Prestwood Gardening Society Management Committee - titles and tasks
Chairman |
Sandra Robb |
Vice Chairman |
Keith Suddes |
Secretary |
Vacant |
Vice Secretary |
Sheri Preston |
Treasurer |
Angelique Tambourine |
Membership Secretary |
Karen Scott |
Vice Membership Secretary |
Sheri Preston |
Programme Secretary |
Sheri Preston |
Visits Co-ordinator |
David Plested |
Vice Visits Co-ordinator |
Keith Suddes |
Annual Show Chairman & Committee |
Steve Yates, Angela Tompkins, Janice Chadwick, Keith Suddes, Barbara Hall |
Trading Organiser |
Vacant |
Production of annual show entrance cards and awards cards |
Janice Chadwick |
Harvest Supper organisation |
David Plested |
Newsletter Editor |
Terry Cann |
Website Editor |
Charlotte Brightman |
Meetings refreshments |
Angela Tompkins [helper - Barbara Hall] |
Set up for meetings and events |
Steve Yates |
Raffle Organiser |
Steve Yates/Sheri Preston |