This is a non-profit making group, and is run by Mike Crome.

Do you live in or near to the postcode of CO10 7.

Would you like to pay a lower price for your heating oil, why not join the Bulmer & District Oil Syndicate, With the current high prices it is even more important to join the group and pay lower prices than you would get on single orders. Can you afford not to be a member of the group, especially remembering that it costs nothing to join and there are no running costs, 

How the group works.

The preferred method to place an order.
When you need oil check the order dates (here) and complete the order form with the quantity you require (min 500 litres, this is a statutory requirement). You do not need to order each month, only when you need it! You will receive an email confirmation.
When the cut off date has passed I will contact various suppliers and place our order with the cheapest one. When placed I will email all members (whether you have ordered or not so you can see the way prices are going) with the name of the supplier, the approximate delivery date, the agreed price.
That is the end of my involvement. The supplier will contact you regarding payment and delivery. You pay them direct. Most will accept debit/credit cards, except if the order is with Active Fuels who do not accept Credit Cards.
If you wish to join the group you will first need to become a member of this website, by completing the registration form here... this will give you access to the order form. Following this please go to link Join the Group here.......