• Community Coronavirus Support

Please encourage anyone who needs support to contact the number below.        

We have a page on our website with links to important Covid-19 information www.maldon.gov.uk/coronavirus

  • Social Media

Please follow our social media channels where we post lots of useful information

Maldon District Council Facebook - @maldondc
Twitter - @MaldonDC
Promenade Park Facebook - @MaldonPromPark

  • Citizen Advice Bureau

From 5 October the Front Desk of Maldon Police will reopen, again 10 am to 4 pm. This is  will be a drop-in and appointment based service where customers arrive at Reception and notify arrival by using the intercom at the Reception door

  • Maldon Community Policing Team

Citizens Advice  have been offering an appointment based service 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday 10am – 1 pm). The appointments are for customers who are unable to access essential  services online or by telephone. This enables appropriate risk assessments to be undertaken ahead of any appointments


Maldon District Council Coronavirus Support and Advice:

Club and Society support

Category A-D descriptions

Dengie Fresh Catch information

Essex Youth Services online activities 

Information on who is likely to be calling you during the pandemic can be found by clicking the green link.


Stay at Home, Grow Your Own

To support the wellbeing of Maldon District residents, Maldon District Council and Abberton Rural Training (ART) are working in partnership to bring a new community initiative to encourage residents to ‘Stay At Home, Grow Your Own’.  There are a limited number of free starter kits available to get people growing their own at home, we would like these to go to Key Workers, individuals or families with financial difficulty, and/or individuals with a physical or mental impairment, or a health condition.  To see if you qualify for a free starter kit  visit www.maldon.gov.uk/growyourownpack.


Cemetery Burial Charges Reduced

Maldon District Council has taken the decision to reduce the cost of burials in its cemeteries for District residents, from the current cost of £1583 to £898. It hopes that this reduction will also ease the financial burden on families at this most difficult time.  This is in recognition of the extraordinary times that we are living in and that we are currently unable to deliver funeral services as we would have liked, due to having to comply with government guidelines for social distancing. 


Support Local businesses during COVID-19

Cllr Adrian Fluker, Leader of Maldon District Council, said; “It is important that we are supporting Maldon District businesses through this difficult time.  Maldon District Council and our partners are supporting a number of initiatives designed to ensure businesses are kept informed and safe, and support those working or staying at home.  Together we have developed the initiatives detailed below, and we will be providing more information on these in the coming days through our social media channels @MaldonDC and our website.

The Essex Map is a great resource normally used for community initiatives and with their agreement, we have adapted it to support those businesses staying open.

New COVID19 - Advice for Businesses webpage  maldon.gov.uk/covid19business we have tried to compile the best information out there for businesses.

LinkedIn Group It is more important than ever for businesses to be networked together and this group can help us now and in the future.

Volunteers are vital to the response and we know everyone is keen to offer what assistance they can.

#MissingTools social media campaign will encourage people register with the Essex Map and seek safer ways of working, now and in the recovery.

Food donations – The Maldon Salvation Army are working with The Maldon Food Pantry and Churches Together in Maldon to coordinate food donations to those in need across the Maldon District.


Neighbourhood Coronavirus Support Network (NCSN) can help you if you need support.  Please see leaflet for further information.


Maldon District Council has put together a Community Pack for the Coronavirus pandemic.  
