

a) In the dark a plant uses up

carbon dioxide           nitrogen           oxygen           water vapour

b) In the light a pond snail produces

carbon dioxide           glucose          nitrogen           oxygen

c) Once the products of digestion have been absorbed, the waste materials remaining in the gut are

egested           excreted           ingested           secreted

d) Spiders are included in the arthropods because they have

eight legs           jointed limbs           no wings           two parts to the body

e) The producer in this food chain:          oak leaf --> caterpillar --> robin --> sparrow-hawk, is the

caterpillar           oak leaf           robin           sparrow-hawk 

f) The arrows in a food chain show

how much the organisms eat           the decrease in numbers of organisms

the speed of the food chain             where energy goes

g) Fertilisation in flowering plants happens when the

nuclei in the ovule and pollen fuse           pollen lands on the stigma

pollen sends a tube down the style         pollen tube enters the ovule

h) Enzymes in the gut convert insoluble substances into

glucose           large molecules           soluble substances           starch

i) Fibre in the diet is useful because it

comes from plants                       helps to make us strong

keeps the bowels healthy           provides energy

j) Respiration is the

exchange of gases in the lungs           reaction between oxygen and food in the cells
removal of carbon dioxide by the blood from the tissues
transport of oxygen by the blood to all the cells of the body


2. The following instructions are given to chefs in restaurants and hotels. Give a reason for each one.

(a) Food should not be left uncovered in the kitchen.

 (b) Wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.

 (c) Chicken should be cooked thoroughly before it is eaten.

(d) Do not smoke cigarettes in the kitchen.

(e) Meat should be chopped up on a different board from vegetables.

