Somerfords Fishing Association offers exclusive fly and coarse fishing on approximately 7 miles of the Upper Bristol Avon.  Our waters stretch from just below Cowbridge (South of Malmesbury) downstream to Seagry Mill. The club has the fishing rights throughout this length of the river however some stretches are not fishable as the rights remain with the owners alone. The characteristics of this part of the river are very varied ranging from fast flowing shallow water to much deeper slow running areas and include a total of 5 weirs. Car parking is available at a number of points and these are shown on the fishery maps supplied to members. Parts of our waters are fairly remote requiring some walking whilst others are relatively close to the parking areas. The club has a limited membership and for this reason our section of the river remains unspoilt and not over fished. The club also carries out river improvement projects every year subject to funding being available.


 Fishing of our waters is in line with the normal environmental agency rulings regarding open and closed seasons. Fly fishing is available and there is a head of natural brown trout which are supplemented by stocked fish, both brown and rainbow, through the season. There is one stretch which is exclusively fly only at all times but coarse fishing is permitted on the other fly stretches in line with the normal open season rules. For the coarse fishermen there are plenty of areas to fish throughout the coarse season and the river, with mainly chub, roach, dace and pike on offer, together with the occasional perch, barbel and bream showing too. 


 The club membership year runs from the 1st April to the 31st March and if you wish to join please go to the Membership Application & Fees page. We have a club email address, if you wish to find out more information please email somerfordsassociation@gmail