A Walk around the proposed development site "To the East of Elsenham"
The Fairfield Partnership has submitted a proposal for 350 new homes on land between Elsenham and Henham.
(reference UTT/17/3573/OP)
The Parish Council takes the view that while new residents are welcome, committed development is more than sufficient to meet local demand.
Appraisal of transport routes will clearly be crucial, especially the main exit via Grove Hill, Stansted.
Elsenham and Henham Parish Councils are again combining to obtain expert advice from both planning and transport consultants.
Individual responses from local residents are also very important.
To show residents the extent of the land that is under threat by this proposed development we have arranged a walk on
Saturday February 3rd
- Starting at 11am at the Crown. Finishing about 12 noon at the station.
- A short walk around the site between Henham & Elsenham where Fairfield are proposing to build 350 houses.
- Everyone welcome – be prepared for mud!
- Bring the children and dogs (dogs on leads please).
- Unfortunately the paths are probably too difficult for prams or wheelchairs.
- For more information please email: Elsenham@btinternet.com
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The deadline for objections is 13th February.