About us

What we do and our plans

We have come together to take action for the environment in our local area.  We are open to all ideas and people.

We have been meeting once a month to discuss environmental issues, campaigns and events. What we can do and how to involve the entire community. In-between meets keeping each other informed of latest environmental news and campaigns.

Going forward

Individually it is difficult to make progress.  As a group we pool our knowledge, skill and resources and encourage each other to do our bit.  Come along and help us all. If you cannot regularly attend meetings you can still add your knowledge and skill by joining in activities that are more sorted to your skill set, whether that be writing to politicians, evolving your lifestyle as you are able to help the environment, improving the environmental efficiency of your dwelling,  encouraging or enabling other people to live more environmentally friendly lifestyles, or other help. Maybe you are looking for some information or inspiration to but don't want to go to meetings, look on our website, we are constantly trying to improve it, if the information is not there ask for it, if we cannot help when you find the answer tell us so we can share it to help others. Why not join our facebook page and influence our world so that we can all live in a pleasant and beautiful land on our existing planet then.

Forthcoming Plans 

 What we do is dependent upon who is prepared to join in, and how they wish to help.

Monthly meetings.

We hope to support the Parish council and organise two litter picks  a year in Knebworth.

We hope to have a stall at the Knebworth festival fun day in June.

We are also considering an open talk from the wildlife trust on trees, possibly identification, possibly ash dieback

We are considering organising an eco fair

We are considering adding more nature supporting greenery to Knebworth.

Some of our members will participate in national and local consultations, other local environmental groups and national campaigns. 

Issue regular updates on the environment.

If you are interested in any of the above, either to attend or help run or have any other environmental initiative you would like to be involved in please contact us via our e-mail or if able, come to our meetings. What we achieve is limited by how many of us there are. We already have a list of 25 things to do, maybe you can make one a reality.