Hall Improvements in 2022 / 2023

Hall Improvements to South Hanningfield Village Hall in 2022 /2023.

These improvements would not have been possible without numerous funders and volunteers to carry out the work.

We would like to thank our funders and volunteers listed below.

 AED Defibrillator - Thank you to all who contributed at our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in June 2022 and Roy Whitehead £500

Asda furniture for the hall £300

Bernard Sunley Foundation storage solution/refurbishment of top hall toilets £5,000

Buckhatch Nursery and Garden Centre (formerly BHN) donated some hedging plants

Chandler Material Supplies Ltd donated the wood materials for the new stage

Chandler Material Supplies Ltd donated top soil for the side of the hall

Downham Women’s Institute (WI) donated 76 chairs to our hall

DPJ kindly provided installation of AED Defibrillator 

Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) new ceiling speakers and equipment £500

Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) Installation of Internet Wi-fi £500

Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) new gates for the entrance to the car park £500

Essex Association of Local Councils (EALC) projector £500

Essex & Suffolk Water donated 63 tonnes of soil towards levelling side of the village hall

Fowler, Smith and Jones Trust cladding outside the hall £2,000

National Lottery Community Fund for

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and outside bench £2,271

 National Lottery Community Fund replacement village noticeboard £1,546

 Pronto Training first aid training session kindly provided free of charge

Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE) two large gazebos to use at village hall £800

South Hanningfield Parish Council storage solution/refurbishment of top hall toilets £3,000

South Hanningfield Parish Council replacement village noticeboard £250

Tesco improvements inside the village hall £500

Tom Amos Charity cladding outside the hall £2,000

Tudwick Foundation - new double glazed windows £3,000

Walter Farthing Trust cladding outside the hall £2,000

Thank you to our volunteers South Hanningfield Cllr Richard Cerson and Simon for their help and support.