
Annual Exhibition 2023/2024 Results

Our second Annual Exhibition competition was judged by Roger Poyser (first section) and Mike Barnard (second section).  Fifteen members took part and the three winners of the competition, by total score, were announced at the club AGM on 23rd May. First place went to Marion Hayhurst, second to Barbara Hilton and third to Glynnis Frith, photos of the winners below receiving their certificates from club Chair, Martin Stubbs.

Ann Exh 23/24 Marion

Ann Exh 23/24 Barbara

Ann Exh 23/24 Glynnis

We also held a Newcomers' Exhibition competition, judged by Mike, for those club members who joined after the closing date for the first section and the winner was Stephen Gosling, here receiving his certificate from Martin.

ANN Exh 23/24 New Stephen

May 2024