

                                                                                     SWOT Framework

Strengths - positive attributes internal to the situation that are within your control.


  • Isolated village high on the N Downs with steep narrow access roads, discourages large scale / inappropriate development.
  • 464 bus service to Biggin Hill, Croydon, on to Bromley, London.
  • Locally based taxi service and Buses 4U
  • Good internet access for most homes particularly in village centre, patchy in other places.
  • Unmade roads deter ‘cut throughs’ and excessive speed
  • Community response ‘fills in’ if external provision falls short e.g. Helpline, 1st responder
  • Limited street lighting supports rural identity & green agenda (turn off at 1.30am consistent with rural identity)
  • Location could support wind turbines.
  • Public right of way / footpath / cycleway / bridleway network linking to AONB?



* Weaknesses - factors within your control that may impede your ability to meet your objectives.


  • Location high on the North Downs in the snow belt can result in the village being cut off. Narrow/ unmade roads.
  • Mobile phone / broadband coverage unreliable
  • Some homes still on cesspool drainage
  • Large number of unmade, unadopted roads require constant repair by residents.
  • Overhead power and telephone lines are vulnerable to damage during storms
  • Insufficient street lighting (off 1-5am)
  • Inadequate infrastructure prevents any large-scale housing development.
  • Narrow roads, homes with no off street parking result in road congestion at peak times.
  • Unmade roads inaccessible for elderly/ disabled
  • Bus service to the south (Oxted & Westerham very poor)
  • Bus service to train stations poor.
  • Parking on all roads getting worse.

Opportunities - external factors that the project should (or could) develop.


  • Any significant increase in the number of homes built in the village should be conditional on significant investment in roads and infrastructure by the authorities or the developer.
  • Opportunity to do something for cyclists- e.g. – secure bike park near the bakery/ pub to encourage cyclists to stop and spend money in the village.
  • Ensure all applications for extensions/ new builds include adequate off-street parking.
  • Improved public transport links – i.e. bus service to Sainsbury at Chelsham.
  • Install car charging point in Village centre.
  • Signage re limited access on unmade roads
  • Flashing school signs
  • Improvement in roads / footways / cycleway
  • New village car park
  • Improved links to countryside beyond village?


Threats - external factors beyond your control that could place the project at risk.


  • New development without significant investment in roads and infrastructure, would overload current services
  • Development without adequate parking provision would make problem worse.
  • Increased numbers of large vehicles associated with new developments
  • Increased congestion of new development could have an adverse impact on public/highway safety