Moots 2025

Monthly gatherings

All moot gather at 7.30pm in the upstairs room of the Thomas Wolsey pub (with the exception of the December meeting which takes place at a different venue):


January 8th - "Reiki and Spirituality", with Ben Olley

February 12th - "Fakelore" with David Wright

March 12th - "Pagan Music" with Carys 

April 9th - "Metaphysics of Magic" with Rhys Chibnall

May 14th - "The Medicine Wheel" with Graham Bedford

June 11th - "Pagan Travels p2" with Stella Frangleton

July 9th - "The Watchtowers" with Joe Shearer

August 13th - "Further Greek Mythology" with Robin Herne

September 10th - Book swap & social moot

October 8th - "Magical Life of Austin Osman Spare" with Kev Ellis

November 12th - "Pagan Horror Films p4" with Bev Price

December 13th - "The Wolf, the Warlock, and the Wardrobe" (a play, held at Oddfellows Hall)