Dr Mark Vernon on "Philosophy and the Art of Living"

Thursday 12 March 2009
18:00 to 19:30

Dr Mark Vernon, philosopher, writer, broadcaster, journalist and editor of new series of books on "The Art of Living" introduces his talk:

"If you had bumped into Socrates or Plato wandering the streets of ancient Athens 2,500 years ago, the founders of Western philosophy would probably have looked more like monks than professors. They tried to think clearly. But thinking, for them, was only the first step to living a better life, and the search for enlightenment. So what might philosophy have to offer us today, as we seek not only to live but to live well? Might it offer an alternative to self-help and religion? What has it say to say about the good life, and how to find it?"

See www.markvernon.com for more information about our speaker.

This event is KPC's contribution to Think-in-Kingston.

Tickets can be booked via the phone number below, or at www.rosetheatrekingston.org
or in person at the Rose Theatre box office.

Contact Rose Theatre Box Office
0871 230 1552
Rose Theatre
Kingston upon Thames
(view map)
Cost £6