** Casual Vacancy Notice for Tilbury Juxta Clare **
Councillors as of 2nd July 2024:
Chairman: Mr. Peter Gentry - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.pgentry.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Vice-Chairman: Mr. Daren Patient - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.dpatient.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Katie Chapman - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.kchapman.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Amanda Gardiner - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.agardiner.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Claudia Gray - Tilbury Juxta Clare Parish - cllr.cgray.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Louise Lawrence - Ovington Parish - cllr.llawrence.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Debbie Nott - Ovington Parish - cllr.dnott.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mr. Anthony Osmond-Evans - Tilbury Juxta Clare Parish - cllr.aosmondevans.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mrs. Mary Pearce - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.mpearce.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Mr. Don Jenkins - Little Yeldham Parish - cllr.djenkins.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com
Councillors appointed as representatives to other organisations:
Little Yeldham Village Hall - Mr. Peter Gentry
Belchamp St. Paul Community House - TBC
Airfield Joint Action Group and BDC Airfield Liaison Group - Mrs. Debbie Nott
EALC & BALC meetings - Chairman & Vice Chairman
Councillors with specific responsibilities:
Public Rights of Way:
Little Yeldham - Mrs. Amanda Gardiner
Tilbury Juxta Clare - TBC
Ovington - Mrs. Louise Lawrence
Tree Wardens:
Little Yeldham - Mrs. Amanda Gardiner
Tilbury Juxta Clare - Mr. Anthony Osmond-Evans
Ovington - Mrs. Debbie Nott
Little Yeldham - Mr. Peter Gentry
Tilbury Juxta Clare - Mr. Anthony Osmond-Evans
Ovington - Mrs. Louise Lawrence
Little Yeldham - Mr. Daren Patient
Tilbury Juxta Clare - TBC
Ovington - Mrs. Louise Lawrence
Emergency Planning:
Little Yeldham - Mr. Peter Gentry
Tilbury Juxta Clare - Mrs. Claudia Gray
Ovington - Mrs. Debbie Nott
Further information regarding District Emergency Planning can be accessed here
GDPR Data Controller: Mr Daren Patient
Clerk to the Parish Council: Mr. Adrian Corder-Birch, Rustlings, Howe Drive, Halstead, CO9 2QL. - clerk.ly.tjc.o.pc@gmail.com