“Diary of a Nobody”
Wednesday 24 March 2010
18:30 to 21:00
Unfortunately the actor of 'Diary of a Nobody' has laryngitis and cannot perform for the Philosophy Café this evening. However, we have instead playwright Paddy Gormley who will lead a discussion on 'Symbolic Reasoning; the Essence of the Self'. As scheduled Dr Filiz Peach will do her introductory talk on Selfhood. The event is free and open to everyone.
For Think-in-Kingston, Kingston Adult Education presents philosopher Filiz Peach and actor Clive Ward exploring the notion of selfhood through the well-known Edwardian comic novel “Diary of a Nobody”. Another chance to experience this unique combination of philosophy and drama, with plenty of time for discussion. All welcome.
Location |
Ram Jam Club The Grey Horse pub, Richmond Road Kingston KT2 5EE (view map) |