Knebworth Parish News - August 2023

Fun Day Stall Front

It was nice to see that the weather forecasters prediction of good weather for the Knebworth fun day was correct. Keggy and crew were pleased to meet so many of you. We had a range of exhibits including a fantastic ocean scene that was created by the What if...? Craftivists. There was a lot of information on warm homes, vegan recipes, questions as well as the Play Your Cards Right game. We had a lot of interaction with a new initiative called Take the Jump. As individuals we can have a direct impact on 27% of the change that needs to happen. Take the Jump is a movement that everyone can take part in, by trying six shifts. See

Take the Jump

Knebworth Environmental Group helped to ensure that all litter was recycled where possible by organising recycling bins for each stall. It was very gratifying to see how well everyone at the event recycled when the bins are provided.

Fun Day Stall Back