Meet the committee

Prestwood Gardening Society Management Committee - titles and tasks



Sandra Robb



Vice Chairman

Keith Suddes







Vice Secretary

Sheri Preston




Angelique Tambourine



Membership Secretary

Karen Scott



Vice Membership Secretary

Sheri Preston



Programme Secretary

Sheri Preston



Visits Co-ordinator

David Plested



Vice Visits Co-ordinator

Keith Suddes



Annual Show Chairman & Committee

Steve Yates, Angela Tompkins, Janice Chadwick, Keith Suddes, Barbara Hall



Trading Organiser




Production of annual show entrance cards and awards cards

Janice Chadwick



Harvest Supper organisation

David Plested



Newsletter Editor

Terry Cann



Website Editor

Charlotte Brightman



Meetings refreshments

Angela Tompkins [helper - Barbara Hall]



Set up for meetings and events

Steve Yates



Raffle Organiser

Steve Yates/Sheri Preston