Nest Box Installations

Winchcombe Nest Box Locations (as of Feb 2024)

Small Box image

The large icon in the bottom left represents the 20 boxes installed at the Paper Mill

8 Feb 2023 - installation of 2 nest boxes on the North side of St Peters church tower

 Fitters with a nest box

The fitters getting ready to ascend the tower...

Fitters on the tower

Nice view from the top and time for a selfie


Preparing the nest box

Preparing the box for installation with sympathetic fittings.

Nest boxes in situ

The two boxes in situ. They were attached to the stonework using soft webbing so as not to damage the structure and can be removed out of season. A great site for these latest two boxes.


15 March 2022 - North Street installation of 3 nest boxes with the help of Western Power

15-03 box 415-03 box 515-03 box 315-03 box 2


22-23 March 2022 - more nest boxes were installed and there are now a total of 40 Swift next boxes sited around the town.