Summer Picnic

***Risk Assessment.***


July 2024

Tree felling in the park. Several months ago we identified 2 very large trees that had died. These were reported to the council. I’m pleased to let you know that they have now been removed.

Tree Felling

Park Benches We are also delighted that the council agreed to install new benches on Nursery Green. All we need now is some pleasant weather so that they can be enjoyed over the summer!

New Benches


Minutes of the AGM 26th April 2024

Chairman’s Report
The Chair summarised how the Friends Group had been set up and gave
thanks to the Committee Members as well as to Habitats & Heritage for
their support.
The main achievements of the Group were outlined, namely the planting of
bulbs, two successful litter picks and site meetings with Officers from the
Parks Department to discuss the trees, shrubs, provision of benches,
lighting along the paths and regular maintenance of the park.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer explained that the Group had not yet collected any funds, but
donations could be made which would be held by Habitats & Heritage on
our behalf. Habitats & Heritage were thanked for covering the cost of the
room hire for this meeting.

Comments and Ideas from Attendees
Diane raised the issue of the poor workmanship of the contractors
Continental Landscapes. In her opinion they had “ruined” Linear Walk by
poor pruning of the laurel hedge, severe pruning of the hawthorn hedgerow
when it was still in blossom and by mowing over the bluebells. Diane was
impacted as her property backs onto Linear Walk.
• Action point: LC to pass these comments on to the Parks
There was discussion about the availability of funding from Habitats &
Heritage for a range of nature conservation projects, for example projects
to increase biodiversity and the collection of data on species such as birds,
butterflies and trees. There was interest in the possibility of doing a bird
audit as well as a tree audit in the park and the possibility of involving
children in the collection of data.
It was suggested that a Notice Board could be provided at the entrance to
the park to give some historical information about the area, as well as
information about the wildlife and types of trees. It was noted that the
website already gives some historical information about the site before the
housing development.
Lorraine made the suggestion of holding a Summer Picnic in the park, as a
good way of bringing together the local park users. Habitats & Heritage
confirmed that they were able to help with the planning and support the
event, up to a maximum of 50 participants. If it was more than 50
participants, we would need to apply to the Events Team at the Council.
• Action point: the Committee to organise a Summer Picnic in the Park
on the agreed date Saturday 20th July 2024.

Election of Committee Members
LP and MH were welcomed onto the Committee.

Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed the next meeting would be held at 14.00 on Friday 5th July
2024 (2 weeks prior to the Summer Picnic).
LC 27/4/24


Annual General Meeting 2024

7.15 pm

Friday 26th April

All Saints Church Hall, The Avenue, TW12 3RG 

Meet the committee 

Share your ideas 

Find us on Facebook or email us at


Local Authority Parks Survey November 2023

Autumn in Nursery Green

Here is your chance to let the Parks Department know what you think about Nursery Green. Are you happy with the lighting along the paths? Should there be more benches or tables? How are the maintenance teams doing? Are there any other areas of concern? Complete the online survey: 


November 2023

Litter PickerOur revised date for the litter pick is Sunday 12th November at 2pm.
We would be very grateful if we could have your help to get the job done. We have the equipment and bags but you would need to bring your own protective gloves. Refreshments provided!

Bulb planting Saturday 25th November at 2pm
We have some bulbs that were donated to us that we would like to plant around some of the trees and again are asking for your help. The bulbs we planted last year were a great success and many people commented on them. If you would like to help with planting even more for next year please join us. We are asking if you can bring your own tools, gloves etc.

Thank you

The Friends of Nursery Green


3rd November 2023

LITTER PICK POSTPONED due to bad weather forecast for tomorrow. We will be arranging an alternative date and will let you have the details soon.


30th October 2023

The dead trees, Yew hedge, benches and lighting in the park.

inspectionFollowing a successful meet up with Victoria from the Parks Department we are pleased to let you know that action is to be taken regarding the dead trees and the overgrown Yew hedge. We were also pleased that our suggestion that the park needs more benches was taken on board and are hopeful that we may soon see two or three more benches installed.

As for the problem with lighting, the local authority are less willing to improve lighting in the park. Or main concern was the pathway that cuts across the middle of the park on a direct route from the Nurserylands Shopping Centre bus stops leading to the housing estate itself via Standford Close. This is a natural route home for many travelling by bus. The Parks Department want to discourage people using the park after dark.

Is this something that you feel should be addressed? Do you use the path as a means of getting to and from the bus stops? Do you remember if this path was ever lit, some of us remember a light approximately halfway along which was removed at some point. Please let us have your views on the lighting in Nursery Green by emailing us at 



23rd October 2023

At a recent meeting the following was discussed:

  • The yew trees along the path leading towards the gate into Old Farm Road are badly overgrowing the footpath, the roots are starting to break up the tarmac, leading to safety issues after dark. Clipping back is required, or preferably they should be removed.
  • Lighting this needs to be reviewed as it is very dark when walking across the park from the bus stops on The Avenue, past the playground and into Stanford Close. There used to be a lamppost along the path by the playground. Could this be put back? Safety concerns have already been expressed by local residents, but more evidence is required.
  • Dead trees have been identified close to the gate into Old Farm Road and another along the path towards the gate opposite All Saints Church. It is suggested these need to be removed before branches fall.
  • Benches –  we need advice on how to acquire more benches for the park.
  • Bulbs There are two bags of bulbs from last year that can be planted, and more bulbs have been requested from Bulbs for London, which should be received in November.

Dates for your Diary

Saturday 4th November at 10am Litter Pick

Saturday 25th November at 2pm Bulb Planting

Yew Trees    Dead Tree 1     Dead Tree 2


Litter Picking Saturday 5th March 11am.

Rubbish in Nursery Green

We are organising a community litter picking event on Saturday 4th March, and are looking for volunteers to help us keep the park clean and tidy. This is a great opportunity to get outside, meet new people and do something positive for our community.

We will provide litter pickers and rubbish bags, but please bring your own protective gloves. This event is suitable for people of all ages, so bring your family and friends along. Children are welcome but must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. We won't be picking up any glass and the rubbish bags are to be left by designated bins for the local authority to collect.

Please join us in making our park a cleaner and safer place for everyone. There is no need to book but an idea of numbers might be helpful.  If you're interested in participating, please meet us near the Old Farm Road entrance at 11am on 4th March. We hope to see you there!



1st December 2022

Please help us to plant some bulbs!

Please help us to plant some bulbs!

Our chairman Kevin has just received a large parcel from "Bulbs for London" containing several  bags of Narcissus, Hyacinth and Tulip bulbs (also some mystery ones which we could do with help identifying!).

With time against us we are hoping to plant these under some of the trees on the Green next week. 

We are therefore asking for your help in getting them planted. We will meet on the Green next Tuesday 6th December at 10am. Please come along to help if you can, bringing with you any tools you may have to help with the job.

Many thanks for your interest in the group and we look forward to meeting you on Tuesday.

The Friends of Nursery Green.

P.S. The weather forecast for Tuesday shows a very low chance of rain but things can change and if the weather is bad we will take a descision, at 9.30am, to reschedule so please check our facebook page and website for details on the day!


Welcome to the first Newsletter for the Friends of Nursery Green

October 2022

Here are some of the items which were discussed at our last meeting:

Benches – more are needed on the green. Picnic tables were also suggested as a possibility, similar to the ones already in the playground area. 

Maintenance – a request will be put in to the local authority to cut back the evergreens this is needed to avoid gaps that could be unsafe for children and dogs. The local authority sub-contractors have already carried out work to raise the canopy of the trees to give better visibility across the park and have cut back on dead wood. 

Bulbs for London – we have applied for 400 bulbs. When we know when the bulbs are available, an invitation can be sent out to invite people to help plant them, and this will be advertised on Facebook. The siting of the bulbs will need to be discussed with the Parks Officer. 

Shrubs – it was suggested slow growing shrubs could be planted in the top corner of the park. 

Yew hedge – this encroaches onto the path and is dense and dark. It was suggested this could be cut back or taken out completely and replaced with shrubs. 

Lighting – only one path is currently lit. The issue of safety after dark was a concern and it was suggested that lighting could be put in along the side of the playground and across to the entrance of Stanford Close. 

Risk of Fire – following the recent drought and local fires that have occurred on park land, it was suggested that a Fire Safety Policy needs to be put in place. This will be raised this with the Council. 

Circular Path – it was suggested there could be a path along The Avenue side of the park to provide a circular route all the way round Nursery Green. 

Pet Plan – it was suggested that Pet Plan could be approached to sponsor a doggie poo bag dispenser and bin. Permission may be needed from the Council.

Lastly, we would very much welcome new members of the Friends group. If you are interested in helping on a regular or occasional basis please get in touch.


The Friends of Nursery Green.