** If you are a Health or Social Care professional and know of a family who can benefit from assistance, please email us babybasicssunbury@gmail.com **

** If you have items to donate, please email to check with us first as we have limited storage space. Please email babybasicssunbury@gmail.com **

Baby Basics was founded in 2009 at a church in Sheffield with the aim of providing some of the basics needed for life with a new born to families in need. We have been running this scheme across Hampton, Hanworth, Sunbury and the surrounding areas since 2014.  In that time, we have delivered 1630 Starter Packs and 455 Christmas parcels. A total of 2085 referrals!!

To help us support more families, you can donate items to us online via our Amazon Wish List and Common Good Page                       

About Us

Baby Basics Sunbury works with midwives, health visitors and other professional bodies to provide much needed items and help for vulnerable groups such as teenage mums, asylum seekers, and women fleeing domestic violence and trafficking. We believe that Baby Basics shows God's love in action, it is a testament to the love and care God has for all his children. We provide starter packs for those in need. Our Moses Baskets provide a bed for the baby to sleep in and are packed full of toiletries - nappies, wipes, maternity pads, etc., as well as blankets, towels and baby clothes.

For some, these gifts are the only items they have for their child.

Donations and Funding 

We have been grateful to receive a number of donations and grants including one from the The National Lottery Community Fund. This money supported us to continue to support new mums and babies during the pandemic. We were also chosen as one of the recipients of a Tesco Stronger Starts grant thanks to everyone who supported us with their tokens in store (November 2023).   

We are particularly thankful for the generosity of our local community, including keen knitters and local quilt making groups who add such lovely keepsakes to our baskets. 

Please help Baby Basics by giving what you can.

Due to growing demand, we are always in need of items for our starter packs, including:

  • Moses Baskets
  • Size 1 Nappies
  • Baby Wipes
  • Baby Shampoo Wash and Lotion
  • Baby towels
  • Blankets & Sheets for Moses Baskets
  • New-born clothing (age 0-3 months)
  • Maternity Pads
  • Shampoo and Shower gel (for mums)
  • Toothbrush and paste (for mums)
  • Small cuddly toys for new-born with CE safety mark

We accept preloved items, new items and charity shop finds. You can also donate online via our Amazon Wish List and Common Good Page.

You can also help by:

  • Praying for the project and the team
  • Telling your friends about Baby Basics
  • Knitting blankets, cardigans and other lovely thing for newborns
  • Contributing financially

If you have items to donate, please email us first as we have limited storage space: babybasicssunbury@gmail.com  


"For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, 'You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor in your land".  Deuteronomy 15:11


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