Vision Our vision is to develop chess skills for juniors in Buckinghamshire. We organize chess coaching and county team matches for U9, U11, U14 and U18 age groups. This site provides information about the Bucks Youth Chess Association, details of forthcoming events and their related results. We also try to include information about chess related events that might be of interest for the above mentioned age groups. If you have any news you would like to see on this site, please let us know at We are now recruiting for the Bucks U18 and 14 County teams. If you are interested in being part of the team, please contact us at: . For a comprehensive chess event calendar see here
Clubs suitable for juniors Aylesbury Library, Junior Drop In Chess Club - Saturdays 10 to 11 am ** new ** High Wycombe Library, Drop In Chess Club - Thursdays 5:30 to 6:45 pm ** new ** Wednesdays from 7.30pm, Aylesbury Chess Club, The White Hart, Exchange St, Aylesbury HP20 1UR (parents must remain) Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm, Chinnor Chess Club, Chinnor Scout HQ Wednesdays 7pm to 7.30pm, Gerrards Cross Chess Club, Gerrards Cross Memorial Centre Thursdays 7.30pm to 10.30pm, Milton Keynes Chess Club, The Open University, MK (children aged 12+; parents must remain) Fridays 5pm to 7.30pm Uxbridge Junior Chess Club, Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall Saturdays (alternate), Bletchley Junior Chess Club Saturdays: 2pm onwards, Beaconsfield Library Sundays 10am to 12pm, Chesham Chess Club, The White Hill Centre, Chesham Sundays 10am to 2pm, Chapter Two Bookshop, Chesham Sundays 6pm to 8pm, Amersham Junior Chess Club
Bucks Under 9 Team Championship Zonals
Saturday 08 March 2025
Bucks Under 11 Team Championship Zonals
Saturday 15 March 2025
To be decided
Town in Bucks