Knebworth Parish News - January 2024

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2024

Here are two simple new year's resolutions to help "Keep our planet happy."

Take the Jump. As individuals we can have a direct impact on 27% of the change that needs to happen. Take the Jump is a movement that everyone can take part in, by trying six shifts. Their goal is a world of less stuff and more joy, where humanity is in balance with nature - through helping achieve a two-thirds reduction in the impact of consumption in rich countries by 2030.
It's an easy first step into environmentally friendly living.


Project Climate Vote (Greenpeace campaign). The idea is to convert 80% public concern about climate into one million climate Greenpeace Climate Voter Postervoters. They are simply asking people to put a poster up in their window. This is such an easy task that everyone can do, and could
have a huge impact in helping to create a safer habitable world for our children, their children and all future generations. It will help to push the climate crisis to the top of the agenda and pile pressure on all politicians to propose serious, impactful climate policies in the build up to the next election - see

We can send a printable version of their poster, which can be displayed for politicians to see whether you answer the door to them or not. If interested email Kristin at the email address below.

Get more involved:
Join our Facebook group Please
get in touch with us via our Facebook group or email Kristin at

We also have a WhatsApp group with regular environmental topics and interesting discussion.
Please contact Kristin if you would like to be added.

Our next meeting is at the Station Pub on 9th January at 8pm - you can email in advance or just turn up.