Dear Wendy Micklewright,
Thank you for your request for information received by the Trust on 17 September 2024 regarding Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act (2000). Please note that a similar request was submitted by you on 14 April 2024, to which we have already provided a response.
You requested the following information:
Please provide Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply patient’s information ECT leaflet
See attached patient ECT information leaflet “patient information leaflet.pdf”
2.Please supply patient ECT consent form
See the attached patient ECT consent form “Patient agreement to ECT – consent form 1.pdf”
3.Please supply any ECT reports/investigations
Please note, ECT reports, and investigations are exempt under section 40(2) (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) as these contain documents contain confidential information regarding patients and staff. revealing this personal information contravenes the principles of confidentiality within the Data Protection Act (2018).
4.How many ECT in 2023?
69 patients had ECT in 2023
5.What proportion of patients were men/women?
Males were 36% of patients and were Females 64% of patients
6.How old were they?
The average age was 54.79 years [between 23 – 82].
7.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
BAME made up 31 [44.9%] of ECT patients
8.How many people covered by the equality act received ECT ?
This information is exempt under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (cost limit) as the Trust estimates that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit. The reason for this exemption is because an audit would be required to extract this information which falls outside the scope of the FOIA.
9.How many people were offered talking therapy prior to ECT ?
This information is note held. The Trust has only started collecting this data in the last year so this data will be available next year. It is now a question on our ECT treatment pack in line with ECTAS standards 2023.
10.How many were receiving ECT for the first time?
Please refer to the answer for question eight
11.How many patients consented to ECT?
35% of patients were Informal and consenting and 65% were Detained.
12.How many ECT complaints were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
13.How many patients died during or 1 month after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
14.How many patients died within 6 months after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
We have not had any mortality review of a death where ECT was mentioned or linked to.
15.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving ECT (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
Please refer to question fourteen
16.How many patients have suffered complications during and after ECT and what were those complications?
Please refer to the answer to question four
17.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?
18.If so, what was their concerns?
19.How many patients report memory loss/loss of cognitive function? Please refer to the answer to question four
20.What tests are used to assess memory loss/loss of cognitive function? Please refer to the answer to question four
21.Have MRI or CT scans been used before and after ECT?
In patients with no cognitive impairment prior to ECT there was no change in MMSE.
In those with pre-existing cognitive impairment there was a decline in MMSE.
For subjective memory complaint 10% felt their memory had worsened 70% remained the same 14% improved.
22.If so, what was the conclusion?
Subjective memory loss CPRS
Objective memory loss MMSE
23.How does the Trust plan to prevent ECT in the future?
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the most efficacious treatment available for individuals with severe affective disorders.
Although electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered the most efficacious treatment available for individuals with severe affective disorders, ECT’s availability is limited and declining, suggesting that information about the population-level effects of ECT is needed. Question 21 confirmed that even in the trust we need to improve information about efficacy, safety and not prevent but increase the offer to this treatment to the Treatment Resistant Depressive and Bipolar patients.
In the short-term treatment of the major depressive episode, the combination of ECT and pharmacotherapy as continuation treatment is more potent than either intervention alone. Unfortunately, ECT has been used in the UK mainly when antidepressants haven’t worked, and the depression is severe.
The rate of use in the UK is a sixth that in the US. Many people who haven’t responded to antidepressants or psychotherapy could benefit from ECT, but do not get it.
Electroconvulsive therapy may be associated with reduced short-term psychiatric inpatient readmissions among psychiatric with severe affective disorders. This potential population health effect may be overlooked regarding the availability of ECT, meaning electroconvulsive therapy may be an effective and cost-effective treatment for treatment-resistant depression and should be considered after failure of 2 or more lines of pharmacotherapy and/or psychotherapy. Offering ECT after 2 failed lines of pharmacotherapy/psychotherapy is most likely to maximise its health-economic value and is concordant with recommendations from some national guidelines and ECT specialists. The increasing use of ECT by offering it earlier in the course of treatment-resistant depression could significantly improve outcomes for this difficult-to-treat patient population.
Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply any Restraints/investigations
Please note, restraint reports, and investigations are exempt under section 40(2) (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) as these contain documents contain confidential information regarding patients and staff. revealing this personal information contravenes the principles of confidentiality within the Data Protection Act (2018).
2.How many RESTRAINTS in 2023?
A total of 2634 restraint incidents were reported in 2023.
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
The provision of the requested information would exceed the appropriate cost limit under Section 12, which is currently £450. This equates to 18 hours of staff time at £25 an hour. This is because the information requested is not easily retrievable as we do not hold this information in a readily accessible format. To locate and retrieve this information would require a manual search of all individual records. Under the FOIA, an authority is allowed to refuse a request where to comply with the request would exceed the appropriate cost limit.
4.How old were they?
Please refer to the answer for question three
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Please refer to the answer for question three
6.How many people covered by the equality act were restrained?
This information is exempt under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (cost limit) as the Trust estimates that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit. The reason for this exemption is because an audit would be required to extract this information which falls outside the scope of the FOIA.
7.How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG? N/A
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one
9.How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?
Please refer to the answer for question one
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?
13.If so, what was their concerns?
Please see the below table showing the top categories of concerns.
Patient being restrained or restricted
Concerns of patient's observations
Alleged assault
Other (not listed)
14.Are counts of forced injections available?
Please refer to the answer for question one
15.How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future?
The Trust has a multidisciplinary working group, including lived experience representatives, which focuses on safety, including use of restraint and seclusion, in the Trust. The group employs a quality improvement methodology and other change methodologies to test, evaluate and then scale and spread improvement initiatives.
Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: 1.Please supply any SECLUSION reports/investigations
Please note, seclusion reports and investigations are exempt under section 40(2) (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) as these contain documents contain confidential information regarding patients and staff. revealing this personal information contravenes the principles of confidentiality within the Data Protection Act (2018).
2.How many SECLUSIONS in 2023?
A total of 281 seclusions were reported in 2023.
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
The provision of the requested information would exceed the appropriate cost limit under Section 12, which is currently £450. This equates to 18 hours of staff time at £25 an hour.
This is because the information requested is not easily retrievable as we do not hold this information in a readily accessible format. To locate and retrieve this information would require a manual search of all individual records. Under the FOIA, an authority is allowed to refuse a request where to comply with the request would exceed the appropriate cost limit
4.How old were they?
Please see the answer to question three.
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Please see the answer to question three.
6.How many people covered by the Equality Act were secluded ?
This information is exempt under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (cost limit) as the Trust estimates that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit. The reason for this exemption is because an audit would be required to extract this information which falls outside the scope of the FOIA.
7.How many SECLUSIONS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG? N/A
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one.
9.How many patients died within 6 months after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one.
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SECLUSION (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
Please refer to the answer for question one.
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SECLUSION and what were those complications?
Please refer to the answer for question one.
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?
Please note where there are low numbers in answer to the request, this is indicated as <5 (less than five). This information is exempted for disclosure under Section 40 (2) of the FOIA as disclosure of the information may increase the likelihood of identifying an individual which would contravene the principles of confidentiality within the Data Protection Act (2018).
13.If so, what was their concerns?
The top concern in this category was issues with medication
14.How does the Trust plan to reduce SECLUSIONS in the future?
The Trust has established a patient safety improvement programme which has in its first 1218 months focused on reducing violence and restrictive practice in patient services. The programme provides an organisational structure and support and expertise. Directorate safety leads are responsible for developing improvement plans and testing change ideas in 3 monthly cycles before learning is shared across the Trust at a shared learning collaborative event.
The Trust seclusion policy is also focused on prevention of seclusion. There is a separate work stream looking at implementation of the policy. This is in the diagnostic phases and requires data work before it can progress.
Medication Errors
Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply any MEDICATION ERRORS reports/investigations
Please note, medication error reports and investigations are exempt under section 40(2) (personal information) of the Freedom of Information Act (2000) as these contain documents contain confidential information regarding patients and staff. Revealing this personal information contravenes the principles of confidentiality within the Data Protection Act (2018).
2.How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2023?
There were 1648 medication errors reported in 2023.
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
The provision of the requested information would exceed the appropriate cost limit under Section 12, which is currently £450. This equates to 18 hours of staff time at £25 an hour. This is because the information requested is not easily retrievable as we do not hold this information in a readily accessible format. To locate and retrieve this information would require a manual search of all individual records. Under the FOIA, an authority is allowed to refuse a request where to comply with the request would exceed the appropriate cost limit.
4.How old were they?
Please refer to question three
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Please refer to question three
6.How many people covered by the equality act endured medication errors?
This information is exempt under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (cost limit) as the Trust estimates that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate limit. The reason for this exemption is because an audit would be required to extract this information which falls outside the scope of the FOIA
7.How many MEDICATION ERRORS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG? N/A
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)? Please refer to question three
9.How many patients died within 6 months after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)? Please refer to question three
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving MEDICATION ERRORS (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
Please refer to question three
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after MEDICATION ERRORS and what were those complications?
Please refer to question three
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?
39 complaints were received
13.If so, what was their concerns?
The top issues in this category were prescribing errors and Problems with medication
14.How does the Trust plan to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS in the future?
The Trust encourages reporting. We examine themes of errors and devise Quality
Improvement Projects (QIPs) where necessary. In addition, the overall aim or purpose of the Medicines Safety Committee is to ensure the safe use of medicines in the Trust Key objectives:
▪ To review the medication section of the trust incident reporting policy
▪ To agree a process for improving the rate and quality of medication incident reporting in the trust
▪ To agree a system for follow-up of medication incidents
▪ To agree a system for disseminating learning points from commonly reported and serious medication incidents
▪ To recommend changes to medicines procedures where necessary
▪ To develop medicines procedures where necessary
▪ To inform the trust and other relevant stakeholders of risks identified from medication errors.
▪ To recommend ways of reducing the likelihood of serious errors recurring and developing ways of minimising risk from medication errors.
▪ To provide a summary of incidents in the annual medicines report to the trust board. This will include assurance to the trust board that medicines incidents are appropriately reported and that follow-up includes learning and a change in practice where necessary.
▪ To review the medication risks on the trust assurance log (risk register).
▪To liaise with KHP partners when necessary in order to standardise practice and share learning across the trusts and CCGs.
▪ To advise on any changes in the medicines policy following complaints about medicines from patients and carers. The committee meets four times a year
If you have any further queries relating to this request, please contact us at: .
Kind Regards,
Clement Olusoji
Information Governance Administrator
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Information Governance Office | Maudsley Hospital | Denmark Hill | London | SE5 8AZ
Our values are: Kindness | Respect | Together.