On Sunday 3rd December at 10.45am a tree planting ceremony celebrates the start of initial works on site at our Nature Reserve project. Join us from 10.45 to 11.15am and be part of this special day to mark the beginnings of what is to grow into a wonderful place for the community and nature to share for generations to come.
Kindly donated through a scheme supported by All Souls Church and being planted during National Tree Week, we will be planting Common Hawthorn, Whitebeam and Strawberry (Arbutus) trees. These have been chosen to be bee and bird friendly, providing both flowers and berries. They are all native British species and will contribute greatly to the appearance and enhanced habitats of the new Reserve. We will also be adding heritage fruit trees at a later date to reflect the site’s historical origins as part of a market garden and orchard. This will all be part of an extensive planting and landscaping scheme.
All are welcome to attend and take the opportunity to find out more about the project and how to be part of it. We look forward to seeing you on the day.