Exciting news: our programme for next year continues with regular live music nights every month. We kick off with a bang - Ivan Aitkens will be calling to our lovely musicians Tom & Julia on the first night, September 4th. Virtuoso violinist Linda Game (formerly of English Contra Dance Band) has been bagged for a couple of sessions and the duo The Joneses also return. Look out for a new band, Hoi Polloi playing on a couple of nights.

We have a wide range of outside callers lined up, eleven names in all plus Club members, so there will be a great variety of dances throughout the year. See the Programme page for  full details and pick up your printed copy on a Wednesday night.



Due to unforseen circumstances, Dave Kerridge has had to stand down in June - Ivan Aitken will be calling on the 26th instead. Also, we are finishing this season with a change of live music and callers. On July 31 Avril & Nigel are calling to ever-popular musicians Tom & Julia.  



Dave Kerridge will no longer be calling for us on October 25 as he has had a sudden bereavement in his family. Ivan Aitken has stepped into the breach.



Take a look at our fantastic new programme for 23-24 - there's a live music night EVERY MONTH!

We have evenings with Tom & Julia, our wonderful two members; The Joneses, another great duo; and Linda Game, virtuoso fiddle player. 

We also have a great selection of callers, from the ever-popular Ivan Aitken, through regulars like Sean Goddard and Philip Barber to newer callers (to us) like Louise Siddons. With such a variety of dance styles, new and old music, there's something for everyone. Pick up a copy of your programme any Wednesday - they're now available.

And - keep dancing!



Sadly, one of our favourite callers has decided to call it a day - Sibby has often had problems with the M25 and the Dartford crossing when travelling to clubs south of the river, and after his last fraught journey, when he didn't make it to Banwoood or back home for hours, he has cancelled all his dates with us (and other clubs this way). We will miss Sibby but totally understand his decision.

Your committee is busy finding new callers to replace the gaps in our programme. May  3rd is yet to be filled but we are delighted to announce that on July 5th, Louise Siddons is returning to call to the delightful music of Linda Game. We had a wonderful evening with them in January - make a note in your diary for the next time!



We are excited to announce TWO new live music events in 2023.

On 11th January Louise Siddons will be calling to fiddle playing by Linda Game (of English Contra Dance Band fame). This promises to be an exciting night!

Then on 22 February Tom & Julia have offered to play when Ivan Aitken is calling. This will be the fifth time they will play for us this season.

Yes, you're being spoiled!


We recently held the Club's AGM - most of the committee were re-elected, including Roy as Chairman and Nigel as Treasurer. We have lost Roger Skidmore, who has not returned since the pandemic, but Barbara Davidson has been elected as our new Publicity Officer. She has already set up a Facebook page for the club which all FB members are urged to support. Barbara is also looking for other ways to publicise Banwood and she welcomes any suggestions.

Banwood has been running at  a loss since re-opening so some difficult decisions had to be made regarding the subs. After Nigel explained the situation - how the hall rent has been increased, how the cost of callers and live bands has gone up, and how the club's reserves have been going down - members agreed on his proposal to substantially increase the subs.

From January, subs will be £60 per half year (ie until the end of July). Visitors fees are already £5 a night (first night free, unless it is a live music night).

Although it sounds a huge increase, as our treasurer pointed out it is still only about £2.60 a night so, with live music six times a year and free refreshments, is one of the best value dancing nights out you can enjoy. We hope to see you soon!




We've had a successful return to dancing this autumn, with members feeling safe and welcome. We've even had some regular new visitors who will hopefully join us in the New Year. The kitchen is open again for refreshments - thanks to Roy and Alistair who have regularly manned the kettles and to Josie  who, crutch at her side, has been wielding the temperature "gun" each week.

Subs for both visitors and members start up again in January - sorry! But the fees are still at 2020 levels:  £4 a night or £35 until the end of July.

There are changes to our programme this year as one of our regular callers is waiting for a knee replacement operation and has had to pull out. We are also hoping to arrange more live music nights after our popular Charistmas dance with Tom and Julia. Thanks go to caller Katy Harverson who stepped in at the last moment.

Chairman Roy will be keeping an eye on the news and if Covid restrictions return we may have to close again temporarily. We will let you know.




It's been a long wait and much has happened since we had to stop dancing in March last year. But we've finally been able to arrange our return on September 15 and our "provisional programme" will be going LIVE!

There will be some changes as we have to take precautions in line with the Diocese Rules for use of St Ann's Hall. Please note:

  • Everyone will have to sign a sheet agreeing to abide by the new Covid rules. Members will have received a copy to bring with them on the first night. Visitors will have to sign the form the first time they attend.
  • You are encouraged to take a Lateral Flow Test before coming to Banwood. These are available free from pharmacies. It is also hoped that everyone will have had two vaccinations.
  • Your temperature will be taken (with a "hand gun") before you are allowed into the hall and you will be marked "present" on our register. In the event of someone getting Covid afterwards, all attendees will be notified.
  • Sanistising hand gel will be freely available.
  • The kitchen will be closed for the time being - please bring your own refreshments.
  • Some windows and doors will be kept open to provide ventilation - please wear appropriate layers if it's chilly!
  • ATTENDANCE WILL BE FREE UNTIL CHRISTMAS! This is not just largesse on the part of the Committee - members had paid for a full programme of dancing until summer last year, then it never happened. Visitors usually pay on the door but handling cash is not encouraged at the moment.

So spread the word - we want to encourage people to return to dancing and to enjoy ourselves again

Happy Dancing! Laughing





Another Live MusIc Night

Can you cope with two live music nights in one month?! Good. Although our Club Callers nights are proving very popular, they are standing aside on the first Wednesday in March so that we can take up the offer of another evening of live music, played by Tom and Julia who have recently started dancing with us. Carol Hewson will be calling.



Welcome Back

2020 kicks off on 08 January with a lively night of dancing led by your Club Callers. Work off that excess helping of Christmas Pudding!


First Live Music Dance of the New Season

Ivan Aitken will be calling to the  duo musicians JIP on October 23rd. This will be a great evening and it includes a finger buffet to recharge your batteries half way through! The dancing will be extended to 10.30pm so you need more energy. What a great evening - a packed hall, wonderful atmosphere and lots of fun dancing. 


 Fantastic Start to New Season

Thanks to everyone who came to our first session of the new autumn season last night - we had an excellent turn out and four new visitors who we hope to see again. There was a lot to take in but everyone worked hard and - hopefully! - enjoyed themselves. The atmosphere was great and there was a real sense of achievement by the end of the evening. We look forward to dancing with you all again.


Welcome Back

Our dancing starts again this week on September 4 with a special workshop - your Club Callers have looked at moves that trip people up and tricky dances where some people lose their way. It all adds up to a fun night of learning and improving - see you there!



Summer News

Our season ended on a high with lots of members enjoying the extra dances we put on this year. As one member said, it was a "Brilliant idea to carry on till end of July". We even had a good turn out on one of the hottest nights of July, and attracted new visitors, some of whom we hope to see again (those on holiday from Leeds may return next year!). 

Over the summer break we will be working on a new website for Banwood as, sadly, the host for this site will be closing next year. Once it's up and running we will provide a link from here to take you to the new site.

Dancing starts again on 4th September with a special workshop led by your Club Callers - a chance to practise new moves, tricky moves and some harder dances.

Enjoy the summer break and see you again soon!


Keep Dancing!

Don't forget we've got extra dancing nights for you this summer as we are continuing to meet up until the end of July. This Wednesday (10 July) we have Carol Hewson calling our dances, and still to come are Michele Odell, Crys Rothon and the last night with Ruth Gwilliams on the 31st. That's a lot of extra dancing and fun for your money!


Any Requests?

Club Callers nights are a great opportunity to practice any moves some members are unsure about - last time we worked on the Grand Square, which came in handy the very next week. So if you have any steps you are unfamiliar with, don't be shy - just ask us and we can spend some time on them. Grimstock Hey, Petronella, California Twirl......?



American Evening as Dancing Continues in July

We're having a shorter break this year - we're dancing through to the end of July and only stopping for the month of August. We'll be welcoming a new (to us!) caller in July too, so put the dates in your diary. The first Wednesday, 3rd July, will be an American evening with our Club Callers - dig out your cowboy boots and stetsons. The music will be our usual mix.



 Check Your Diaries for These Events

There's a lot coming up over the next few weeks - make sure you don't miss out on the fun. On April 24th there's the chance to dress up in red and white for our St George's evening. On Monday April 29th Noel Phillips is hosting a Quiz and Games night at Walton-on-the Hill community centre, and May kicks off with a night of live music with Ivan Aitken calling to JIP.


Epsom Downs


Rambling On

Join us for another walk on Sunday April 7th at 2pm. Marion will be leading us on a walk around Epsom Downs - meet in the public car park opposite the Beefeater pub in Tattenham Crescent. It was a misty walk but we learnt a lot of history about the Derby from Marion.


Irish Evening

Another chance to dress up next Wednesday (20 March) for St Patrick's Day. Get out your shamrocks and dress in green & white...


New Members Evening

There will be a special night on March 13 when we welcome new members - experienced or beginners - to give our Club a try. The night is free for your first visit. Current members are encouraged to bring a friend.

04.03.19Welsh evening

Welsh Night

Don't forget we are marking St David's day with a Welsh evening on Wednesday 27th February. Will the hall smell of leeks or daffodils?! Lots of people dressed up - a fun night.


Live Music Night

Another great night of Live Music next Wednesday (20th February) with Pete and Sue Hall playing. Carol Hewson will be the caller. And there's a rumour cake will be on the menu.... Smile  There was lots of cake! Birthday boy Alan Wilson (left) cuts his cake.


Lucky for Some! Successful Ramble

We couldn't have asked for better weather last Sunday, when chairman Roy led a ramble round Brockham. A total of 13 turned up, including some friends and partnbanwood rambleers, and we didn't lose anyone! It was great to have time to chat, and we finished up in the pub for a swift half. Looking forward to more social events planned for the coming months.


Programme Changes - plus NEW Dates 

Eagle-eyed readers of the programme page will spot a couple of changes in our callers in March and April: Carol Hewson will be taking a rest after her operation in February. We wish her a speedy recovery. Many thanks to Crys Rothon and Philip Barber for taking over the vacant slots.

Plus, we have now added three more dates for your dancing diary in July, with three excellent callers confirmed. We will be meeting right up until the end of the month and just taking a short break for August. So that's more value for your £30 sub - in fact, if you come every night between 1st Febuary and 31st July, it will cost about £1.15 per night. You can't get better value than that!



American Supper

Bring a food contribution tonight to make it a jolly evening - but let's hope we can still dance with full stomachs after the interval!



Christmas Party

Don't forget it's our Christmas Party on Wednesday (12th December) - looking forward to a great night of dancing to The Joneses.

And well done to our Club callers who stepped up on the night when our caller Sibby fell ill last week - great to know we can rely on enjoying an evening of fun dancing no matter what.


More Live Music

We've got another great night of live music lined up for you in the New Year - on February 20 Carol Hewson will be calling to Pete and Sue Hall. Keep an eye on our Programme page for the latest updates.



Tartan Evening Reminder

Don't forget your tartan this Wednesday 28th November for our St Andrews Night!



Theatre Visits - Expanding Our Activities

Two of our members are also thespians - so we thought it would be nice to support the plays they are involved in. Carol Hall is directing the comedy The Lady Killers at Horley's Archway Theatre next month. We will be visiting on Tuesday December 4th and Friday December 7th. Tickets are £12 and the play starts at 7.45pm - please book your tickets direct with the theatre.

Avril Swift is appearing in Daisy Pulls It Off at the Miller Centre, Caterham, in January. This is another comedy and tickets are £11. Avril's husband Nigel has offered to arrange visits on Friday January 11th at 8pm and Saturday January 19th at 2.30pm. Please collar him on a Wednesday evening if you're interested in going.



Change of Callers

Dave Kerridge can no longer make the 14 November so our Club Callers have stepped into the breach. Crys Rothon has kindly agreed to call on 28 November so we will be welcoming her back again soon.



Christmas Party - with Live Music

Not one to let the grass grow under his feet,  Roy has already arranged another band for us to dance to. December 12 will be our Christmas Party, with Carol Hewson calling to The Joneses.



Live Music

We are hoping to arrange more live music nights over our coming season - keep an eye on this page and the programme for details.



Themed Nights

You requested and your new Chairman listened. The idea of themed nights is a fun one and we are kicking off on November 28 with a Tartan Night, to mark St Andrew's Day.

How much tartan you sport is up to you - kilts are not compulsory! Maybe we can have Scottish shortbread with our tea that night?



New Chairman

Welcome to our new chairman, Roy Trayfoot, elected at the Club's AGM on October 17. 

Many thanks to Alan Wilson who held the post for 12 years (if he recalls correctly!) and has been a stalwart of the Club for many more.
