
SCS Logo

This website is for members of the Salonika Campaign Society, a society dedicated to the memory of those of all nations who served in the campaign, fought in northern Greece, Serbia and Albania from 1915 to 1918. 

The site provides content related to the Salonika Campaign and the Society, for example: past copies of the Society's journal, 'The New Mosquito'; photos from the campaign; articles about the campaign; and more.

This website is made possible by the community service provided by Voice - for which we are very grateful. Voice provides the service that makes this site possible but is no way responsible for any information provided on this site.

Access to this members-only content is by invitation, and, once invited, members will need to register with Voice. Voice manages the (free) subscription to this site. If you forget your password, you will need to reset your password via Voice.

Administrators of this members' site are only able to see your name and email address and no one in the Society, unless they are an admininistrator of this site, has any access to these details.  The Society respects your privacy.