Get Involved with Tambu Ayis Support Service


At Tambu Ayis Support Service, we believe in the power of community and collective support. Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by domestic abuse. There are various ways you can get involved:

1. Volunteer Opportunities:
- Be a part of our dedicated team by volunteering your time and skills. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families.

2. Donations and Sponsorship:
- Contribute to our cause through financial donations or explore sponsorship opportunities. Your generosity directly supports our programs and services. Donations

3. Spread the Word:
- Raise awareness about domestic abuse and our services. Share our mission on social media, attend events, or host awareness sessions in your community.

4. Collaborate with Us:
- If you represent an organisation or community group, consider collaborating with Tambu Ayis Support Service. Together, we can create a safer and more supportive environment.

5. Attend Events:
- Stay informed about our upcoming events and workshops. Your participation helps us create a strong network of support.

How to Get Started:

1. Contact Us:
- Reach out to us to express your interest, ask questions, or discuss collaboration opportunities. We value every form of support.

2. Stay Connected:
- Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our initiatives, success stories, and upcoming events.

3. Spread the Message:
- Share our content and mission with your network. Together, we can amplify our impact and reach those who need support.


Make a Difference Today!

Your involvement with Tambu Ayis Support Service is a step towards building a community free from domestic abuse. Join us in creating lasting change and fostering a culture of empathy and support.

For more information or to get involved, today.


@ Tambu Ayis Support Service CIC.  Company Number: 15242244