After all these years …
Does not acting on evidence of human rights abuse within the Mental Health system - make “boards” complicity in the crime ?
Recently - I read the website – Lake Alice + was moved to tears …
Does ignoring the data + therefore human rights abuse within the mental health system – mean the Integrated Care board + Health + well being board are complicity in criminal acts ?
We do keep telling these boards about the human rights abuse
Electro convulsive treatment - restraints - seclusion - serious incidents - forced medication - forced imprisonment on Mental Health wards - are human rights abuses
We do keep telling these boards about the medicalisation of distress
The world health organisation called for global radical change within the mental health system – two years ago …
Our work is cited as best practise
We strive to be rights based – integrated – strength based – person centred in all our work
At the end of the meetings
The petition calling for Electro convulsive treatment to stop with over 136,000 signature
Here is the 2022 data
2022 data – to see the full data set click on the Trust’s name below |
Restraints |
Seclusion |
Serious incidents |
Meds.errors |
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership |
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health |
24 people 282 sessions |
913 |
167 |
67 |
69 |
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust |
Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust |
20 people 169 sessions |
961 |
168 |
9 |
290 |
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust |
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
461 treatments |
932 |
41 |
1079 |
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust |
Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust |
Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |
Not provided |
979 |
641 |
76 |
1164 |
Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust |
East London NHS Foundation Trust |
636 “treatments” |
2365 |
229 |
125 |
801 |
Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust |
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust |
30 people |
1242 |
This trust does not seclude people |
120 |
795 |
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust |
365 people |
1120 |
208 |
198 |
791 |
Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust |
23 |
3481 |
270 |
11 |
717 |
62 people |
1808 |
214 |
93 |
804 |
Data not provided |
1711 |
121 |
47 |
Data not provided |
17 people |
5477 |
837 |
394 |
2661 |
53 people 409 treatments |
2266 |
71 |
311 |
1249 |
Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust |
North East London NHS Foundation Trust |
28 people |
1005 |
12 ? |
91 |
434 |
15 people |
960 |
294 |
27 |
923 |
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust |
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust |
24 people |
1022 |
37 |
43 |
2 |
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust |
Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust |
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust |
Solent NHS Trust |
44 people |
2548 |
410 |
779 |
659 |
17 people |
1492 |
261 |
95 |
437 |
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust |
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust |
3 |
Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust |
32 people |
91 |
19 out of 49 trusts replied
We plan to send this data to the “leaders” of the Integrated Care Boards – in the hope they will review + action
For example stopping Electro convulsive treatment now …
It is clear the current Mental Health system is racist – sexist – ageist – ableist
Why do the “powers that be” allow this abuse to continue ?
The way forward
Citizen control |
Degree of citizen power |
Delegated power |
Partnership |
Placation |
Degree of tokenism |
Consultation |
Informing |
Therapy |
Non participation |
manipulation |
Old power |
New power |
Currency |
Current |
Held by few |
Made by many |
Pushed down |
Pulled in |
Commanded |
Shared |
Closed |
Open |
transaction |
relationships |
Power over |
Power with |
Power to |
Power is seen as finite and zero-sum – you either have it or you don’t Use of authority to coerce, control and repress others seeking to claim power Power is negative and repressive and perpetuates inequity |
Power with others through collective action and coalition Mutual support, solidarity and collaboration |
The power of humans to be agents of change and to exercise their agency |
Universal basic income
3 day week
community land trusts
People assemblies
well being / doughnut economy
no borders
no wars
no hierarchy
people not profit
To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity
Nelson Mandela