Wolfshead Camp

Pagan Camp details

Relaxed pagan camp in which members are encouraged to create their own entertainment and educational events. If you have some activity you would like to run, contact Robin Herne so he can coordinate the programme. Open to IPC members and their friends and family. If you are not a friend but would like to come, get in touch. Dog and family-friendly event. 

The 2024 event will be the 7th and 8th September (some people arrive earlier on the 6th) and held at Klabang Camp Site, Station Road, Laxfield, Suffolk - we will be in the bottom field at the very end of the track. Further details can be found on our Facebook event page - https://www.facebook.com/events/385076554445157


Please pay in advance if possible or on arrival (to Tony).

Camping Friday night £15.00 £20.00
Camping Saturday night £25.00 £30.00
Daytime visit (no camping) £10.00 £10.00
Children (under 18) £5.00 £5.00
Payment in advance can either be made at the August IPC moot or directly into the IPC account via BACS. The IPC email address will be used for all communications to do with BACS payment. It is ipswichpagancouncil@hotmail.co.uk. 
To pay via BACS:
1. Send an email to this address requesting the IPC bank details in order to make payment for the Wolfshead camp.
2. You will be emailed back with the bank details.
3. When you make the payment save a screenshot of the payment confirmation page and email this (preferably as an attachment) to the IPC email so I know you have paid.
4. I will email back with confirmation of payment as an attachment.



The programme (subject to revision) is below:


10.00am     Opening ceremony

10.30am     The Fool's Journey (with Leah)

11.30am     Think You Know Wicca? (with Rhys)

12.30pm     Lunch break

1.30pm        Pathworking (with Kev)

2.30pm        The Rabbit God (with Robin)

3.30pm        Qigong (with Hannah)

4.30pm        Break for food and woodland walks

7.00pm        Wolf Spirit ceremony & Light Labyrinth (with Lisa)

8.00pm        Stories and music round the camp fire



10.00am      Croquet Death Match

11.00am      Shamanic workshop (with Craig)

12.30pm      Lunch break

1.30pm         Elen of the Ways (with Lisa)

2.30pm         Closing ceremony (please be off site by 4pm)