Special Meeting on GP Services in Guildford

Date Tuesday 13 September 2022
Time 19:15 to 22:00


Important announcement - from urgent email 12th Sept 2022

Dear Member   I regret the extremely short notice, and am disappointed to have to inform you that the original meeting we had envisaged with respect to the future of NHS Primary Care provision tomorrow, Tuesday; 13th September is to be postponed.

Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board contacted us this morning with the news that “we are obliged under NHS England and Cabinet Office guidance to postpone all in-person events that are not required for operational reasons during the official mourning period.”

 This means that no-one from Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board will attend the meeting.

I have decided that although Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board won’t be attending that we should go ahead in an altered format as I am aware that there is really strong feeling amongst members and the wider village (and indeed neighbouring areas) about NHS Primary Care provision.

Instead we will outline what is happening (from our perspective), and take the opportunity to make a note of your circumstances, particular concerns; questions and problems. We would appreciate hearing what you think OVRA should do. Also if you have any relevant experience or expertise that would be helpful to us.

I look forward to welcoming anyone who wants to be heard.

Best wishes  Rebecca Brown  Chair  OVRA

Original notice....

As you will probably be aware the Guildown and Woodbridge Hill GP Practices are putting together plans to reorganise. This will reach the consultation stage in mid September and as part of that process they have asked OVRA and The St Catherine’s Village Association whether they can come to talk to us. We feel its important that Onslow Village residents have an opportunity to hear what is being planned and have their views heard and therefore we have agreed to postpone the planned Hogs Back Brewery talk on the 13 September and instead have the The NHS Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care Board, and GPs from the practices come and talk to us on that date. The meeting will start at 7.30pm at Onslow Village Hall.


While no one can doubt that these practices are under pressure and that change is needed, we have concerns about the way that this may play out. There are several options under discussion, most of which focus on on one or two larger purpose built surgery buildings either in Park Barn, Stoughton or both. While options exist to retain the Wodelands Avenue Surgery the Practices have expressed reservations about retaining Wodelands and there is a very real risk that it will close. If it does there will be no GP surgery west of the River Wey and South of the A3. For those of us with cars this will be inconvenient but doable, for those residents who have transport issues, notably the elderly, infirm and/or disabled, this will have potentially grave consequences. It is also difficult to know how the siting of super surgeries in North Guildford will impact existing GP provision.


The consultation is your opportunity to have your say on what may be a very fundamental change to the way GP services are managed in Guildford, and one that looks likely to have a very significant impact on our part of Guildford. Please come, find out what is proposed, and learn how you can make your views known