We deliver 1-1 and group mentoring sessions for boys aged 11 to 21.

These sessions take place once a week and are scheduled at a convenient time for both parties. This can be anytime during the day or evening, any day of the week. This flexibility allows us to accommodate children who have been excluded from school or are on a reduced timetable, ensuring they receive the support they need during school hours.

The sessions are held at a mutually arranged venue which is typically a public place such as a park, outdoor gym or library. Sessions can also be delivered in our youth club.

All of our mentors are insured, DBS-checked and have received at least a level 2 in mentoring that is accredited by Open Awards. Many of our mentors hold teaching and counselling certificates. We also provide ongoing training in safeguarding and other relevant topics.

The sessions are child-led and include the following:

  • Casual check-in where the mentor and mentee discuss how their week has been, any notable events, and their current emotional state.

  • Goal setting where the mentor helps the mentee set short-term and long-term goals. This could involve academic, personal, or social objectives. They discuss progress on previously set goals and any obstacles faced.

  • Emotional support where the mentor provides a safe space for the mentee to talk about their feelings, challenges, and experiences. This might include discussions about school, family, friends, or future aspirations. The mentor offers guidance to help the mentee navigate these issues.

  • Skill development focuses on developing specific skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time management. The mentor might use various exercises or role-playing activities to enhance these skills.

  • To keep the session engaging, mentors often incorporate activities related to the mentee’s interests. This could be a game, a creative project, or an educational activity. This helps build rapport and makes the session enjoyable.

  • Towards the end of the session, the mentor and mentee reflect on what was discussed and any progress made. They also revisit the goals set at the beginning of the session to evaluate steps taken and plan the next steps.

  • The mentor and mentee plan for the next session, discussing what they aim to achieve and any tasks the mentee should focus on before their next meeting.

  • The session concludes with positive reinforcement, encouragement, and setting a date for the next meeting. The mentor ensures the mentee leaves feeling supported and motivated.

  • These elements of our mentoring sessions aim to provide structure, support, and a sense of accountability, helping the mentee grow and develop in a positive direction.

Group mentoring sessions take the same format as the 1-1 sessions and usually have up to 6 participants.

To book a mentoring session contact us here