Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust 2023



Hi Wendy

Thank you for your request concerning ECT, Restraints, Seclusions.

Your request has been considered and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.

Please provide Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) information under the FOI act to the following questions: -

4 How many ECT in 2023?

In 2023 we administered 396 ECT treatments.

17. Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?

In 2023 there were no formal complaints mentioning ECT.

18. If so, what was their concerns?

Not applicable.

Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: -

25 How many RESTRAINTS in 2023?

In 2023 there were 2,884 restraints reported.

35. Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?

In 2023 there were 4 complaints that mentioned restraints.

36. If so, what was their concerns?

We have applied Exemption Section 40(2) to this question1.

1 Section 40(2) - Personal Data has been applied. This is because by releasing this information could identify individual(s) and constitute a breach of the Data Protection Act (2018).

This is because entries of 5 or less are considered sufficiently small enough to be potentially identifiable data. On this basis, this information is exempt from the duty to publish.

Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: -

40. How many SECLUSIONS in 2023?

In 2023 there were 406 seclusions reported.

50. Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?

In 2023 there were 3 complaints that mentioned seclusions.

51. If so, what was their concerns?

Please refer to the explanation given under question 36. Again if we disclosed the nature of the complaints, this could be potentially identifiable information.

Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions:

54. How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2023?


64. Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?

In 2023 there were 3 complaints that mention medication errors.

Sue Smith

Information Rights Officer

Information Rights & Compliance Team


Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust

Mental Health and Specialist Learning Disability Services

99 Waverley Road | St. Albans | Hertfordshire | AL3 5TL

Mob: 07773664238

Secure NHS Mail:  sue.smith112@nhs.net
