honours list – PETITION

death by stoning – PETITION

world cup – PETITION


Campaign for Better Transport

Is pay-as-you-drive the future

Please act now: clean air for London

Getting back on board

The way forward is public transport

call for affordable public transport – EMAIL MP

Rail fares have just gone up

A celebrity video and a new competition

Cut aviation emissions now

Speak up for bus lanes – EMAIL MP

Travelcard success! But, fares need reform


How far could £2 get you?

Including cut on tax for domestic flights which will lose £130 M in lost revenue in a year ? - Wendy




End War + Global Justice


Sum of Us - EKO

The dirtiest plastic on earth – PETITION

Nestlé is bullying an entire town – PETITION

Email your MP: protect the right to protest

URGENT: Amazon needs you – PETITION

Indigenous genocide – SIGN

HUGO BOSS: Exit the region of East Turkestan and remove Uyghur forced labour from your supply chain - PETITION

Tesco’s deforestation scandal – PETITION

Dark side of social media – SEND A MESSAGE

Meta spoof

Stop Putin's disinformation machine – PETITION

Uyghur + apple

Genocide sponsored by ZARA

People research

Free Salma – PETITION

toxic bonds video

google disinformation

meta – google- tiktok – stop promoting election disinformation – PETITION

the butchers of Myanmar – PETITION

Volkswagen – PETITION

water – PETITION


stop food waste – PETITION


Amos Trust

No one puts their child in a boat unless the water is safer than the land

Home demolition is Al-Walajah – EMAIL MP

Doing Hope in... South Africa


BDS Movement

Take action to mark 17 years of BDS

#JusticeForShireen: Condemn the Killing but Hold the Killers Accountable Too

Calling on the UN General Assembly to investigate Israel’s crime against humanity of apartheid





Sign the petition: Demand President Biden and Vice President Harris to allow entry to families denied by Trump’s Muslim and African Bans

Add your name: Urge President Biden to keep his promise to close Guantánamo prison.

Citizenship for all – PETITION




Palestine Solidarity Campaign – Stop KKL-JNF's Land Grab – EMAIL MP

A message from Benjamin Zephaniah…

Maxine Peake

Email MP


#NoFairPlay in apartheid Israel – WRITE

Death of Khader Adnan - write to the Foreign Office

this is Puma campaign

We NEED your help fighting the anti-boycott law


Palestinian Digital Rights Violations in War: Silencing Voices, Disinformation, and Incitement


LANDBACK is Right of Return

#do not buy into occupation




Hateful Network: 9 out of 10 Palestinians were subjected to hate speech on social media platforms

Have you faced censorship or hate speech on social media?


Divest for justice for Palestine – ACTION


Israel spied on Palestinian human rights defenders with NSO Pegasus software


Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Israeli Prison Service Denies Humanitarian Release Appeal for Political Prisoner Khalida Jarrar to Attend Her Youngest Daughter's Funeral

Birzeit University Student Layan Nasir Targeted Amid Israel’s Broader Silencing Campaign Against Palestinian Students

Israeli Minister of Interior to Officially Revoke Permanent Residency of HRD Salah Hammouri

Israel's Failed Attempt to Criminalize and Discredit Palestinian Civil Society – ACTION



The Attacks on Palestinian Digital Rights


1 in 5 Palestinian civil society organizations are not on social media


Human Rights Watch agrees – it's apartheid


Stop ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem – WRITE TO YOUR MP


What does the online space for children and youth in Jerusalem look like


This Land Day tell CAF & PUMA to end support for Israel’s illegal land grabs


Give Puma the Boot

Email new CEO Puma



Keen to do more for a fairer world

We shouldn’t leave anyone behind

Emily & Rishi in Paris? 🥐

What does HIV stand for?

No one should die of tuberculosis - PETITION


tree growing

malaria vaccine

Where does poverty really come from?

Climate vs debt - PETITION


Trade Transformed

Stop fashion brands undermining garment workers' rights


Global Justice Now

A trade deal with India needs to be different – ADD YOUR NAME

Join our action for a vaccine patent waiver

UN-believable: rich countries still well short on climate finance – PETITION

Fossil fuel companies demanding $18bn through corporate courts


Fossil fuel companies are using the Energy Charter Treaty and other corporate courts to demand $18bn from governments over climate action.

There’s a real threat that they will succeed in suing governments into a state of climate paralysis

We know the danger, but we also know it is a system that thrives on secrecy.

When people learn about what is going on, they are up in arms and the system is indefensible.


The Truth about Pfizer

Big banks profiting during the pandemic

lifting the curse – land justice

do not let corporate courts block climate change action – PETITION

Energy Charter Treaty – EMAIL MP

Big pharma’s £12bn NHS rip-off

BP’s profits must pay for climate damage

Why is aid money being spent on private hospitals? - ACTION


Stop big pharma’s £2.5 billion NHS grab!



12 women


Girls will change the world


1 in 3 people globally don’t have access to safe drinking water

2 in 5 people don’t have access to soap and water for handwashing

2 billion people are without toilets and latrines

Mercy Corps


Tell your MP: Fund farmers fighting climate change


Join our friends in Australia to stop a coal mega-mine


URGENT: Stop UK aid cuts to Yemen


We own it

Serco shareholders will pocket MILLIONS from this crisis

Public ownership of rail now – EMAIL

Join the fight for better buses today

We're on the telly

Council leaders, call on Matt Hancock to Scrap Serco – EMAIL

3 weeks to win better buses for West Yorkshire

Do you want Virgin making decisions on your health

Stop the Corporate Takeover Bill: ask your MP to take the pledge

Almost 5%- EMAIL MP

The government just made a BIG concession on the NHS Bill – EMAIL MP

The results are in: it’s time to end bus privatisation – EMAIL MP

Ed Miliband talked about the Green New Deal

committing to “a green Britain where public and alternative models of ownership play their proper role in making the transition affordable, secure and fair.”


The sleaze scandal gives you massive leverage – EMAIL MP

Sign the petition to demand the Lords protect our NHS

Stop the privatisation of vaccine development – PETITION

Bring energy into public ownership now - PETITION


Stop the privatisation of vaccine development – PETITION

4 ways public ownership could cut your energy bill

private health companies – EMAIL

Privatisation is driving the cost of living crisis

'Red Wall' voters overwhelmingly back nationalised energy and rail, poll finds

Let's celebrate our NHS's 74th birthday together

nationalise BULB – PETITION

buy a public bus company for West Yorkshire – EMAIL

Let's make it SIX railway lines in public ownership🚆

💩 Stop the sewage: sign to end water privatisation NOW!

Abrdn: What went down


British Gas


Thames Water💧- PETITION


Campaign against the arms trade (CAAT)

Solidarity with Yemen

Solidarity With Yemen Campaign

Yemen – EMAIL MP


Syria – arms sales to dictators , displacement + militarised borders


Arms sales back on trial - PLEASE SHARE

Defund Military – ACTION

New data published today by think tank SIPRI reveals that UK military spending increased by almost 3% in 2020, making the UK the 5th biggest military spender in the world.

Over next 4 years £24bn for the climate vs £188bn for the military

The UK’s hidden arms sales

Tell your MP to support the new Israel Arms Trade (Prohibition) Bill

Warton's War on Yemen

Justice for Yemen: tell the International Criminal Court to prosecute

Tanks Out of Twickenham and a Secret Court Case

Ukraine + update

Tell Keep Scotland Beautiful's CEO to end its partnership with BAE Systems

Roger +


Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

☮️ The truth about Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Keep Space for Peace Week

Did you know that by 2030, the space industry will be worth over $1 trillion

Much of that is driven by the militarisation of space and Britain is at the forefront

East Anglia on the nuclear front line: US nukes to return to Britain

No nuclear war – CONTACT MP


We need to stop the irresponsible behaviour of nuclear states

Going to see Oppenheimer? Know the facts about nuclear weapons!

Trade unions must step up for peace

☢️ More proof US nukes are returning to Britain!

Ceasefire now: CND response to attacks on Gaza

Lakenheath - VIDEO


Stop the war coalition

Keep Up Pressure on Saudi Arms Sales

Yemen still needs your help

The British Government is Isolated in its Support for the War on Yemen. We Must Force a U-Turn

Stop the War Condemns Biden’s Airstrikes on Syria

Lobby to end British support for the war on Yemen: Request a meeting with your MP

Say No to Tory War Games

Dangerous Games

Ukraine: Peace Now #PeaceForUkraine – PETITION

The Tip of an Iceberg – SAS Death Squads Exposed Panorama Review

The Killing of Ayman al Zawahiri Will Not “Make Us Safer”

Peace Must Be The Priority For Ukraine

🇵🇸 Ceasefire Now!








Do not suffocate the truth


Behind the sun


Lies that cost lives – PETITION


demand justice for victims of chemical attacks – PETITION


Syrian women deliver a message to the Assad regime


Searching for truth after ISIS

Take action: Syria’s death camp


Ragheed al-Tatari

Victory for Syria’s disappeared






Stop deportations to Rwanda – ACTION


Appeal from teachers: Protect Syrian children


Ask your MP to mark the 10th anniversary of the Syrian revolution


Syria -Demand urgent action from the UN to respond to the crisis in Idlib


Syria – Ten years


Sign our petition and ask that everyone can live and love without fear in Italy.


Every child's right – PETITION


Free Tibet

In Tibet: Taking Blood – ACTION

Urgent Action: Tibetan Children Forced Into Colonial Boarding Schools

Where is the Panchen Lama – ADD YOUR MESSAGE

Act Now: 1 Million Tibetan Children Separated From Their Families

G7: protect Tibet’s children


10th March 1959

Thousands of Tibetans from all walks of life rose up in revolt against China’s invasion and occupation of their country

The protests were followed by a brutal crackdown across Tibet, claiming tens of thousands of lives.

Every 10th March exiled Tibetan communities, Tibet groups, and supporters come together on streets around the world to remember the bravery and strength of Tibetans, and to keep alive the resistance


Campaign Win: UK Government Department Ban Hikvision Cameras

Urgent Action: 800,000 Tibetan Children Need Your Voice

Take Action: Stop China's War on Buddhism

Peng Shuai

Act Now: 1.2 Million Tibetans Targeted in Mass DNA Collection



Free Lhundrub Drakpa - PETITION


Ban the import of cotton from the Xinjiang region – PETITION


Shocking human rights abuses – SEND A MESSAGE TO ZARA


Jewish voice for peace

demand better from NYT – PETITION

Tell Meta: Let Palestine Speak

Khalil Awawdeh has been on hunger strike for nearly half a year

Mohandas Gandhi also was on hunger strike at Yerwada Jail in 1932


The Pegasus effect


Tell Biden: We’re done with U.S. support for Israel’s ethnic cleansing and apartheid


Five principles for dismantling antisemitism

Do not isolate antisemitism from other forms of oppression
Challenge political ideologies that promote racism, hate, and fear
Create environments that affirm and celebrate all expressions of cultural and religious life

Make undoing all forms of racism and bigotry both policy and daily practice


Practice safety through solidarity, not law enforcement


Stop Jerusalem Expulsions and Save Sheikh Jarrah – PETITION




Email Amazon + Google CEO to demand they stop profiting from Israeli apartheid + cut the Project Nimbus contract

New York Times: Tell the truth


Google worker defending Palestinian rights publicly resigns

live fire from the Israeli army in Masafer Yatta

Liege, Belgium, Cuts Ties with Israel

Groundbreaking NY law aims to halt funding to Israeli settlements

Israel attacks, and Jenin endures


Refuser Solidarity Network

I was held by police at the pride parade for holding up the Palestinian flag

Shahar + Einat + Evyatar + Nave

Send the four refusers a letter of support

Help amplify the refusers' voice

Persecution of Jewish and Arab peace activists by Israeli government is getting worse


What did the Palestinian Digital Space look like in 2020


Stop the wall

World without Walls – Europe petition


No Israeli killer drones for the EU

URGENT: Angela Davis silenced by Butler University – PETITION

Action Alert: Stop Israeli home demolition and persecution of human rights defenders

Palestine: a people's steadfastness against ethnic cleansing

Nakba @74: More expulsions demand more struggle and solidarity to #EndEthnicCleansing

The people of Masafer Yatta

#DefendOurSchools and homes from Israeli apartheid





Maasai: An urgent call for help – SiGN NOW


Aboriginal flag banned from Parliament - PETITION


Five Aboriginal people have died in custody since March – PETITION


First nation justice - VIDEO


Mega fracker: it's worse than we thought


I didn't come from overseas

I came from here.

My language, in spite of whiteness trying to penetrate into my brain by assimilationists —

I am alive,

I am here and now

and I speak my language.

I practise my cultural essence of me.

Don't try and suppress me and don't call me a problem

I am not the problem

I have never left my country nor have I ceded any part of it.

Nobody has entered into a treaty or talked to me about who I am.

I am Arrernte Alyawarre female elder from this country.

Please remember that

I am not the problem

Voting in remote communities

Kumanjayi Walker

Housing crisis in First Nations communities

Dirt File of Origin Energy

Australia, we have a big coal problem

The cost : whistleblowers in Australia

The biggest marketing con since big tobacco






Incarceration Nation


Please lodge a submission Beetaloo fracking


Mining giants have money, but we have a movement


Unite with Traditional Owners against fracking – PETITION


Australia - How people are getting rich from your unemployment


Michael West has blown the lid on Australia's secretive billionaires


9 new pharmaceutical billionaires while 300,000 die – PETITION


It’s ‘Freedom Day,’ but not for everyone – PETITION




Origin has no shame


Our voting rights are under attack


More alternative information sources


Black British Voices: A chance to get your voice heard


Freedom News


Rest of world

iPhones are made in hell’: 3 months inside China’s iPhone city


Belling Cat

Unmasking Andrew Tate's War Room 'Brothers' + Solving WWII Photo Mysteries

Russia's Ghost Ships Smuggling Grain + A Mysterious Photo of the First Solar Panels

Geolocating Russia’s Disgraced General Surovikin + Measuring Objects in Open Source Material

Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh and US neo-Nazi’s Ukraine Claims Exposed

In Saudi's mass murder of Ethiopian migrants, seeing is believing

4chan's Dalliance with DALLE-3 and Videos of Suspected Ukrainian Rifleman in Sudan

YouTube is Autogenerating Videos for Islamophobic Hindu Supremacist Songs and Geolocating Hamas-Led Massacres Shows the Dawn of a New War

Locating a killing inside a Nigerian military barracks, Investigating UK Limited Partnerships, and escalations in Israel and Gaza


Lake Alice Psychiatric hospital

Can anyone defend this ?

Yet ECT is still done worldwide + in the UK – please see website for further details

Why do people turn a “blind” eye + say they can do nothing ?

Does that makes them complicit in the crime?





The Bureau of investigative Journalism


People’s Newsroom Community

Made in Bury

Welsh Inclusive Journalism Network

The Sunshine Millionaire: How one man took £130m from British taxpayers

Britain’s evicted kids : dispatches

🕵️ Private spies: trained by the British state, working for autocracies

The strawberries you eat are picked by exploited workers

Amazon under fire for worker surveillance practices

Behind TikTok’s boom: A legion of traumatised, $10-a-day content moderators

What the hell are influence ops – and are they manipulating you? 👀

Del Monte security guards accused of brutal killings

Israel-Gaza disinformation is flooding social media

The UK government allowed food companies to continue supplying supermarkets even after diseased meat was linked to four deaths

You're fired? Lord Sugar tries to dodge £186m tax bill


Only 11 rich Brits prosecuted for tax offences

Survivors of domestic abuse re-traumatised by justice system

Killing the journalist won’t kill the story


800 million trees have been chopped down in the last six years in order to feed the world’s demand for Brazilian beef

story in honour of Bruno + Dom


Backroom deals - mystery companies and a ‘killer lake’



Use Freedom of information act to get relevant information

The Bureau of investigative Journalism

are happy to help people with FOI requests








Centre for women’s justice


International Planned Parenthood Federation


corporation watch

heat the rich

We're recruiting: anti-capitalist researcher with a finance background


New Internationalist

A caring economy

Murderous border policies, Big Oil profits and more

Who owns the climate crisis?

Could vaccines stop malaria?

A word from the change-makers

Tackling Canada’s opioid crisis

Is it time to break the law?

Including giving land back in Canada - Wendy


We’re always learning

including land rights in East Africa


Who caused the inflation crisis

including Zambia


Palestine: How we got here

Palestine: The time to act is now

Spying on dissent

Has Israel pushed its allies too far?

Kids on strike for Gaza


Freedom Press



Double Down news

Boris Johnson was able to rise because of powerful anti-democratic forces

The other 9/11: how to make a nation scream

The oligarch that took over Britain

Lindsey + Tony

Former British Soldier EXPOSES King Charles

Gary Younge on Race, Racism & Identity

Nadeen +Mohammed

Roger Waters


Peter + Nigel


Ken Loach

Peter + Keir

Israel is a Terrorist State


Joe Glenton

Harry + Joe


Megaphone – Sick pay is key to containing the spread of the virus – PETITION

Have you heard the news

Mayor Andy Burnham has just announced he’s taking Greater Manchester’s buses back into public control

Can you get our West Yorkshire bus petition to 10k by asking a friend to sign

Introduce a Right to Disconnect for all UK workers

#sickpayforall – EMAIL MP

Grossly irresponsible – PETITION

Support cleaners organising for £10 an hour – PETITION

End fire and rehire for good – WRITE MP

Save London’s public transport – PETITION

Stand with striking scaffolders – PETITION

Tell your MP: Don’t derail our public transport

Churchill pay your cleaners a fair wage – PETITION

Anti-strike bill: Make your voice heard – SEND A LETTER


Left foot forward

The housing crisis can’t be solved by listening to those who deny we have a shortage of houses

Local councils to spend more than £3.8 million on coronation events


Andy Burnham urges Labour to adopt proportional representation


PMQs: Rishi Sunak tries to massage damning rough sleeping figures


Sunak spent £43,000 of taxpayers’ cash on VIP jets and choppers, which included 20 domestic flights on RAF planes and helicopters in his first 11 months in charge


Boris Johnson trousered £21,800 per hour as MPs second job earnings disclosed

Britain’s tax system is rigged in favour of the rich

Brexit ‘fantasies’ have made ‘severe challenges’ in NHS worse and could widen health inequalities, report finds

The Tories’ new senior treasurer served as a minister in the brutal regime of Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

Boris Johnson roasted for making taxpayers pay £250,000 bill for his Partygate legal fees


Andy Burnham backs proportional representation


Jacob Rees-Mogg admits voter ID law was about ‘gerrymandering’ rather than tackling electoral fraud

Here's why unchecked corporate profiteering is the real reason for high inflation

Exclusive polling on what the public want nationalised

The four day week: Ending a century of economic ‘maladjustment’


Europe's lurch to the far-right, and its influence on UK Conservatives


Sadiq Khan’s call to introduce rent freezes in London is growing after the mayor called for the bold policy proposal once more to help Londoners


Average rent £815 per month – 15% higher than 2021 average £708


The mayor tweeted:


This is a disgrace


Rents are soaring while landlords profit


I’ve repeatedly asked the Govt to let me freeze rents, saving Londoners £2,988 over two years


With the cost of living crisis raging, this is more urgent than ever. The Govt must act.”


Andy Burnham to introduce bus fare caps a year earlier to ease cost of living crisis

£2 a journey + £5 a day cap from September

Andy Burnham calls for an end to current whips system to give MPs more freedom

The Landlord Parliament

Tory donor Peter Cruddas warns he will withdraw support unless Tory’s change their rules

Less confrontational, more diverse and more nuanced politics: Caroline Russell on PR in London

Women’s rights next on the list of government’s so called ‘war on woke’

Prem Sikka: Some of the wealthiest Brits are calling for socialist policies

The $63.2 trillion shadow banking industry is likely to be site of the next financial crash

Councils have to subsidise private schools to the tune of £144 million per year because of their charitable status, new research finds


Tory leadership contender Suella Braverman slammed for demonising the poor

Diane Abbott MP: This must be the time for a major change in housing policy

Lib Dem Conference: Activists force party to keep commitment to national housebuilding targets


Our media isn't diverse

It’s the second most socially exclusive profession in the country

94% of people working in journalism are white
Less than 1 in 20 journalists come from Muslim backgrounds

Only 1 in 50 are black


Do rules not apply to billionaires either

Our housing market is broken: let’s put first homes first, second homes second

Cannabis, ketamine and speed to be decriminalised in London by Sadiq Khan

Rishi Sunak + wife is worth £730 million

A culture of 'rank misogyny' in Westminster


A neat division between the online world and the offline world is a false dichotomy

What happens online on social media platforms seeps from the web and has direct consequences for people and communities offline

As someone who has grown up in and lives in Luton, I’ve witnessed first-hand how false, inaccurate and sensationalist claims on social media empowered far-right groups like Britain First and Tommy Robinson to march through my home town

It was a relief for many knowing that far-right groups who spewed hatred and misinformation online would no longer be able to spread their poison on social media after tougher action by companies

However, upon the news that billionaire Elon Musk has reached a deal to buy Twitter,
republican politicians such as Marjorie Taylor Greene who was banned from the platform for spreading fake news about COVID – 19 and groups such as Britain First are delighted at the news Musk will be in charge – read more here


Angela Rayner says Mail on Sunday article not just sexist but also ‘steeped in classism’

Tories take control of Electoral Commission in dark day for democracy

Misogyny and the objectification of women is so deeply ingrained in our society

Time for a universal basic income

Universal Basic Income trialled in England for first time


Anger at record profits

The right-wing takeover of Britain’s media

Khan sets out plan to provide universal free primary school meals next year


London Renter Left Homeless After Black Mould Complaints Go Unanswered for Years

Largest four-day working week trial shows it has been a huge success for businesses and workers


Time to freeze rents?


Norwegian oil and gas giant Equinor has now reported £62bn in profit for 2022

Equinor is state owned ? - Wendy


Tory MP filmed offering to lobby for gambling industry investors for up to £4,000 a month

‘Scourge of corporate profiteering’ must be stopped to tackle inflation

2.5 million households can’t afford the internet’, digital exclusion must be a priority Labour conference told

We the 174,183 demand allotments


Disaster Capitalism


Access capitalism

Millionaire Mohamed Amersi has claimed that through a combination of membership fees to Conservative party co-chairman Ben Elliot’s company + donations to the party, he has met Prince Charles + been invited to dine with ministers.

He has referred to the set up as “access capitalism”


Hope not hate


Exit Hate


The Conversation



Logical thinking, curiosity, evidence-based decision making and fresh perspectives are all benefits brought by neurodiversity

Not About the Bad Apples: Exploring Crime Prevention Through Community and Wellbeing - 16 November


How universal basic income’s impact on people’s finances could transform the nation’s health

We gave $7,500 to people experiencing homelessness — here’s what happened next

Medical gaslighting: when conditions turn out not to be ‘all in the mind’

Narcissism, immorality and lack of empathy: the dark psychology that can poison elites


THE 2023 FESTIVAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE - 21 October - 17 November


When charities engage in ‘brand activism’, research shows they must demonstrate bravery to attract donations

Vegan diet has just 30% of the environmental impact of a high-meat diet, major study finds

How community gardening could ease your climate concerns


People who grow their own fruit and veg waste less food and eat more healthily, says research

Homelessness in England has reached record levels – here’s why, and how to fix it

A drink each day or just on the weekends? Here’s why alcohol-free days are important

Counting the wrong sheep: why trouble sleeping is about more than just individual lifestyles and habits

Three ways to get your nature fix without a garden

Slavery stole Africans’ ideas as well as their bodies: reparations should reflect this

Social media algorithms warp how people learn from each other, research shows

France used 10% less electricity last winter – three valuable lessons in fighting climate change

How oil and gas company tax reliefs could lose the UK billions

Western sanctions haven’t curbed Russian oil profits, but the green energy transition could


It could cost the taxpayer £169,000 to deport each migrant to Rwanda – and possibly even more

Death in Jenin: Israel’s biggest attack in the West Bank in 20 years is down to Netanyahu’s political weakness – here’s why


Home ownership is shrinking, private renting isn’t working – what’s next?

Private equity: when big profits come at a heavy price for human rights

Renters reform bill: protections for renters are overshadowed by new powers for landlords

Dehumanising policies’ leave autistic people struggling to access health, education and housing – new review

Disabled people are disproportionately affected by homelessness – and getting support feels ‘nearly impossible’


Why you’re less likely to get rich these days if your parents aren’t already wealthy

time for community land trusts ? - Wendy


Antipsychotics are increasingly being prescribed to children – here’s why we should be concerned


How preventive healthcare could save the NHS – lessons from Finland, Japan and Singapore

Or us ? Or New local ? - Wendy


Billions is spent on cancer research globally – but is it money well spent?

Flavanols are linked to better memory and heart health – here’s what foods you can eat to get these benefits

Scotland’s legal go-ahead for safer drug consumption rooms is a gamechanger


Casey review: how different is the Met police from the UK’s other forces?

Thirsty tomatoes emit ultrasonic sounds – and other plants may be listening


Trump found liable for assaulting, defaming E. Jean Carroll – after a trial where he relied on a discredited myth about how women should react to rape


What my undercover investigations at arms fairs reveal about how the west supports military dictatorships


Indian women’s struggle against sexual violence has had little support from the men in power


The Windrush generation: how a resilient Caribbean community made a lasting contribution to British society

Windrush compensation scheme: how the UK government is failing its citizens with this ‘belittling and horrible’ process

The whole “welfare” system is belittling + horrible ? Hostile environment ? Universal basic income now ? - Wendy


House in a skip: even tiny homes can’t address the privilege and insecurity of the housing market

Sudan: questions about Wagner Group involvement as another African country falls prey to Russian mercenaries

Stop War in Sudan and Bring Peace Now - PETITION

The importance of solitude – why time on your own can sometimes be good for you

How classic psychology warped our view of human nature as cruel and selfish - but new research is more hopeful


I’m always delivering food while hungry’: how undocumented migrants find work as substitute couriers in the UK

Why three-day weekends are great for wellbeing – and the economy


Does British tourism really need the royal family?

African leaders in Sierra Leone played a key role in ending the transatlantic slave trade


Jacinda Ardern: the ‘politics of kindness’ is a lasting legacy

Prince Harry is wrong: unconscious bias is not different to racism

Peru riots: unrest in southern Andes lays bare an urgent need to decolonise

Levelling up: how UK freeports risk harbouring international crime

Seychelles is becoming overwhelmed by marine plastic – we now know where it comes from

Perovskite: new type of solar technology paves the way for abundant, cheap and printable cells

New ‘healing’ prison in Ireland points to long history of progressive penal reform


Let’s protect nature, but not merely for the sake of humans


The rise of corporate landlords: how they are swallowing city centres like Manchester one block of flats at a time

Future of Welsh rugby at stake after misogyny allegations

Data bombing and dead cats – how PR uses practices of secrecy to influence media and society

Lack of diversity in clinical trials is leaving women and patients of color behind and harming the future of medicine

I bonded with COVID vaccine sceptics over saunas and Mother Earth rituals – this is what they taught me

Dirty gold: the fly-tipping gangs costing councils millions – and how you can help

Class and the City of London: my decade of research shows why elitism is endemic and top firms don’t really care

Why the revolving door between government and lobby firms is spinning a little too fast in some cases

The Home Office is sabotaging its own plan to tackle the asylum backlog

Builders are making thumping profits by over-charging for new homes – new findings

Reporting Ukraine 90 years ago: the Welsh journalist who uncovered Stalin’s genocide

We now have a treaty governing the high seas. Can it protect the Wild West of the oceans?

The rise and rise of property guardianship and what it says about our broken housing system

UK food shortages: how growing more fruit and veg in cities could reduce the impact of empty supermarket shelves


Plastic recycling is failing – here’s how the world must respond


How cats and dogs affect the climate – and what you can do about it

The environmental pawprint of pets is huge – and it’s mostly down to what we feed them


Dog attacks on adults are rising – but science shows blaming breeds won’t help


Antidepressant withdrawal should be taken seriously – we’re investigating ways to help people come off the pills

A toxic policy with little returns’ – lessons for the UK-Rwanda deal from Australia and the US

How the private rental sector created a homelessness crisis in Ireland and England

Why economic growth alone will not make British society fairer or more equal

Humza Yousaf: Scotland gets a Muslim leader in a moment of extraordinary change for British politics

Uganda’s new anti-LGBTQ+ law could lead to death penalty for same-sex ‘offences’

Animal consciousness: why it’s time to rethink our human-centred approach

Sudan’s conflict has its roots in three decades of elites fighting over oil and energy

How a UK hydrogen car industry could cut fuel costs and carbon emissions

What is institutional misogyny in policing? Our research shows what it looks like – and why it matters

Poverty in Britain is firmly linked to the country’s mountain of private wealth – Labour must address this growing inequality


Bad Science Watch Update



Hundreds of Children Are Stuck in Psychiatric Hospitals Each Year Despite the State’s Promises to Find Them Homes

It wasn’t the first time the NYPD killed someone in crisis. For Kawaski Trawick, it only took 112 seconds

In the Ukraine Conflict, Fake Fact-Checks Are Being Used to Spread Disinformation

What Private Equity Firms Are and How They Operate

How to Outsmart Election Disinformation

churches are breaking the law by endorsing in elections – the IRS looks the other way

How Google’s Ad Business Funds Disinformation Around the World

How to “Follow the Money” in a Political Campaign

The global threat of rogue diplomacy

A Fifth of American Adults Struggle to Read. Why Are We Failing to Teach Them

Congress Passes Bill to Rein in Conflicts of Interest for Consultants Such as McKinsey

Porn, Piracy, Fraud: What Lurks Inside Google’s Black Box Ad Empire

New Junk Science to Decide They Were Liars

These Documents Reveal Abuses and Breakdowns in Rogue System of Global Diplomacy

94 Women Allege a Utah Doctor Sexually Assaulted Them. Here’s Why a Judge Threw Out Their Case

A Christian health non-profit saddled thousands with debt as it built a family empire

Legislators Demand Hearings on Illinois Mental Health Facility Where Staff Abused Patients and Covered It Up

New Mexico Has Lost Track of Juveniles Locked Up for Life. We Found Nearly Two Dozen

Investigating how the rich are getting richer

How the Ultrawealthy Use Private Foundations to Bank Millions in Tax Deductions While Giving the Public Little in Return

Parental Alienation: A Disputed Theory With Big Implications

Ruling Confirms Trump Used Fraud to Hype Property Values


16 November



Undercover Hospital : patients at risk

Guardian foundation

Socialism Is Gaining Popularity, Poll Shows


Socialism = no war + no hierarchy + need not profit

Capitalism = war + hierarchy + profit not need



Writing with fire

Making Legal Abortion Accessible in India

Indian Government Backs Prosecution of Author Arundhati Roy

8 Women File Lawsuit After Being Refused Abortions in Medical Emergencies

Reclaiming Safe Abortion Access in Haiti

Naga Munchetty: I was failed and gaslit by NHS despite debilitating periods


How I Broke Free From Relationship Hierarchies

What Capitalism Has to Do With Falling in Love


One blunt heckler has revealed just how much the UK economy is failing us

Another fine mess / Clearing up the dog poo problem

Why 30 Minutes of Nature a Day Is So Good for Your Health

Making Space for Wildlife

Making Intentional Friendships

Boris Johnson's government spends nearly £1bn on advertising

Met police strip-searched 650 children in two-year period

Met rammed boy, 13, playing with water pistol off bike and pointed guns at him

Met authorised baton rounds only for black-led events, FOI reveals

Metropolitan police ‘Size of a small police force’ are suspended or on restricted duties


To Transform Work, Start With Schools

the future of work is no work


The Work of Radical Frugality

An Economy Built on Sharing


Capitalism teaches us that we are worthy only when we’re productive

It pushes us to “rise and grind,” to monetize our lives as much as humanly possible

But we all deserve better

We deserve to rest, complete in the knowledge that we are worthy simply for being alive

We deserve to have our basic needs met, without sacrificing our health and well-being


China / Treatment of Uyghurs may be crime against humanity, says UN human rights chief

For a Healthier Society, Ditch the Myth of Normal

The Links Between Your Mental Health and Everyone Else’s

We Need a World Without Borders on Our Increasingly Warming Planet

GPs to prescribe walking and cycling in bid to ease burden on NHS

I’m a psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health

Duchy of Cornwall estate worth £1bn passes to Prince William

The Anti-Capitalist Café

You Know What Else is Contagious Good Health

Fascism Has Gone Mainstream


Police watchdog launches homicide investigation into Met shooting of Chris Kaba

Capitalism Fuels Disease, Trauma and Addiction. How Can We Heal

Windfarm windfall set to spark debate about funding of UK monarchy

1 Person Dies of Hunger Every 4 Seconds

The police killing of Chris Kaba

Police accused of widely misusing body-worn video in England and Wales

Freedom of information requests used to obtain data– Wendy


A Global Plastics Treaty Must Target Plastic Production to Fight Climate Change

Children as young as nine say they are ill from work recycling plastic in Turkey

What happens next in Turkey’s elections?


Former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull says Rupert Murdoch’s ‘anger-tainment’ damaged the democratic world


Reimagining Safety and Liberation Without Police

What is fuelling today’s culture wars

Twelve arrested at protests after death of Mahsa Amini in Iran


Eight report of human rights abuse within Mental Health wards – Edenfield + Essex + Huntercombe +

then there is Winterbourne + Whorlton Hall

please listen to us – Wendy

Problem linked to local councils + housing? - Wendy

Including Norman Lamb mentioning Human rights abuse in MH system


Institutions Often Treat Disability and Mental Health Not With Care But Violence


UK’s richest people avoid social housing rules in £1.2bn London flats project

how the assassination of Shinzo Abe became a political scandal in Japan

600 Million Metric Tons of Plastic May Fill Oceans by 2036 If We Don't Act Now

We the People Are All in This Together

The Collaborations That Create Change

Molly Russell: how a teenager’s death put social media on trial


The suicide of Emily Drouet: ‘She was used and made to feel like nothing’


Can being thinner make women richer?

The UK government is about to make some disabled benefits claimants even poorer

The "Problem" Isn't Disabled Bodies -- It's the Violent Structure of Our Society

Palestinian Hunger Strikers Are Facing Harsh Retaliation Inside Israeli Prisons

Park Chan-wook: ‘We must accept we have an illness in our society’

Secret footage reveals abuse of woman with dementia at luxury UK care home

20 Years After Iraq War Vote, U.S. Continues to Flout International Law

sack sexist + racist officers – Met police report rules

Huge failings kept hundreds of corrupt officers in the force, admits Met chief

BAE Systems in middle of dogfight between Saudis and Biden over oil

Activists Across the Country Are Making the Right to Housing a Reality

Reversing the Damage of Cannabis Criminalization

Unraveling the Root Causes of Violence in Israel and Palestine


Reparations for the War on Drugs

The Fight for Housing Justice in Los Angeles

Can We Build a People-Centered Economy?


Labour’s plan to insulate more homes ‘would create 4m job opportunities’


Jeremy Hunt’s economic plan turns the clock back to austerity

now is the time for a well being economy?- Wendy


Intersectional Activism in a Post-Roe World

Like copying a Louis Vuitton handbag’: big pharma hits out at Africa’s replica Covid vaccine

Most people on antidepressants don’t need them - Time to wean them off

An Indigenous Perspective on Reconnecting With the Land

Insulting’: shock as NHS uses offensive term for people with learning disability


bullshit jobs: the rise of pointless work + what we can do about it

The Blackstone rebellion: how one country took on the world’s biggest commercial landlord – podcast

A treasure beneath our feet’ How the Dutch went down the toilet looking for heat

Asset Management Firms Are Gaining Power Over Housing, Hospitals, Water and More

Private rents in Britain hit record highs, with 20% rise in some areas

time for community land trusts ? - Wendy


Ransomware hunters: the self-taught tech geniuses fighting cybercrime – podcast

How the Korean Concept of “Han” Teaches Solidarity

When Witnessing Becomes Activism


millions of people should pay less for broadband – says which

why do low income people always pay more for everything ? - Wendy


Operation Soteria: a new approach to investigating rape

When Reparations Grow From the Grassroots

Reforms could raise £37bn for UK public services, campaigners say

Two-thirds of cattle farms in north Devon cause river pollution

TikTok in danger of being major vector of election misinformation

Reclaiming Abundance Under Capitalism

Perpetrator of Tadamon massacre still working on military base

UK police use of live facial recognition unlawful and unethical, report finds

Growing Community in Vacant Chicago Lots

How men with guns aggravate global hunger

Why do cocaine traffickers like Belgium

probe into the Saint George educational trust extreme right wing links

National Trust members to vote on banning ‘divisive’ and ‘woke’ Pride celebrations

Costa Rica – how finance can slow deforestation

Wales to set up publicly-owned green energy firm

The arrest of Andrew Tate: the ‘king of toxic masculinity’

To his followers, this man is a messiah!’ Matt Shea on his long fight to expose Andrew Tate

How Russell Brand maintains his income and influence

There are dozens of Russell Brands’: female comedians say abuse is rife


Too much too young

"Assisted" Outpatient Commitment Advocates Manufacture Consent Via Manipulation

Atheism is still a taboo for American politicians

Schoolgirl who faced terror charges is ‘wake-up call about grooming’

Most people on antidepressants don’t need them

Report Reveals US Lied About Afghan Civilians Killed in 2021 Drone Strike

Ableism Is the Driving Force Behind All Forms of Incarceration, Says Abolitionist Talila Lewis

Chris Nota's mum keeps on campaign after teen's bridge death

America’s culture wars extend into medicine

NHS / Trusts tell patients they can go private and jump hospital queues

Atom Valley: Andy Burnham’s vision for regenerating Greater Manchester

The Unsung Caribbean Roots of the Vegan Food Movement

Government avoids questions on whether it will ditch Windrush reforms

House Republicans Just Made It Easier for Congress to Give Away Public Lands

Palestinian Journalism Faces Ruthless Censorship in Israel and U.S

Yemen / 87 civilians killed by UK and US weapons in just over a year


How community crofting experiment could help repopulate the Highlands

including community housing


Minister refuses to rule out changes to UK online safety bill

Surrey dog attack: woman killed believed to have been walking a number of dogs

What’s behind the rise in dog attacks?

Call to end forced installation of UK prepayment meters after millions suffer without power

The age of the grandparent has arrived

America’s far right is increasingly protesting against LGBT people

BIPOC Women Artists Find Collective Power

Essex mental health deaths review demands legal powers

Jailed for life for stealing $14

Resident-Owned Communities Are a Step Toward Housing and Climate Justice

the rent is too high

The single penalty: why it costs £860 a month to be alone

Owner of UK care home group paid himself £21m despite safety concerns

Police to get powers to shut down protests before disruption begins

Mouldy flats and bidding wars: how did the UK rental crisis get so bad

Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth

Priced-out UK house-hunters turn to lorry-sized tiny homes

Will the UK’s strict new voter ID laws damage democracy?

Over a Hundred Thousand Israelis March to Protest Netanyahu Government

Elite Metropolitan police officer David Carrick revealed as serial rapist

Liz Truss Jenga-style podium cost taxpayers £4,175

U.S. Corporations Are Complicit in the Repression of Uyghurs

Apartheid protesters’ convictions quashed in London after 51 years

Prosecute tech chiefs who endanger children, says Molly Russell’s father

Slap in the face’: Tory seats gain more from £4bn levelling up fund

Jacinda Ardern / Political figures believe abuse and threats contributed to PM’s resignation

Rishi Sunak criticised after third domestic RAF jet flight in 10 days


Poverty in UK could increase death rates during or after pregnancy, warns WHO

Fifth of LGBTQ+ people in UK subjected to conversion practices

Six lifestyle choices to slow memory decline named in 10-year study

Department of Health wasted £15bn on unused Covid supplies, watchdog finds

Tory chair faces questions over source of £30m unsecured loans to wife’s property company

Gulf royals own more than £1bn of UK property via tax havens

Britain’s newest islets are made of wet wipes

Overcoming Colonial Thinking to Connect With Life


child migrants racially abused and threatened with violence at Home Office hotel

The Deep Roots of the Racial Wealth Gap—and How We Undo It

Helping the Rich Let Go

Pornography / One in 10 children ‘have watched by time they are nine’

Pornography driving UK teens towards child abuse material, say experts


How Putin’s chef became the second-most powerful man in Russia

The scammers forced to steal people’s life savings – podcast

The children going missing from Home Office hotels

Plastic bottle deposit return scheme finally looks set to start in England

New $5 banknote will feature Indigenous history instead of King Charles

Watchdog looks into £220,000 public funding for Partygate defence

UK for sale / Almost 13,000 offshore companies with UK property fail to declare owners

"They filmed me without my consent’ / The ugly side of #kindness videos

U.S. Spends Most on Health Care of Rich Countries But Has Worst Life Expectancy

Study reveals links between UK air pollution and mental ill-health

Calls for bigger windfall tax after Shell makes ‘obscene’ $40bn profit

Shell announced £7.7 billion in profits

How Russia dodges oil sanctions on an industrial scale

Former Russian soldier reveals he saw Ukrainian prisoners of war tortured

US man cleaning out late grandmother’s apartment shot dead by police

"I knew I wanted to stay here for the rest of my life’: how London got its first LGBTQ+ retirement community

Think yourself better: 10 rules of philosophy to live by

Embracing Financial Protections for Abuse Survivors


A Young Person’s Guide to Spotting Fake News

Celebrate Black Storytellers This Month

Anti-Abortion Laws Were Written to Confuse the Public -- and They're Working

Revealed: how world’s biggest fossil fuel firms ‘profited in Myanmar after coup’


How British Gas debt agents break into homes of vulnerable




"Honour’ killing of YouTube star sparks outrage

Tesco chicken supplier should pay to clean up River Wye, says charity

Children punched and hit over the head in care homes rated ‘good’

Guatemalan Tribunal Bars Leftist Presidential Ticket From Ballot

Worker Ownership Builds Community Wealth and a More Just Society

Berlin's Pledge to Socialize a Quarter Million Apartments Faces Obstruction

Sanders, Warren Condemn GOP's "Disgusting" Move to Silence Ilhan Omar

Police-Perpetrated Killings Are Public Executions -- We Must Abolish Them

Our World Is Fragmented by Inequality. Why Is There Poverty Amid Plenty?

We Already Know Who's Winning Super Bowl LVII -- the Billionaire Class

Censored feminist movement finds solace in Sally Rooney

10 Black Women Innovators and the Awesome Things They Brought Us

For a Just Transition, Recruit More Women Electricians


Shortage of UK foresters prompts government to offer free courses

Black and Unapologetic in Nature

Consultants run private firms charging to cut waiting lists at their own hospitals

Patients in England not collecting NHS prescriptions because of cost

Labour condemns ‘catalogue of waste’ on government ‘credit cards’


How to Be an Antiracist: A Conversation With Ibram X. Kendi

The hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

The software for hire that can control 30,000 fake online profiles

Team Jorge’ and Cambridge Analytica meddled in Nigeria election, emails reveal


British Gas owner expected to reveal record profits of £3bn

Broadcaster BFMTV suspends presenter amid disinformation scandal

June Jordan’s Legacy of Solidarity and Love Remains Relevant

A Historic Ordinance Could Ban Caste Discrimination

After silencing critics at home, Narendra Modi goes after foreign media

How the young could save Nigeria


Defending Democracy Through Elections Won't Be Enough to Stop Fascism

Tory vice-chair Lee Anderson faces libel claim over bribery allegations

Rats, mould, damp: one woman’s story reveals the ugly truth about the UK’s biggest housing association

Health ombudsman issues unprecedented warning over safety and culture at scandal-hit NHS trust

NHS England chair fixed meeting for client of bank he advised

Could Alzheimer’s be caused by an infection?

How Black Classical Musicians Are Creating Community

Calls for radical reform of gun laws after shooting

The new tactics of Britain’s far right

Bernie Sanders Says It's Time for a 4-Day Workweek, With No Pay Cuts

The secret world of disinformation for hire

Don’t judge Shamima Begum today: judge the cruel ministers who still won’t take responsibility for her

There is a worrying amount of fraud in medical research

The human cost of electric vehicle battery production

UK risks falling behind Europe in controlling ‘forever chemicals’

Value of UK housing stock hit record £8.7tn in 2022

New York’s new drug problem: what to do with a billion dollar weed mountain?

BP Boss could be in line for special bonus of up to £11.4m


For Black Women, Self-Care Is a Political Act


My Suffering Is Not for Sale

The Gift of Ecological Humility

Seven healthy habits may help cut dementia risk, study says

Stunning Rupert Murdoch deposition leaves Fox News in a world of trouble

The number of people sleeping rough shows a sickness at the heart of our society

Liverpool becomes first UK city to commit to Paris climate agreement

What do Matt Hancock’s WhatsApp messages show? Not what the Telegraph wants us to see

A 4-Day Work Week Bill Is Being Reintroduced in the House as Idea Gains Speed

Groups Tell UN Experts That Overturning of Roe Violates International Law

Historian urges UK Jews to condemn Israel’s ‘horrifying’ shift to far right


How bust payments company Wirecard ‘hired spies and lawyers to silence critics’

TikTok App ‘acting too slow’ to tackle self-harm and eating disorder content

Campaigners call for end to ‘peak fare rip off’ on trains in England and Wales

Commodity Speculators Reap Record-Shattering Profits Amid Global Hunger Crisis

Young black boys almost THREE times more likely to enter youth justice system

Children in mental health crisis spent more than 900,000 hours in A&E in England

£1 meals

the cost of having children

This International Women's Day, Iranian Feminists Are at the Front Lines

How Ancient Grains Empower Indian Women

Vandana Shiva: Reciprocal Care Will Give Us a Future

We Need Collective Healing, Not Commodified "Self-Care"

Fossil fuels received £20bn more UK support than renewables since 2015

A Blueprint for Decolonization in Berlin

The Care(ful) Work of Abolishing Prisons

Black remand prisoners held 70% longer than white counterparts in England and Wales


That was Lang Lang!’: ‘greatest living pianist’ gigs on St Pancras concourse

Experts praising new ‘skinny jab’ received payments from maker

More than 1,500 UK police officers accused of violence against women in six months

Mediterranean diet may lower dementia risk by a quarter, study suggests

The wife of ‘Sir Stanley’ couldn’t tolerate his abuse and nor should the rest of us

It’s OK to be Angry about Capitalism review: Bernie Sanders, by the book

Will UK’s online safety bill protect children from adult material?

We Must Abolish Nuclear Weapons Before They Abolish Us

China-Led Iran-Saudi Arabia Diplomatic Deal Shows Alternative to US Hegemony

Amazon linked to trafficking of workers in Saudi Arabia

For Climate Solutions, Listen to Indigenous Women

We Must Recognize That the Eviction Crisis Is Also a Public Health Crisis

10 Black Women Innovators and the Awesome Things They Brought Us

Pregnant Black Woman Wrongly Arrested in Detroit Using Facial Recognition


Frontrunners in SNP leadership race vow to eradicate poverty

What do you really see when you visit hand carwashes in Britain? Exploited workers and criminality


I’m a psychologist – and I believe we’ve been told devastating lies about mental health

are women really more mentally ill than men? As a psychologist , I’m not so sure

Electroconvulsive therapy mostly used on women and older people, says study

Abortion UK: Women 'manipulated' in crisis pregnancy advice centres


Protest laws ‘put UK on a par with El Salvador’

The Feminist Magic of the Older Witch

The Shape-Shifting Power of Menopause


Dogs and cats could be passing on drug-resistant bugs to owners, study finds

Skinny jab’ drug firm facing fresh inquiries after ‘serious breaches’ of industry code

Less medication not more for elderly – Chris Whitty

Inside the Underground Network Fighting for Asylum Seekers in Scotland

We Need to Talk About Gun Manufacturers

An Activity Book for the Anti-Racist

Braverman accused of ‘dangerous’ complacency in tackling police failings

MEPs condemn Suella Braverman over arrest of French publisher

Suella Braverman accused of fresh ministerial code breaches over undisclosed links to Rwanda


I saw the UK through the eyes of my French in-laws - and it was deeply embarrassing


Boy, 15, ‘handcuffed’ by civilian security staff at shop in Chichester

Dalai Lama apologises after kissing boy and asking him to ‘suck my tongue’


The Women Who Welcomed Immigrants

MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

Over 170 ex-ministers and officials take jobs linked to old policy briefs since 2017

Rishi Sunak saved £300,000 in tax thanks to cut he voted for in 2016

PM publishes long-awaited personal tax details

A Police Killing Inside a Hospital: Ben Crump on Death of Irvo Otieno During Mental Health Crisis


The machine that runs Britain’s state needs an overhaul

Gary Younge on how Britain buried its history of slavery

Why are British teenagers being locked up in ‘re-education camps’?

Rishi Sunak’s childcare policy risks conflict of interest with wife’s firm

Sunak took £500,000 worth of private jet trips in less than a fortnight

Guardian owner apologises for founders’ links to transatlantic slavery

Slavery and the Guardian: the ties that bind us

Britons who do not pave over garden could receive water bill discount, Ofwat says

£3.5m of Tory donations linked to pollution and climate denial, says report

8 Must-Reads by Women Who Take on White Supremacy and Patriarchal Power

"Woman, Life, Freedom": Syrian Women Are Rising Up Against Patriarchy

Amid New Banking Crisis, It's Time to Change the Rules of the Game

Maker of Wegovy ‘skinny jab’ is funding NHS weight-loss services

Portrait series honours Black radicals

Livid London MP slams ministers for ‘abandoning’ five British children hiding from Taliban in Kabul

Men dominate 95% of local authorities in Britain, data shows

Government suspends relationship with CBI amid Guardian allegations

Firm fined £12.7m for illegally processing children’s data

Greens launch local elections campaign with pledge to push for rent controls

Veterans Push Back Against Military Recruitment in Schools

Four Insights for Radical Organizing From the Mysterious World of Mushrooms

Indigenous Women Remain Unroken

Afghan Women Use Art to Resist the Taliban

The Power of Humor in Indigenous Activism

The Power of Black Imagination

A People’s Prosperity


Making Legal Abortion Accessible in India


The Blood Behind Britain’s Bling

CNN's Town Hall Didn't Hold Trump Accountable -- It Normalized His Lies

Trump Earned $82 Million From Properties in Scotland and Ireland While President

Reimagining Safety and Liberation Without Police

MPs condemn failure to tackle ‘glaring’ racial inequalities in UK maternal health


The cost of the global arms race

Defence spending in western and central Europe tops last year of cold war

Including table showing the money spent an weapons - Wendy

Why civil wars are lasting longer


Royals took more than £1bn income from controversial estates

How the British royal family hides its wealth from public scrutiny

India archive reveals extent of items extracted from colony in royal jewellery collection

The British monarchy’s ties to slavery are writ large in the historical archives

UK cannot ignore calls for slavery reparations, says leading UN judge


King Charles’s private luxury car fleet worth an estimated £6.3m

King Charles’s private fortune estimated at £1.8bn

British public support for monarchy at historic low, poll reveals

Cost of the crown part 1: valuing the royal family

King Charles urged to intervene over ‘insulting’ child sexual abuse payments

King Charles and Prince William face fight over taxpayer funds on Dartmoor

King Charles to receive huge pay rise from UK taxpayers

British TV ‘allowed monarchy to censor coverage of king’s coronation’

Caribbean nations set to demand royal family makes reparations for slave trade


Head of UK’s leading anti-monarchy group arrested at coronation protest

Belize likely to become republic, says PM as he criticises Rishi Sunak


Anti-monarchists receive ‘intimidatory’ Home Office letter on new protest laws

Police accused over use of facial recognition at King Charles’s coronation


Senior Tory MP was paid £2,000 a month by lobbying firm

Chilean President Announces Plan to Slowly Nationalize Lithium Industry

Too many people take too many pills

The West Is Drowning the Global South in Debt

Psychiatric Incarceration Isn't Treatment -- It's Violence, Survivors Say

After 20 years, here’s why the Post Office scandal is special: the cover-up is happening in plain sight

How oligarchs use English courts to silence their critics

Trafficked: the trap – part one

Trafficked: the closed door – part two

Second woman claims she was raped by colleagues while working at CBI

Female firefighters in Kent made to strip to underwear in front of male colleagues, union says

Why wasn’t Lucy Letby stopped sooner?

Oh no, it happened again: a famous woman didn’t follow the rules of ageing

Warnings over NHS data privacy after ‘stalker’ doctor shares woman’s records


Chelmsford MP Vicky Ford calls on witnesses to share their stories for inquiry into 2,000 deaths within Essex mental health services

Scottish parliament patient safety commissioner bill

Inquiry into major UK maternity scandal slams NHS for failure to consult Black and Asian families


Mental health services that fail to improve could shut , says watchdog


MPs say poor transport to mental health services causing crisis in rural England

not just rural – people have raised these concerns about the Springfield site – Wendy


Is the UK in the grip of ‘greedflation’?


Gambling Firm allegedly paid blogs to link new mothers to its online games

Owner funded ‘dishonest’ lobbying against gambling reforms

Young people are wising up to the Great British student rip-off – and they’re voting with their feet

Graduate tax? Martin Lewis: ‘We must stop calling it a student loan’

UK arms sales reach record £8.5bn as global tensions escalate

US banker paid £73m dividend in 2021 after firm won millions in UK Covid contracts


Conspiracy theories and chaos: a week watching GB News

This report indicates that GB news is there to influence government ? - Wendy


It’s just not worth it’: why full-time work no longer pays in the UK

time for a 3 day week + well being economy ? - Wendy


The dawn of the four-day week

From Farmworkers to Land Healers

How Regenerative Farming Heals the Soil


Are smartphones to blame for girls’ rising suicide rates?

How the Women of Standing Rock Inspired the World

Sunak’s secret meetings about the Lords — and why he thinks it needs reform

UK government poised to block Scottish bottle recycling scheme


Scottish politicians have the courage to decriminalise drugs, but Westminster is too timid to let them


Let's Accept Climate Science — And Also Reimagine Our Relationship to the Earth

Food producers and retailers lobby to delay UK household recycling reforms


Cars have more rights than people’: Glasgow residents rail against rise of drive-through restaurants

Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows


Held v Montana: the young people fighting for the climate in court

In Major First, Judge Rules in Favor of Montana Youth Suing Over Climate Crisis


UK households missing out on £19bn a year in unclaimed welfare benefits

£150,000 levelling up grant awarded to Tory donor’s amusement centre in Hastings

NHS scheme will allow school leavers to train as doctors without traditional medical degree

‘Little evidence’ whether or not most antidepressants work for chronic pain

Cost of living: Health of London's poorest hit hardest

UK government wins right to take back control of military homes worth £8bn


19 suspects identified in hospital opioid deaths inquiry

Mental health hospitals are ‘making children worse’, leading charity warns

Met police to stop attending emergency mental health calls

Met police dealing with at least one dangerous dog a day, figures show


The Trans Joy Missing From Media Coverage and Legislation

First Randomized Clinical Trial Confirms Benefits of Gender-Affirming Care

Methodist Church apologises for abuse spanning decades


Why Public Art Is Good for Cities

could we end wealth ?

Keeping Kids With Kin


WH Smith, Marks & Spencer and Argos among more than 200 firms that failed to pay workers legal minimum wage

Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in two places in England


How well does your country provide for its citizens?

Time Isn’t Money

The Pursuit of Rest Under Capitalism

The Care(ful) Work of Abolishing Prisons

Envisioning a New World Through Abolition Geography

The Trans History You Weren’t Taught in Schools

The Radical Power of Storytelling

Nectar Nomad in the Land of Enchantment

The Many Lives of Water

Europe's War Against Refugees Is Fueling the Far Right's Ascension

The psychological immune system: four ways to bolster yours – and have a happier, calmer life

Lung cancer symptoms: what to look out for

UK provided £3m to Turkish border forces to stop migrants, FOI reveals

MPs paid £10m for second jobs and freelance work in past year

HMRC investigating tax affairs of one of Tory party’s largest donors

Deprivation causes extra 33,000 UK cancer cases each year, analysis finds

Voters Don't Have a Voice in Governance. Citizen Assemblies Could Be the Answer

Why India’s diaspora matters

Mutiny in Russia

If the Police Can Decide Who Qualifies as a Journalist, There Is No Free Press

Hollywood Finally Starts Skewering White Wealth

Food as Embodiment and Connection

How New York Socialists Won Big on Climate

How Young Climate Activists Are Confronting Power


The Norwegian secret: how friluftsliv boosts health and happiness

friluftsliv = communing with nature


How to Build Solidarity Across Difference

The Collaborations That Create Change

The Care(ful) Work of Abolishing Prisons

Envisioning a New World Through Abolition Geography

Fruit, wildflowers, insects: the people transforming disused land in England

Stepping Up for Social Change

Social Movements and NGOs: Can They Get Along?

UK charity foundation to abolish itself and give away £130m

Perfect storms

Rich nations say they're spending billions to fight climate change. Some money is going to strange places

Community-Powered Solar in Puerto Rico

Italy’s Model for Renewable Energy Communities

Indigenous Women March for Their Rights in Brazil

For Climate Solutions, Listen to Indigenous Women

NYC Nannies Built an Underground Care Economy That Should Inspire US Policy

What does the Israeli right want?

Prosperity for the People

Voter ID will disenfranchise poor and marginalised people. Our best defence? Talk about it

Elite UK schools’ financial links to slavery revealed

England’s ‘free speech tsar’ named in announcement to one newspaper

How to Defeat “Wealth Supremacy” and Build a Democratic Economy

BMW, Subaru and Porsche drivers ‘more likely to cause a crash’

Basic income is our generation’s NHS. Labour needs to get on board’

U.K. Authorities Prosecuted Just 11 Wealthy People for Tax Fraud Last Year

Ticket to freedom- Free bus rides for women spark joy for millions in Karnataka

Gen Z want to work ‘lazy girl jobs’. Who can blame them?

It felt futile’: young Britons swap career-driven lives for family and fun

Young people ditching ambitions over UK cost of living crisis, research finds

Doctored Sunak picture is just latest in string of political deepfakes

Put learners first’: Unesco calls for global ban on smartphones in schools

London Ulez: court dismisses challenge by five councils over expansion

Monsters of the road: what should the UK do about SUVs?

Rosie Jones: Am I a R*tard? review – a truly shocking tale of the online abuse faced by disabled people

Why we are all living in a Barbie world

Social media Government targeting minorities with ads despite Facebook ban

Calls for safe routes for refugees mount after six more Channel drownings

Tenant killed himself after landlord failed to resolve repeated noise complaints

Jordan Neely Is Being Blamed for His Own Death Due to Sanism and Racism



London police defy ban on badges linked to far right and white supremacy

Kent police criticised for Top Gun tweet after identifying woman’s body

The novelist who became a war crimes investigator – and uncovered a secret diary

Sunak’s U-turns make net zero harder and keep bills high, watchdog warns

Sunak’s Covid startup fund invested nearly £2m in firms linked to his wife

The rise of antisemitism in the UK


Nagorno-Karabakh: Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenians explained

Ecuadorians Vote to Reject Oil Drilling in Precious Amazon Region

How a killing on the New York subway exposed a broken system

It is a problem in the UK too ? Possible solution ? Housing First at scale ? - Wendy


"I’m just trying to go home’: Tyre Nichols heard pleading in released video

people are restrained on Mental Health wards in the UK 1000’s of times a year

each number is a person like Tyre - please see our data below – Wendy


Mental Health Bill must tackle ‘unacceptable’ racial inequalities, MPs and peers warn

England’s ambulance crews spend 1.8m hours a year on mental health callouts

Lucy Letby: Police urged to investigate hospital bosses for corporate manslaughter

AI better than biopsy at assessing some cancers, study finds

More babies face harm unless NHS ends ‘defensive leadership’

not just babies ? - 1000 of people face harm on Mental Health wards each day worldwide ? - Wendy


Norfolk and Suffolk mental health campaigners want inquiry over data

Ministers order ‘rapid review’ into mental health inpatient care in England

Will the person doing the review have unconscious bias ? As per the Mental Health act review ? - Wendy


Is the UK housing market heading for a crash

Recent average price property in UK - £295000

9 times average salary

£500000 in London

Falling house prices may seem like a good thing – but it’s renters who are paying the price

Thousands of homeless people arrested under archaic Vagrancy Act

No more home makeovers! The horror show of renting in Britain finally comes to TV

How poor housing costs the NHS £1.4bn a year

Evicted review – no room is worth the extortionate rent these young people are being charged

About 700,000 UK households missed rent or mortgage payment last month

Average monthly rents hit £2,500 in London and £1,190 for rest of UK

More than 1,300 people died while homeless in UK during 2022

Renters’ reform must close loopholes for unfair evictions, campaigners say

One in three Conservative voters think ministers failing on housing

UK mortgage lending hits record low in sign of housing market stress

City centres: from offices to family homes

Record numbers seeking help with no-fault evictions

Gove’s department hands back £1.9bn meant to tackle England’s housing crisis

Private rents outside London rise by a third in four years

Colin + Gemma

UK rents rise faster in deprived areas – and drag more people into poverty

If Rent Is Out of Control, Time to Control Rent

Urban Planning for the People

Centering People in a New Economy

England worst place in developed world to find a home, says report

Councils in England paying £1.7bn a year to house people in temporary homes

RENTING - Supply shortages and mortgage rate rises push UK costs to highest point ever

Housing -Living in privately rented homes linked to faster biological ageing, study finds

I’m very fortunate’: meet the Londoner who lives among billionaires for £200 a week

That is still a high rent for many people – Wendy

University students ‘have 50p a week to live on after rent’

Councils in England facing bankruptcy as lack of homes pushes up cost

Homelessness crisis looms as most renters one pay cheque away from potential eviction

Community land trusts NOW !

Why should people rent ?

- Wendy -


Friendship group

We have now moved the website + newsletters to the brilliant + ethical e-voice

THANK YOU—e-voice for being there—for FREE—for communities like us

Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures – 2020-21

Mental Health Act Statistics, Annual Figures – 2021 – 22

CQC ratings of NHS mental health trusts 2021

CQC ratings of NHS mental health trusts 2022

NHS England mental health trusts record 26,000 sexual abuse incidents


2022 data – to see the full data set click on the Trust’s name below




Serious incidents


Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership






Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health






Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

24 people 282 sessions





Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust






Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust






Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust






Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust






Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

20 people 169 sessions





Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust






Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

461 treatments





Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust






Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust






Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust






Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Not provided





Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust






East London NHS Foundation Trust






Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

636 “treatments”





Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust






Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust







30 people


This trust does not seclude people



Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust






Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

365 people





Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust






Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

62 people





Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Data not provided




Data not provided

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

17 people





Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

53 people 409 treatments





Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust






North East London NHS Foundation Trust






North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

28 people


12 ?



Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

15 people





Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust






Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust






Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust

24 people





Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust






Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust






Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust






Solent NHS Trust






South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation

44 people





South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust

17 people





South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust






Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust






Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust






Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust






West London NHS Trust

32 people






Will you EMAIL your MP?

You can find them here

You could look at the table above + send your thoughts?

Old friendship group newsletters are here


Community asset mapping

Over the years we have chatted about what we have found useful to try to maintain our well-being + the organisations we have been involved with

Please let us know if anything should be added by contacting


All thoughts – comments – ideas welcome
Also sent to Media + local + national government + CEO MH Trusts + Third sector

- to promote openness - accountability - inclusion -