The team has continued to empower local communities and voluntary sector groups through its diverse delivery. 

Asset Based Community Development

Working at a neighbourhood level with communities facing harsh inequalities, our Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach has continued to enable active citizens to make a real difference where it matters most. In the past 12 months our ABCD activity has initiated 44 sustainable, community led projects, involving over 62 local agencies, generating local and national interest and support.

This year our ABCD work was supported by a range of funders including the Big Lottery (Big Local and Croydon Family Power), Croydon Council (Day Opportunities Fund) and CCG (MECC, Making Every Contact Count).



The project has supported local people to improve their health and well-being and this has impacted on the wider local community helping to reduce the profound inequalities in health that exist in the Fieldway and New Addington areas.The project has been very successful in motivating the local community to engage and participate in health and well-being activities. It has encouraged people to be proactive about their health shifting the emphasis from specialist service to a self-care model.

MECC Independent Evaluation Report 




CVA brings communities, the VCS and individuals together through networks, partnerships and in neighbourhoods to combine their resources and expertise to work more effectively together for a stronger and healthier Croydon.

The Croydon Voluntary Sector Alliance (CVSA) is the collective voice for over 7,000 voluntary sector organisations, groups and individuals in Croydon and this year hosted vibrant events bringing VCOs together on topics such as European Social Investment Funding, the Opportunities and Fairness Commission and local commissioning.

Every two years we elect voluntary sector representatives from our networks to sit on Croydon's strategic partnerships and subgroups to ensure a strong voice for our sector.

CVA is a VCS champion on tackling Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence, working alongside Croydon Council, Croydon Health authorities and the Police to raise awareness amongst our members.


CYPFN meeting photo


Our Children, Young People and Families' Network hosted a vibrant event on the topic this year, with workshops on FGM and Online abuse run by local charities and attended by 30 groups.