Oxhey Woods Conservation Volunteers are active in representing the views of woodland users to Three Rivers District Council, and having active volunteer working parties.

At present working parties are involved in heathland restoration, pond maintenance, path restoration, way marker posts and working on the rhododendron walk.

The rhododendron walk is a local historic feature that is at it's best in full flower.

The track way the rhododendron was planted alongside appears on maps from as early as 1822. It was used for timber extraction and to get to the main roads of Oxhey Lane and Sandy Lane/Watford Road, and is shown on the circa 1940’s map. The woods were bisected in the 40's by two roads when the new housing estate was built after the war.


Working Parties take place on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, starting at 10am and lasting on average 3-3 ½ hours. At present we meet in the car park.