Forth Valley Area
Annual General Meeting
In lieu of an AGM scheduled to take place at Wallace Suite, Forthbank on 23rd April 2020 at 8:00pm but cancelled due to Covid19 Pandemic.
- Apologies for absence (None)
- Minutes of AGM 2019 [sent 7th May 2019]
- Matters arising, none.
- Chairman’s Report
Joe Kincaid and Harry Brodie attended all the ASC meetings, minutes of which are published on Scottish Curling website. Two meetings cancelled.
- 9th April 2020 (Joint ASC LSC) Cancelled
- 19th February 2020 – (Joint ASC LSC) Cancelled
Issues raised through the Area with clubs and Provinces included:
- Structural Review which took up lots of time at meetings and was to be a big part of RCCC annual agm this year but might not feature. Looking to have reps representing each ice rink and not areas as now .. 1 male 1 female as a norm. Stirling Curling Group is looking at doing this set up along with the Area.
- Scottish Curling Roadshow took place at the restaurant in the Peak on 9th December 2019, 6pm-8pm.
- Loss of Braehead Ice Rink (INTU) and how that may have an effect on the Peak Ice. There might be an increase in bookings, will be given lowest priority from Active Stirling.
- Scottish Curling’s new organisation based on ice rinks discussed with Provinces, Stirling Ladies Branch and Stirling Curling Group.
- Indoor Grand Match 2020 planning meetings took place with all Provinces, Stirling Curling Group, Stirling Ladies Branch, Active Stirling and Inception Catering. A detailed plan of the event and the financial arrangements was completed and will need to be revisited due to the postponement to 2021.
- All the Provinces, Stirling Ladies Branch and the Area coordinated their ice bookings with Stirling Curling Group to ensure there were no date clashes. This should help Active Stirling bookings team as well.
- All competitions were reported and published in Your Curler.
- Website was maintained and news also published.
5. Area Competitions 2019/2020
- Knock-out – Winner Kilsyth
- Bonspiel – Winner Stirlingshire/Borestone & Stirling
- Championship final - Postponed due to covid19 closure (Buccaneers v Livingston)
6. Financial Statement
- The Accounts are good even allowing for only charging £10 per person per game but there could be a further hike in ice fees with the potential for reduced numbers playing next season.
- We are in “contact” with Active Stirling as they did not issue an Invoice for March, which covers the semi-final and final of the Championship, although the final was postponed until the start of the new season. We collected the fees for the semis.
- As the trophies were not engraved nor prizes bought, they are also not included. So the outstanding costs for next year's accounts are about £170 for engraving (£30), Prizes (£70) and 1 sheet of ice (£68.80).
Cash in Bank |
1908.76 |
Subscriptions |
Stirlingshire (20 x £3) |
60.00 |
Trophy Engraving |
0.00 |
West Lothian (6 x £3) |
21.00 |
AGM Expenses (2019) |
30.60 |
Forth & Endrick (13 x £3) |
39.00 |
Scottish Central (6 x £3) |
18.00 |
Ice Fees Bonspiel (24 x £40) |
960.00 |
Ice Fees Bonspiel (12 x £68.80) |
825.60 |
Bonspiel Prizes |
0.00 |
Ice Fees Knock Out (28 x £40) |
1120.00 |
Ice Fees Knockout (15 x £68.80) |
1032.00 |
Area KO Prizes |
0.00 |
Champions Cup (4 x £40) (Semis) |
160.00 |
Champions Cup (3 x £68.80) |
137.60 |
Prizes |
0.00 |
Cash in Bank |
2260.96 |
4286.76 |
4286.76 |
7. Area Subscription
- Remain the same for 2020-2021 at £3.00
8. Area Committee and Representatives
- Joe Kincaid retires.
- Harry Brodie becomes chair for 2 years.
- New representative nomination is outstanding, Michele Brodie (Abercorn) declined.
8. Election of Secretary and Treasurer
- Temporary Secretary Joe Kincaid will continue for one more year.
- Treasurer Ritchie Stewart will continue for one more year.
9. Election of Auditor
- Ritchie Stewart indicated that an auditor will need to be found to audit the accounts for this year.
10. Notices
- RCCC Ladies Branch AGM – Virtual on Zoom Tuesday 9th June 2020 at 2pm
- RCCC AGM– Virtual on Zoom Saturday 27 June 2020 at 2pm
11. AOCB None.