Dear Wendy
Please find the responses to your FOI request below, as you requested.
Please provide Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply patient’s information ECT leaflet
Please see attached
2.Please supply patient ECT consent form
Please see attached
3.Please supply any ECT reports/investigations
N/A, 0 investigations
4.How many ECT in 2023?
5.What proportion of patients were men/women?
Gender % of Distinct Patients
Female 67.35%
Male 30.61%
Not Specified 2.04%
Grand Total 100.00%
6.How old were they?
Age Groups Count of Distinct Patients
20-29 7
30-39 7
40-49 6
50-59 10
60-69 5
70-79 10
80-90 4
Grand Total 49
7.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Ethnicity % of Distinct Patients
Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background 6.12%
Asian or Asian British - Indian 4.08%
Black or Black British - African 4.08%
Black or Black British - Any other Black background 2.04%
Mixed - Any other mixed background 4.08%
Mixed - White and Black African 2.04%
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 2.04%
Not stated 24.49%
White - Any other White background 8.16%
White - British 42.86%
Grand Total 100.00%
8.How many people covered by the equality act received ECT?
Information not collated
9.How many people were offered talking therapy prior to ECT?
Information not collated
10.How many were receiving ECT for the first time?
11.How many patients consented to ECT?
Information not collated
12.How many ECT complaints were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
We only deal with matters reported to CNWL. We don't hold any information outside CNWL
13.How many patients died during or 1 month after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
14.How many patients died within 6 months after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)? - Zero
15.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving ECT (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)? - Zero
16.How many patients have suffered complications during and after ECT and what were those complications? - Zero
17.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?
None recorded
18.If so, what was their concerns?
None Recorded
19.How many patients report memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
Information not collated
20.What tests are used to assess memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
NICE /NHS approved tests
21.Have MRI or CT scans been used before and after ECT?
22.If so, what was the conclusion?
Information not Collated
23.How does the Trust plan to prevent ECT in the future?
Information not recorded
Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply any Restraints/investigations
All incidents involving restraints are investigated, due to the number of these we would not be able to supply these as it would take in excess of 18 hours.
2.How many RESTRAINTS in 2023?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
40% female, 60% male
4.How old were they?
Age by band
19 - 25 21%
26 - 35 29%
36 - 45 19%
46 - 55 12%
56 - 65 7%
Over 65 5%
Under 18 7%
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background 5%
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 1%
Asian or Asian British - Indian 3%
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 2%
Black or Black British - African 14%
Black or Black British - Any other Black background 14%
Black or Black British - Caribbean 8%
Mixed - Any other mixed background 9%
Mixed - White and Asian 1%
Mixed - White and Black African 1%
Mixed - White and Black Caribbean 1%
Not known 0.4%
Not stated 5%
Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group 12%
Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese 1%
White - Any other White background 7%
White - British 7%
White - Irish 1%
6.How many people covered by the equality act were restrained?
This is not collected and would take in excess of 18 hours to examine the patient records.
7.How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
During 2023 all restraints of patients within a CNWL service were reviewed and investigated internally.
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
There were no deaths recorded during 2023 where restraint was considered the cause. In order to review potential cases where someone has passed away and where a restraint had been used one month prior to their death, we would need to generate a specific report and undertake a review of the clinical records. This would take in excess of 18 hours.
9.How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
We do not have this information accessible and to source this would take in excess of 18 hours.
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
We do not have this information accessible and to source this would take in excess of 18 hours.
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?
It is unclear what the requestor means by complications and therefore unable to answer this question.
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?
complaints team
13.If so, what was their concerns?
complaints team
14.Are counts of forced injections available?
Systems are in place to monitor the use of rapid tranquillisation.
15.How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future? -
Reducing Restrictive Practices Strategy attached.
Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply any SECLUSION reports/investigations
All incidents involving seclusion are investigated, and due to the number of these we would not be able to supply these as it would take in excess of 18 hours.
2.How many SECLUSIONS in 2023?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
35% female, 65% male
4.How old were they?
19 - 25 27%
26 - 35 35%
36 - 45 18%
46 - 55 10%
56 - 65 3%
Under 18 7%
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities (“POC / BAME”)?
Asian or Asian British – Any other Asian background 4%
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi 1%
Asian or Asian British – Indian 3%
Asian or Asian British – Pakistani 1%
Black or Black British – African 14%
Black or Black British – Any other Black background 9%
Black or Black British – Caribbean 10%
Mixed – Any other mixed background 10%
Mixed – White and Asian 2%
Mixed – White and Black African 2%
Mixed – White and Black Caribbean 2%
Not known 0.5%
Not stated 3%
Other Ethnic Groups – Any other ethnic group 11%
Other Ethnic Groups – Chinese 0.3%
White – Any other White background 7%
White – British 17%
White – Irish 1%
6.How many people covered by the Equality Act were secluded ?
This is not collected and would take in excess of 18 hours to examine the patient records.
7.How many SECLUSIONS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
During 2023 all incidents involving patients being secluded within a CNWL service were reviewed and investigated internally.
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
There were no deaths recorded during 2023 where seclusion was considered the cause. In order to review potential cases where someone has passed away and where seclusion had occurred one month prior to their death, we would need to generate a specific report and undertake a review of the clinical records. This would take in excess of 18 hours.
9.How many patients died within 6 months after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
We do not have this information accessible and to source this would take in excess of 18 hours.
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SECLUSION (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
We do not have this information accessible and to source this would take in excess of 18 hours.
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SECLUSION and what were those complications?
It is unclear what the requestor means by complications and therefore unable to answer this question.
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?
Complaints team
13.If so, what was their concerns?
Complaints team
14.How does the Trust plan to reduce SECLUSIONS in the future?
The Reducing Restrictive Practices Strategy includes seclusion and is attached.
Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions: -
1.Please supply any MEDICATION ERRORS reports/investigations
Not appropriate to share Datix medication incident reports – contains too much detailed investigation information.
2.How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2023?
In total there were 1,966 incidents reported on Datix in 2023 under category ‘Medication’. However approximately half of these were not CNWL staff errors – they related to errors our staff identified from other Acute Trusts, GPs, community pharmacies, care agencies, prison staff or patient/ relatives themselves
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
We don’t collect this information specifically, unable to respond
4.How old were they?
Unable to respond within the time constraint for 1,966 incidents
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities ("POC / BAME")?
Unable to respond within the time constraint for 1,966 incidents
6.How many people covered by the equality act endured medication errors ?
Unable to respond within the time constraint for 1,966 incidents
7.How many MEDICATION ERRORS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
All incidents which are reported by CNWL staff are investigated within the organisation.
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
0 incidents where death is recorded as a direct result of a medication error are recorded.
9.How many patients died within 6 months after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
We do not hold this information.
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving MEDICATION ERRORS (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
We do not hold this information.
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after MEDICATION ERRORS and what were those complications?
We do not hold this information.
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?
There were 3 complaints relating to medication errors between 1 January to 31 December 2023
13.If so, what was their concerns?
i) Patient administered wrong dose of medication (not upheld); ii) Prescription not completed correctly (partially upheld); iii) Details not shared with GP so old dosage being used (not upheld)
14.How does the Trust plan to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS in the future?
We regularly share learning from medication incidents across the Trust e.g in bulletins, webinars, Clinical Message of the Week. (We can share an example with the enquirer if wanted)
Kind regards
Information Governance Officer
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
The Gordon Hospital
Bloomburg Street, London, SW1V 2RH
Phone: 020 3214 5938
Please send all IG/data protection enquiries to
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) has almost 7,000 staff providing integrated healthcare to a third of London’s population, Milton Keynes and areas beyond.
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