what can I do?

Well done, there is much you can do. Help can be given as an individual or as a household. Frequently action is needed at communal level, such action will occur if people like you campaign to make the changes happen. 


The first step is to admit something needs to be done. As you are on this page you have likely come to this conclusion already. If not look at the science, we are adding some "what problems" pages to this site to give an introduction on how bad things really are.

The last UN report on the climate crisis IPCC-AR6 was issued in early 2023 and can be found by searching for IPCC AR6 or from the following address.https://www.ipcc.ch/assessment-report/ar6/ 

Science moves on and many indicators have got worse since the report was released. Much of the work collated was undertaken several years before the report was released. This report remains one of the most comprehensive and useful reports, it has been reviewed by knowledgable scientists and written to be acceptable to all the UN states involved, petro-states, developing nations and countries like the UK.


How can you make a meaningful difference?

It can be daunting, especially finding something that is acceptable to all the people who are important to you. One simple thing you can do is to simply talk about it.  Peer pressure is a big influence so making others aware you know you and they need to do something inspires them, and helps spread success stories.

Identify some initial changes. We are all different and living in different circumstances, you will need to identify what is best for you. We all need to start where we are, then gradually add more improvements. Make a start, gain a better knowledge of the help the planet needs from you, and how best you can contribute.

You may wish to start with simple ideas and gradually build up, or you may like to start by identifying how bad you are and gradually elimininate all sources of damage that you are causing. Try starting with some easy wins before proceeding with more difficult items. There is no correct order as it will depend on you and your individual circumstances.

The aim: Change from lifestyles which are degrading the planet so much it cannot cope, to one where the planet can cope and if possible benefit from you.

Look at the obvious to do items page, or if trying "Start simple and build up" The organisation "take the jump" is useful in inspiring you to do something within your means and gradually improve your environmental footprint.https://takethejump.org/ 

Getting started on some of the simple improvements helps you identify blockers to you making progress. Everybody finds change difficult. We know of no environmentalist who has reached the point where they can say they have now eradicated all bad behaviours. You will find push back from those with vested interest in you carrying on as before. Many changes give you more time, more money and better health, but you still need to work out how to incorporate them into your daily life.

Investigate just how bad you are. This will allow you to monitor your progress and find out in which areas of your life you can make the biggest environmental improvments. 

One tool for measuring your carbon footprint that is relatively easy to use is the one provided by the World wildlife fund. This also gives you some tips on how you can improve. https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/

For long term improvements you will probably need a plan.


Plan how you will reduce your impact. You need to get your impact to zero as soon as possible. To make zero impact in your lifetime you likely need to convert your current negative impact to a positive impact. By making a plan you can see where all these improvements are needed. And phase then into your life in manageable chunks.

It is important to make changes ASAP. CO2 releases are cumulative, for some items you will have to learn how to achieve a carbon neutral result, for some you will need to change UK communal behaviour. An example, it requires all electricity to be generated with zero carbon footprint. Once you find blockers to achieving carbon neutrality you can educate your MP, your peers and use your vote to protect the  environment.  


Work through plan. Full steam ahead with implementing the changes you need to do yourself and campaigning for changes that need to occur at community and world level.

Please remember that there is an environmental crisis and it is not just about carbon footprint. Reducing your carbon footprint usually helps reduce your environmental impact. As an example, destroying bees and other pollinators by over use of insecticides to grow crops does not necessarily show up on carbon calculators, nor do the effects of urban sprawl and road building.

You may find it easier to help as part of a group trying to make changes happen.