Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of Liston Gardens, Liston  

Please click on the following link to find details of the intended closure of Liston Gardens,

due to commence on 7th December 2024 for 2 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while Anglian Water undertakes reinstatement.




GARDEN WASTE RENEWALS 2025/26 information




Throughout my service I have seen a lot of changes which is expected in a large organisation such as ours.  However  with the formation of the Community Policing Team (CPT) in 2015 it saw a reduction in the number of community officers and the withdrawal of ‘beat officers’ from local areas. My concern has always been that local residents do not know who their local officers are and the Community Policing Team had become in some cases a faceless entity.

Since taking over in February, my priorities have been to change  how we interact with our public, increasing community engagement, increasing the number of officers on the Community Policing Team (an ongoing battle). The Braintree District is huge a total of 236.18 square miles and with an approximate population of 147,084 which is increasing.

The numbers of officers on CPT are small, however I also have some of the best officers available, who want to give the best service possible to our residents. In order to achieve this the officers and PCSO’s have been allocated areas of responsibility. Why has this been introduced? To bring about a culture of ownership, pride, identifying & understanding local issues early, signposting to the correct agency and having better engagement with our residents.

The areas involved have been separated into three main location based on the three main towns, Halstead, Braintree & Witham.

The reason for this email is to share with you the details of your local Community officers who will have responsibility of the Halstead area:

PC       3655    Craig Wheeler             email address

PC       2613    Andy Pilgrim                email address

PC       2457    Paul Norman               email address

PCSO 70714  John Thorne                email address

PCSO 70955 Joanne Cooper             email address

These officers will be making contact over the next few weeks with the parish and town councils to introduce themselves and will be the initial point of contact for any community concerns.

The Community Policing Team does have its own email address which is monitored daily Please feel free to contact myself or any of the team if you have any questions or concerns. 

Please remember to call 999 in any emergency or 101 for non-urgent enquiries.

Tel (101) Ext 400011
