Our mentoring service was established with the encouragement of the late Dayan Westheim, Rabbi Wresner, and other local Rabbonim.

We currently support children with a range of physical and behavioural issues including ASD/Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and depression leading to self-harm, and addictions, amongst other things.

Some of the children we support are on a reduced timetable or not attending school. Parents have also reported the difference they feel from having weekly respite from the often demanding and stressful responsibilities of caregiving. They are able to spend quality time with their other children and recharge both physically and emotionally so they can return to their parenting duties refreshed.

In 2022, we embarked on an exciting project to establish our own centre kitted out with soft lighting, an inviting couch area, and, most importantly, designed with a vibe where the boys are able to bond and connect to their mentor. With a large variety of games and activities ranging from pool and table tennis to a good old-fashioned game of chess, sessions are now more impactful than ever. An enhanced CCTV system is fitted to ensure the safety and security of our Children.

Our Goal - With much ס”ד, we have successfully raised the funds for our own premises. However much of the interior furnishing and the purchase of the equipment still needs to be completed in order to maximise the effect of the mentoring sessions.

At Yesoid we believe that every child deserves the best in life!

To find out more or join a session contact us here


our story