The discussion forum on this website is intended to replace the experimental Philosophy Wiki kindly set up and trialled by Phil Rowlands (who will be administering this forum). We find it easier to maintain one website than two, and hope that members will find it simpler to navigate and use than the Wiki. Much of the material referred to on the Wiki is in fact already stored on this website at and new hand-outs and papers will be added to this folder ad hoc.

The discussion forum has much the same purposes as the Wiki:

  • To provide a forum for website members (join by clicking "Subscribe to Group" at the top of this page)to follow and contribute to discussions; 
  • To alert visitors to information (handouts etc) before and after meetings;
  • To carry on discussions after meetings;
  • To make original contributions at any time and add new pages to start a discussion of your choice;
  • To upload your own essays for discussion.