
Please contact Allan Howard, Leader of Kings Bromley Historians ( if you would like information about people who have lived in the village in the past or about places in the local area.

Historians' meetings and outings are planned for 2024. Please look in the Historians' Meetings section for further details.

Kings Bromley Parish Boundary Walk Saturday 21 September 2024

The Parish Boundary walk takes place every 10 years and the Historians are organising it for September 2024. For further details, please click on the link below:

Kings Bromley Boundary walk

For an account and photo of the walk in September 2014, please click on the following link:

Parish Boundary walk 2014 notes

Visit to Hoar Cross Church 31 May 2024

Hoar Cross churchHoar Cross organ

For an account and photos of the visit, please see Historians Meetings.

Christmas events: 

Christmas 23 meal 1


Christmas lunch Saturday 16 December at The Foresters, Yoxall

Christmas 23 AB B

Christmas Walk: Friday 29 December, meeting at 11am at the Buttercross, Abbots Bromley.

Next meeting: Friday 26 January in Kings Bromley Village Hall. "Four Bagot ladies"

Visit to Middleton Hall 29 September 2023

Members had a lovely visit to Middleton Hall in September. For more information, please look at Meetings.

Middleton Hall

Visit to Warwick 1 July 2023

Here are some photos of the Historians visit to Guys Cliffe and Hill Close gardens in Warwick. For more information, please look at Meetings.

Visit to Warwick 2

 Visit to Warwick 3

New acquisitions for archive.

Cathy Parrot of Dunston, Stafford, who lived at Lupin Farm, Kings Bromley, from 1954 to 1959, has donated to Kings Bromley Historians archive a tranche of 66 documents relating to the farm stretching back to the mid eighteenth century. The task of cataloguing and transcribing these has begun. We would like to thank Cathy for this generous act.

 For the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Kings Bromley, our Archivist Lynne O'Dea, helped by members Ann Hoar, Helen Price and Alison Howard, put together a display of photos of Kings Bromley over the past 70 years. The display showed building developments and changes in houses, together with photos of roads, floods, Richard Crosse Primary School, celebrations and people, showing many aspects of life in the village. This was appreciated by all who visited the display in the Village Hall.

Jubilee display

 On 20 August 2022, Kings Bromley Historians joined with Kings Bromley Gardening Guild to visit the gardens of Calke Abbey.

Visit to Calke Abbey by Historians

Christmas events planned for Historians included a Christmas lunch at The Royal Oak, Kings Bromley, meeting at 12 noon on Friday 2nd December, and a Christmas walk on Friday 30 December, meeting at The Swan at Fradley Junction at 10.30am. The walk was around the Fradley airfield with many WW2 buildings still in place.

Christmas walk