Knit and Natter at the Hall

Wednesday 03 January 2024
14:00 to 16:00

A chance to have time for your hobby in a warm environment with like-minded people.  Come to socialise, or to make something, for yourself or others.

Tea and coffee provided, and sometimes cake or biscuits.

All hobbies welcome: knitting, crocheting, card making, painting, colouring - whatever your fancy.

Come to have help with your activity.  Some of us may be able to help you out, or explain how to....

Friendly atmosphere, cheerful chat, and easy going.  You don't even have to do anything, just come and watch others.

There is also the chance to pick up a book or jigsaw to take home to do at leisure.

Contact Mrs. H. Dale-Evans
01245 401538
Rettendon Memorial Hall
Main Road
(view map)
Cost £1 for tea/coffee