We have been fundraising since talk of the hospital's closure began in 2016 and by the end of 2021, had raised £600,000 from prior years. Our fundraising events for 2022, along with some generous personal donations (not specifically listed here for GDPR reasons) added another £120,000. With a mortgage secured, we have the funds needed for the building purchase! However we've had substantial legal and other professional expenses to get to this point - and once the building is ours, will be launching into renovations and upgrades - for which our fundraising will continue.
So we still need your support to help our events soar, and keep up the brilliant work you all contributed to last year!
A MEMORAMA OF EVENTS! With much Gratitude to all who organized them, and hosted, and everyone who showed up to contribute. Specifically (most recent listed first)
• The Boskerris Hotel who held a special dinner for us on March 26th, which, complete with our famous EH raffle, raised over £1,000. (Exact amt. tba)
• The Barn Day Nursery's Easter Bonnet event on March 22nd, with toddler participants who raised £25
• The fabulous Kizamba who got everybody dancing at the Rugby Club on March 10th, with thanks too to the club for hosting the event, which raised about £1500! (amount tbc).
• Feast Day Coffee Morning on February 3rd kicked off our year's events. Many thanks to the Western Hotel, and to all who contributed by bringing cakes and other goodies - and those who ate them! - raising a grand total of £1,121.15