Protecting our Pollinators
Tuesday 06 June 2023
19:15 to 22:00
Over 70% of everything we eat relies on insect pollination – but our insect pollinators (when we think of pollinators we often think of honeybees but there are actually many different pollinators) are declining fast with serious implications not just for us but for all the food chains around us. We look at the causes of this decline and what we can practically do about it.
About our speaker...
Peter Smith is a beekeeper and natural history enthusiast who gives talks with local wildlife groups, organisations and businesses to increase awareness of issues facing our native pollinators. He is currently working with the Guildford Environmental Forum Biodiversity group to set up Neighbourhood Pollinator Reserves in the area and with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to map bumblebee populations on the North Downs. Peter has also been trapping (and releasing) moths for 11 years during which time he has identified over 400 species and works with the Surrey Wildlife Trust to deliver practical moth identification training.
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